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My tips for making these cookies are fairly simple
2019/06/14 15:19:04瀏覽5|回應0|推薦0
The different chilling times basically present a scale of crispiness and chewiness with some flavor differences, too. The 24-hour cookies were crispier, whereas the 72-hour cookies were softer and chewier. The 48-hour cookies were in the middle of the scale, with soft cookies that had a crispy outside.

We thought the 48- and 72-hour cookies had the best flavor. That chilling time allows the flavors to meld together and become magical. The dry ingredients absorb some of the moisture from the wet ingredients, giving you a firm dough. Honestly, I’d be happy with the cookies from either of those chilling times, which allows me some leeway in when I bake the dough if I’ve got some in the refrigerator. That’s not to say the 24-hour cookies weren’t really, really good. Honestly, you can’t go wrong trademark hk!

My tips for making these cookies are fairly simple. If you have a scale, this is definitely the time to use it to measure your ingredients. (And if you don’t, you can get one pretty inexpensively. I have this scale and it serves me well.) You’ll get a better result with accurate measurements, and it simplifies the whole process. I also highly recommend that you use a scale to portion the cookie dough. Again, it’s easier and you’ll get more evenly baked cookies if they’re all the same size. Use a #14 or #16 scoop (about 1/4 cup) to get in the ballpark and then adjust from there as needed hk serviced apartment.

For the chocolate in these cookies, the recipe recommends chocolate discs. I usually have those in my pantry for when I need to melt chocolate. Those chocolate disks will melt as the cookies bake, spreading throughout the cookies into magical chocolate puddles. There are several brands available, with Guittard probably being the most available. I used Jacques Torres chocolate for the full experience, but any good brand will do. You won’t get the same result from standard chocolate chips, so try to get chocolate discs if you can. Otherwise, I’d go with roughly chopped chocolate over chocolate chips projector rental hong kong.

Jacques Torres Chocolate Chip Cookies, homemade and from Jacques Torres shop

I got a few of the original Jacques Torres Chocolate Chip Cookies from his shop to compare. You can see the store-bought kind alongside my version in the photo above. Honestly, the ones I baked were better, but that can be chalked up to freshness and small-batch baking. I’ll still gladly enjoy one from his shop whenever I have the opportunity.

This has been quite a lengthy discussion about a cookie, but there’s plenty going on here to warrant it. While there’s some fussiness in making them, it all comes down to the cookies. And they are beyond amazing. The texture, the flavor, just the whole package is just fantastic. While I’d likely pick a simpler recipe when I’ve got a chocolate chip cookie craving, I highly recommend baking a batch of Jacques Torres Chocolate Chip Cookies when you want an all-out chocolate chip cookie experience.
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