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Gateau Breton
2019/05/13 14:41:03瀏覽7|回應0|推薦0
Baci di Nocciole e Cioccolato al Latte (Hazelnut & Milk Chocolate Kisses)

Hazelnuts and milk chocolate are a match made in heaven, as these luxurious treats amply illustrate. Pairs of friable and wonderfully fragrant hazelnut cookies sandwich a plush ganache made with Amedei 35% milk chocolate – they’re so more-ish your lucky recipients will be queuing up to kiss you pest control service!

Gateau Breton

In Brittany, local salted butter is used for absolutely everything including patisserie. Just savvy shopping for the best salted butter you can find – the resulting flavour depends on it and is well worth the extra expense and effort – is all that’s required for making the hands-down, will-make-you-weep, most butter-rich, splendidly short, shortbread HKUE DSE.  

Kouign Amann

The literal meaning of the name in Breton is “butter cake” (kouign is “cake” and amann is “butter”). When made properly, the kouign amann’s seemingly simple and humble appearance belies sensational flavour and texture. Deeply caramelized and buttery, crisp without and tenderly flaky within, it is utterly addictive business address in hong kong

Pain d’épices (Alsace style)

There are as many styles and recipes for pain d’épices, a traditional honey and spice bread, as there are cooks. This particular style – a cross between a cookie and a bread in texture – is also known as leckerli, and hails from the Alsace region.
( 休閒生活旅人手札 )
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