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Title: "Singleton Apartment" - A Film Script About Ordinary People in a Great Er
2023/03/28 16:21:23瀏覽87|回應0|推薦0

Title: "Singleton Apartment"

- A Film Script About Ordinary People in a Great Era

Shooting Authorization Fee: 1,000,000 NTD

1 Concept

This drama differs from popular "youth idol" TV dramas, as its characters are all ordinary people living in the metropolis, without any connection to upper-class society. However, they are optimistic and proactive, facing each new day with a positive attitude towards life.

Set in the backdrop of the metropolis, this drama tells the story of a group of young men and women who do not wallow in self-pity or unrealistic fantasies due to their humble backgrounds. They work hard, learn from their setbacks, and accumulate the strength to rise again. They are as close as siblings and face various difficulties and challenges together. This is a film with flesh and blood, where laughter and tears are intertwined, revealing a positive and healthy life philosophy that "those who sow in tears shall reap with shouts of joy".

We look forward to the investment of visionary entrepreneurs and cooperation with large-scale film and television companies to enter the Chinese-speaking world of China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, and other regions.

2 Story Summary:

Ji Baozhu is a successful career woman whose father, Ji Laoshi, is a flower farmer. A few years ago, he loaned her a townhouse located in the city, stipulating that she must marry before she turns 40, or the townhouse will be taken back. Ji Baozhu rents out the townhouse to single men and women at only half the local market rent, and it is known as "Single House Society". The tenants come from various professions, including a real estate agent (Sun Qing), a day laborer (Liu Dingtian), an event model for an advertising company (Zhu Erdong), a small-scale scriptwriter for a TV station (Lin Wanhua), a street artist (Valis Yukun), a cosmetic counter saleswoman (Zhang Ningjing), a McDonalds hourly employee (Zhao Guanghua), and a movie production assistant and stand-in actor (Qiu Chen). Ji Baozhu is warm-hearted and treats the tenants like siblings, solving various problems for them, and is affectionately called "Sister Bao" by everyone.

With Ji Baozhus encouragement and assistance, the tenants develop their careers: Qiu Chen and Lin Wanhua set up a film studio to make movies; Liu Dingtian and Zhu Erdong set up a sports equipment company; and Zhao Guanghua successfully goes to Paris to study. Romance also blossoms, resulting in three pairs of couples: Lin Wanhua and Valis Yukun, Qiu Chen and Sun Qing, and Zhao Guanghua and Zhang Ningjing. Kind-hearted Sister Bao also catches the eye of the boss of a movie company and finds a good match for herself.

3 Plot Summary:

All the tenants of "Single Mens Society" prepare a birthday cake for their housemate, Ji Baozhu, on April Fools Day. Just as they are singing "Happy Birthday" to her, Jis father, Ji Laoshi, appears with a bunch of irises and reminds her that she has only two years left to fulfill their agreement to find a partner and get married. He then mysteriously leaves. When the other tenants ask Ji about the agreement, she reveals that she must find a partner and get married before the deadline or the house will be taken away. The tenants do not want to lose their home, so they come up with the idea of taking turns accompanying Ji to matchmaking events and singles parties.

During the first matchmaking event, Lin Wanhua accompanies Ji, and they meet a successful middle-aged man who takes an interest in Wanhua instead of Ji, much to her amusement. During the second event, Walis Yougan accompanies Ji, and they meet a widower who is not interested in Ji but wants to introduce his daughter to Yougan, much to his surprise. Despite attending two events, Ji still has not found a match, and the men seem to have overlooked her "inner beauty." Despite feeling disheartened, Ji remains optimistic and comforts her enthusiastic housemates who have been helping her with the matchmaking.

Big guy Liu Dingtian, one day after helping a customer move with a moving company and receiving his pay, was planning to treat himself to a good meal when he passed by an alley where a fashionable lady was chasing and hitting a well-mannered young man. The young man ran away while the lady collided with Liu Dingtian. The furious lady relentlessly punched Lius sturdy chest several times. After calming down, she offered to pay him to let her vent her anger by having him hit her. Seeing an opportunity to make money, Liu agreed. As expected, after the lady vented her anger, she paid him. On his way back, Liu felt lucky and planned to make money by providing a "venting" service.

Liu shared this idea with his comrades in the public commune, but only Zhu Erdong supported him. They founded an "online venting company," and Zhao Guanghua helped them set up a website. Thanks to their good reputation, they gradually gained recognition and attracted many customers. The two foolish buddies were beaten up by customers every day but were willing to endure it since they were counting the money in their hands. However, Bao Jie felt sorry for them and gave them a massage and medication after work every day. She advised them to transform the company and not to make money by such means.

