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"Soul Code" Science Fiction Film Script
2023/04/30 14:50:49瀏覽173|回應0|推薦0

"Soul Code" Science Fiction Film Script

(This screenplay is currently being written.)

"Soul Code" depicts the story of a female college student, Chen Zhiying, who undergoes a car accident and exchanges souls with the CEO of "BioTech Company," Chen Bixian. She is suddenly embroiled in a fierce battle between the company, the "Science and Technology Company," and the "Salvation Army" gang, and discovers that Chens wife (Lin Meina) has a major conspiracy to steal the company. With the secret help of Chen Zhengsheng from the Science and Technology Company and the cooperation of Chen Bixiong, the leader of the gang, Zhiying defeats Chens wife, regains control of the BioTech Company, and finally gets her body back. At this point, Chen Bixiong expresses his love for Zhiying.

Chen Zhiying, a female music student in college, has an out-of-body experience after a caraccident and swaps bodies with the cars owner, Chen Bixian. When she/he wakes up,she/he realizes that Chens wife (Lin Meina) and company executives surrounding her/himall think she/he is Chen Bixian. Chen Bixian (Chen Zhiying) helps her biological father,Guan Zhengtai, and confronts Lin Meina face to face for fair compensation for the caraccident. After being discharged from the hospital, Chen Bixian decides to visit her/hisfather Guan Zhengtai in her/his hometown as the first thing. During her/his hospitalization,her/his girlfriend Zhao Yawen and her sister Chen Wenqian carefully assist Chen Bixian in recovering her/his memory as soon as possible by finding photo albums and video CDs.

After being discharged from the hospital, Chen Bi Xian specifically returned to his hometown to visit his father, Guan Zheng Tai. However, he didnt dare to reveal himself as his daughter, Zhi Ying, and only looked through photo albums, reminiscing about his university classmates and friends. He then asked Guan Zheng Tai to take him to the hospital to visit Zhi Ying in the ward. When they arrived at the ward, Chen Bi Xian saw Zhi Ying lying in the bed, emaciated and lifeless, with empty eyes. Guan Zheng Tai said that Zhi Ying had been declared a vegetative state by the doctors and they could only hope for a miracle. Chen Bi Xian promised to do his best to take care of them.

Zhi Ying returned to the company as Chen Bi Xian and had to play the role of the CEO, thankfully her secretary, Guo Xiao Qi, put aside their previous grudges and patiently assisted her in reading various company documents and handling business. The company executives clearly felt the change in the post-injury Chen Bi Xian and changed their management approach accordingly. Not only did they adopt a more humane management style, but they also became more calm and accommodating. At first, the department heads only believed that Chen Bi Xian had lost his memory due to the injury. Although Chens wife also felt the change in Chen Bi Xian, she held a positive and affirmative position towards the change.

2)Scene: Inside ambulance and on the road

Characters: Chen Bixian, Kuan Chi-ying, two paramedics

The ambulance arrives and the injured are put on stretchers and taken into the ambulance. Paramedic A uses a defibrillator to save Kuan Chi-yings life, while another paramedic puts an oxygen mask on Chen Bixian. The two paramedics exchange a glance, and Paramedic A sadly removes the defibrillator pads from Kuan Chi-yings body.

Paramedic A: "This girls vital signs are weak, the situation is not optimistic!"

Paramedic B: "We need to act quickly and buy more time!"

The two paramedics quickly prepare their equipment. The camera zooms in on Chen Bixians chest, where there is a sudden strong fluctuation followed by a steady breath. The camera then shifts to the road, where the ambulance speeds away, its siren gradually fading.

3)Scene: Outside and inside hospital emergency room

Characters: Chen Bixian, Kuan Chi-ying, medical personnel, two paramedics

An ambulance with its siren blaring arrives at the hospital emergency room entrance. The paramedics exit the vehicle.

Paramedic A: "We have two patients!"

Hospital medical staff bring in two stretchers.

Paramedic A: "This girls breathing and heartbeat are very weak."

Nurse: "Take them to the emergency room first!"

Inside the emergency room, medical personnel are trying to save Kuan Chi-yings life.

Doctor: (examining pupils, heartbeat, and pulse) "The patient is currently in a deep coma."

Nurse: "Can she be saved?"

Doctor: (shaking head) "Well do our best. First, take a few X-rays to determine if there is any internal bleeding or organ damage. After that, notify the relevant departments attending physician for further treatment."

( 休閒生活影視戲劇 )
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