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2011/07/31 14:48:42瀏覽585|回應0|推薦2 | |
今年三月日本歷經強震、海嘯劫難,之後又爆發福島核電廠輻射外洩危機。雖持有四檔日股,惟絕不會因311東日本大地震所引發的一連串事故而賣出。 我曾經到東京唸書過,但我不是那麼喜歡。 I studied in Tokyo before, but didn't like it there much. 東京人和善又有禮貌,但那得是他們知道你是誰或者透過朋友認識你。大體上我還是喜歡那裡,因為東京和台北很像。 Japanese people in Tokyo are friendly and polite, but only when they know you or meet you through a friend. In general, I still like there, because it's very much like Taipei. 我在那裡生活一切都沒有問題。因我是在那裡讀書的留學生,也許我也憎恨那個國家。 Ihave no problem living there. Because I lived there as a foreign student, maybe I would hate that country. 台灣人親切又有禮貌多了。 People are more friendly and polite here in Taiwan. 日本人沒有台灣人那麼友善。 Japanese people are not as friendly as Taiwanese people. 【阿提拉觀點】 參照:有沒有人移居日本的甘苦談http://www.pcdvd.com.tw/showthread.php?t=867563&page=1&pp=10 |
( 在地生活|亞洲 ) |