Qiu Chen had just returned from studying abroad in the United States. His father, Qiu Dazhan, wanted him to take over the familys small hotel business, but Qiu Chen had other plans. He insisted on going to the metropolis to find a job where he could utilize his education. Father and son had a severe argument, and Qiu Chen left a note before running away from home. With only a few dollars left, he wandered in the park, worrying about where he would spend the night. Wallace Egan, who drew portraits in the park, noticed Qiu Chens lonely figure and struck up a conversation. After learning about Qiu Chens situation, he invited him for a noodle dinner and took him to the "Bachelors Commune," where he introduced him to Bao Jie. Bao Jie, who had a warm heart, learned about Qiu Chens situation from Egan and arranged for him to stay without charging any rent.

Yiu-kan set up a stall in the park to draw portraits, while Wan-hua was on her way to the TV station. Po-je asked Wan-hua to bring lunch to Yiu-kan on her way through the park. Wan-hua asked Po-je why she needed to bring lunch to Yiu-kan since he could earn money himself. Po-je explained that Yiu-kan lived frugally and sent most of his earnings from the stall back to his tribe each month, providing books, stationery, drawing paper, and art supplies for the children in the tribe to use. Wan-hua was amazed by Yiu-kans selflessness and wondered if there were really such kind-hearted guys in the world.

Wan-hua brought sushi lunch made by Po-je to the park and gave it to Yiu-kan. They talked and got to know each other better. Yiu-kan mentioned Qiu-chen and asked Wan-hua if she could help him find a job at a movie company or TV station. Wan-hua remembered that a movie company called "Huaxia Film Company" was currently recruiting, and coincidentally, her college clubmate Tony was working there as a lighting technician. She called Tony and found out that the company was still hiring production assistants and extras. Wan-hua gave the address and phone number to Qiu-chen, asking him to go to Tony.

When Qiu-chen arrived at the movie company, Tony introduced him to the director, Pei Ling. After reviewing Qiu-chens resume, Pei Ling intentionally tested him by saying, "A monk who has drunk foreign ink is not necessarily able to recite the scriptures." Pei Ling only agreed to let Qiu-chen start as a production assistant and also do stunt work and acting, without even giving him a chance to work as a script supervisor. Although Qiu-chen felt humiliated, he still accepted the job since he desperately needed it. On the first day of work, Qiu-chen was busy running around the set, getting dirty and dusty, and only had two bread rolls and mineral water for lunch.

After work, Qiu Chen passed by the park and was stopped by You Gan. You Gan asked about his work situation, and Qiu Chen briefly explained it to him. You Gan encouraged him, and Qiu Chen laughed bitterly, saying that he was mentally prepared to endure hardships. When he returned to the community, everyone saw him covered in dirt and grime. Bao Jie asked him with concern, and Qiu Chen truthfully recounted how he was treated like a menial laborer by the other party. Wen Hua frowned upon hearing this, Liu Da Ge was furious, and Sun Qing handed him a wet towel to wipe himself. Qiu Chen was open-minded and told everyone not to worry about him.

Zhang Ningjing worked as a counter girl in the cosmetics department of a department store. With her delicate features and model-like figure, she became the center of attention, making her female colleagues jealous and envious and attracting admirers among her male colleagues. However, they were all hindered by the influence of the lecherous general manager Xu Tianzhu, and dared not compete with him openly. One afternoon, with few customers around, Zhang Ningjing was busy taking inventory of the cosmetics in her counter when Xu Tianzhu approached her with a lecherous expression. Ignoring him, Ningjing continued to focus on her work. Xu Tianzhu asked if she could accompany him to an important client dinner, but Ningjing couldnt be bothered to acknowledge him and didnt even lift her head. Manager Cao Chali then walked over and scolded Ningjing, saying that Xu Dong intended to cultivate her but that she didnt know how to appreciate it. Ningjing retorted that she was here to sell cosmetics, not to accompany others for dinner and flirt with them, and promptly went to the womens restroom. The employees who witnessed this couldnt help but secretly laugh at the embarrassed expressions of Xu and Cao. Supervisor Zhou Ying quickly signaled with her eyes for everyone to focus on their work.

On the film set, Qiu Chen worked hard and sweated with the set crew to set up the scenery. Director Pei walked over and stood for a while, deliberately teasing Qiu Chen with the assistant director Zhou Ding by singing a duet in a loud voice, mocking him for being a Hollywood film master who had tasted western ink, but was not as good as a carpenter who didnt know many characters. Qiu Chen pretended not to hear and continued working.

In the afternoon, Qiu Chen was assigned by the assistant director Zhou Ding to be the stunt double for the male supporting actor in a scene where a wire was supposed to fly down from the third floor. As Qiu Chens body was sliding down, the wire suddenly snapped, and he fell down with a thud. Fortunately, he landed on a cloak on the first floor before rolling onto the ground. Qiu Chens hands and feet were scratched, and Tony brought a first aid kit to help him dress his wounds. The master of the stunt prop team, Xing Zheng, checked the wire and had a hunch that someone had tampered with it. Xing Zheng reported it to Director Pei, saying that it could lead to casualties. Zhou Ding was unhappy about Xing Zhengs unnamed accusation and got into an argument with him on the spot.

In the evening, Zhang Ningjing went to McDonalds to line up for food. Zhao Guanghua noticed her sour expression and reminded her to maintain a happy mood while eating to avoid affecting her digestion. Ningjing smiled wryly and took her meal to find a corner to sit down and eat dinner. Guanghua left McDonalds after work and went into a convenience store where he bought a loaf of white bread and a bottle of mineral water. Unknowingly, Zhang Ningjing was standing behind him, staring at him. Guanghua sat down in the store and began reading a book while eating his bread and drinking his water. Ningjing carried a paper bag and sat down in front of him, taking out a sushi box and a bottle of fresh milk, pushing them towards Guanghua. At first, Guanghua felt embarrassed to accept, but Ningjing smiled to signal him. Guanghua ate sushi and drank fresh milk while Ningjing quietly accompanied him.

Guanghua and Ningjing strolled on the pedestrian path in the park.

Ningjing asked if Guanghua often ate bread with mineral water due to financial pressure. Guanghua explained that he came from a humble background and had to work to pay for his university and graduate school tuition and living expenses. He was about to apply to study fashion design in Paris, France. Ningjing expressed her support and admiration for Guanghuas drive, but Guanghua sighed and explained that if he was accepted, he would have to maintain his student status and work for two years to save enough money to go to France. Ningjing thought that she could talk to Baojie, who was always warm-hearted, about this matter.

After finishing work and returning to the commune, Qiu Chens colleagues gathered around him to inquire about his numerous scrapes and bruises. Liu Dagang took the opportunity to tease Qiu Chen, saying that he and Zhu Erdong earned more money than Qiu Chen by enduring daily beatings from clients, and they didnt sustain injuries like Qiu Chen did. Liu suggested that Qiu Chen join their venting company. Lin Wanhua found Lius words harsh and told him to shut up, and he wisely walked away.

Later that night, Sun Qing cooked a bowl of mixed noodles for Qiu Chen and brought it to him as a late-night snack. She advised him to find another movie company or job, or to become a real estate agent with her. Qiu Chen insisted that he could endure the hardships for the sake of making movies. Sun Qing felt sorry for him but was also moved by his unwavering determination to chase his dream.

Zhang Ningjing visited Bao Jies bedroom under the pretense of chatting, but soon shifted the conversation to Zhao Guanghua, discussing his current situation and future aspirations. Bao Jie said she already knew everything, and that Guanghua was like her own younger brother, having lived in the commune since his first day of college. Guanghua would always voluntarily update her on his academic and personal life. Bao Jie even revealed that she had saved all the rent money Guanghua had paid for the past seven years, intending to use it to support Guanghuas future entrepreneurship or overseas studies because he was ambitious and worth the investment. Impressed by Bao Jies loyalty and devotion, Zhang Ningjing decided to help Guanghua as well.

In a quiet and messy bedroom, Lin Wanhua was still sitting in front of her desk, brainstorming. A cockroach crawled across the desk and onto her laptop keyboard. Wanhua quickly pressed it down with three fingers, picked it up, and threw it out the window. She then grabbed a tissue to wipe her fingers and continued typing and writing her script.

In the office of the television drama production team, the head writer Chai Xin just finished reading Wanhuas script and called her in. Chai expressed her satisfaction with the script, as the ratings were getting higher and higher. She was willing to pay Wanhua an additional one thousand yuan per episode to keep up the good work. However, when Wanhua asked if she could be credited as "assistant writer" in the shows ending, Chai calmly rejected her request. Chai assured her that she would not be mistreated and should continue to serve as her "ghostwriter" to maintain Chais image as a popular head writer. Wanhua felt depressed as she realized that Chai was only using her, instead of fulfilling her initial promise to cultivate her.

In the evening, Wanhua went to the park and sat on a chair, drinking beer and feeling gloomy. There was a bag of easy-open cans of beer next to her, and she opened and drank them one after another. Gradually, she became a bit drunk and stumbled towards the park exit. Two rough-looking guys, Ah Fei, suddenly approached her and gestured to each other. They then grabbed Wanhua, causing her to scream and draw attention from passersby. Just as things were getting out of hand, You Gan happened to ride his bike by and heard the commotion. Recognizing the familiar voice of Wanhua, he turned his bike around and charged towards the two men. He jumped off the bike and first used a spinning kick to take down one of them. Then, he used a jumping downward kick to flip the other one over. The onlookers cheered and applauded his swift and decisive actions. You Gan took Wanhuas hand, who was still in shock, and they rode away together on his bike, with You Gan being hailed as a hero.

The bicycle arrived at a bridge, and Lin Wanhua felt dizzy and nauseous. She asked Yougan to stop the bike, and then she leaned over the bridge railing and vomited. Yougan helped her by patting her back, and they returned to the commune. Yougan assisted Wanhua back to her room while she sat on the wooden floor muttering to herself, unwilling to be deceived by Chai Xin and no longer wanting to be her ghostwriter. Yougan was surprised to see the messy room, which didnt match Wanhuas elegant appearance. He took out a bottle of iced water from the mini-fridge, poured a glass and handed it to Wanhua to drink. He then helped her to bed and cleaned up the room, packing the garbage and taking it away

Meanwhile, at the film production studio, Qiu Chen was asked by the assistant director Zhou Ding to be the stunt double for the male lead. In a scene where the male lead rides a horse into a burning mansion, pulls the female lead onto the horses saddle, and escapes the fire, the actions of Qiu Chen and the female leads stunt double, Cui Xiaofen, were already in place, but Zhou Ding kept calling for retakes. Qiu Chen and Cui Xiaofen had several holes burned through their clothes by the flames, and when the two doubles fell off the horse, the martial arts instructor Li Mingli couldnt take it anymore and questioned Zhou Dings pickiness.

The two argued, and the director Pei finally acted as a mediator, agreeing that the previous takes of the scene were good enough. Tangni and Xing Zheng, who were watching on the sidelines, knew that Zhou Ding was intentionally making things difficult for Qiu Chen. Qiu Chen brought over the medical kit to help the two doubles apply medicine and advised Qiu Chen to be careful with Zhou Ding, as he was narrow-minded and held grudges. Li Mingli checked Qiu Chens chest injury and suggested that he should seek medical treatment at the hospital, but Qiu Chen stubbornly endured the pain.

Tony drove Qiu Chen back, and when Lin Wanhua saw Qiu Chens injuries, she couldnt help but blame Tony for not taking good care of him. Everyone gathered around to check on Qiu Chens injuries, and Tony explained with a wry face that he was just a lighting technician and had little say in matters. Sun Qing quickly helped examine Qiu Chens injuries and insisted that he must go to the hospital for an X-ray to confirm whether his chest and rib bones were broken, and if necessary, he needed to be hospitalized for treatment. Wanhua asked Tony to accompany them, and he reluctantly drove the three of them to the hospital.

After the X-ray, the doctor confirmed that Qiu Chen had two broken ribs and recommended hospitalization. Wanhua handed the diagnosis to Tony and asked him to help Qiu Chen apply for a work-related injury leave and pay for his medical expenses and living allowance. Tony accepted the task. Sun Qing promptly helped Qiu Chen with the hospitalization procedures. When Bao Jie heard from Wanhua that Qiu Chen was injured and hospitalized, she and some colleagues from the commune went to visit him at the hospital. They saw Sun Qing taking care of him in the ward, and everyone knew what had happened. However, Qiu Chen seemed anxious to explain to Wanhua and not be misunderstood. Sun Qing did not want to embarrass Qiu Chen, so she purposely said that she happened to be passing by after work and came to visit him.

In the cosmetics department of a department store, Zhang Ningjing had just finished arranging the cosmetics in the counter and was ready to start her days work when she was called by her manager, Cao Charlie. He said that the CEO, Xu Tianzhu, was interested in keeping Zhang Ningjing as his mistress and would provide her with a villa, jewelry, a luxury car, and a monthly allowance of 100,000 yuan. He urged her to consider it carefully, but Zhang Ningjing flatly refused. Cao Charlie was humiliated and angry, and he scolded Zhang Ningjing for being ungrateful. He decided to cause trouble for her.

As Zhang Ningjing finished serving a wealthy lady at the counter, the department head, Zhou Ying, walked over and asked what had caused Cao Charlies anger. He had threatened to transfer her to the warehouse. Zhang Ningjing, feeling frustrated, told her everything that had happened. Zhou Ying couldnt help but curse at General Manager Guo and Cao Charlie, saying they were both shameless. She comforted Zhang Ningjing and said she would go to Cao Charlie to demand justice for her.

In Cao Charlies office, Zhou Ying was furious and confronted him with her arms crossed, scolding him. A group of counter girls outside the office watched the scene through the glass and whispered to each other. Cao Charlie didnt want to alarm his employees, so he tried to laugh it off and told Zhou Ying that he was just trying to scare Zhang Ningjing.

Tony held Qiu Chens diagnosis certificate and explained and requested to the producer Wu Gang at the crew meeting. However, the assistant director Zhou Ding sneered and ridiculed Qiu Chen, saying that he was faking illness and being lazy, and that he was just a casual worker, not an official crew member. This caused dissatisfaction among Xing Zheng, Li Mingli, and Tony, who took turns accusing Zhou Ding of repeatedly causing trouble for Qiu Chen. Wu Gang didnt want internal disputes to escalate, so he agreed to Tonys request as stated.

As Zhang Ningjing walked past the park carrying a bag of snacks, she saw Zhao Guanghua sitting under a mercury lamp, eating toast and drinking hot water while reading a book. Ningjing walked over and sat next to Guanghua, taking out the snacks and eating together. Ningjing said she didnt want to go to work tomorrow. Guanghua asked what happened, and Ningjing explained her situation. Guanghua suggested that Ningjing should find a new job, and he himself had just quit his job at McDonalds because his study abroad application was approved. He planned to look for a formal job tomorrow and start saving money. Ningjing envied Guanghua for having ideals and goals, unlike herself who lived like a floating weed. Guanghua suggested that the two of them look for a job together, and Ningjing readily agreed.

Tony held Qiu Chens diagnosis certificate and explained and requested to the producer Wu Gang at the crew meeting. However, the assistant director Zhou Ding sarcastically mocked Qiu Chen, saying that Qiu Chen was pretending to be sick and lazy, and he was just a temporary worker, not an official crew member. This caused Xing Zheng, Li Mingli, and Tonys dissatisfaction. They took turns accusing Zhou Ding of repeatedly causing trouble for Qiu Chen. Wu Gang didnt want the internal dispute to escalate and agreed to Tonys request.

Zhang Ningjing carried a bag of snacks and passed by the park. She saw Zhao Guanghua eating toast with boiling water under the mercury lamp in the corner while reading a book. Ningjing walked over and sat next to Guanghua, took out the snacks, and they ate together. Ningjing said that she didnt want to go to work tomorrow. Guanghua asked her what happened, and then Ningjing explained it in detail. Guanghua suggested that Ningjing should consider changing jobs. He just quit his job at McDonalds because his study abroad application was approved. He planned to find a formal job tomorrow and start saving money. Ningjing envied Guanghua for having dreams and goals, unlike herself, who lived like a floating duckweed. Guanghua suggested that they should look for a job together, and Ningjing readily agreed.

The two returned to the commune, and Bao Jie was pleased to see Guanghuas excitement and asked for the reason. He also said that he and Ningjing would go job hunting together tomorrow. Bao Jie felt relieved and decided how to help this couple in need. At night, Bao Jie went into Zhang Ningjings bedroom and suggested that she wanted to resume her jewelry design work and asked Ningjing to help with advertising and marketing. Zhang Ningjing agreed happily and thanked Bao Jie for lending a helping hand in time.

Liu Dingtian and Zhu Erdong took on a case, and the other party agreed to pay triple the price. The two came to the clients mansion in high spirits, only to find out that the case was quite tricky. After hesitating for a while, they decided to take on the case. It turned out that the client was a retired boxing champion named Wang Qiang. He got into a big fight with his wife and went to his mother-in-laws house in anger. He wanted to find someone to vent his anger. Wang Qiang asked Liu Dingtian to wear boxing gloves and fight him on the boxing ring in the sports hall. Wang Qiang and Liu Dingtian had similar physiques, but Liu Dingtian had never received boxing training. He was beaten by Wang Qiang within a short time, with a bruised and swollen face, nosebleeds, and saliva flowing. Liu Dingtian took dozens of punches but didnt fall. Finally, Wang Qiang stopped venting his anger.

After receiving the money, Zhu Erdong helped the heavily injured Liu Dingtian out of Wangs mansion in a very awkward manner. In the car, Liu unexpectedly fainted, which greatly shocked Zhu. He immediately drove to the hospitals emergency department. After examination, the doctor diagnosed him with a concussion and said that he needed to be hospitalized for observation.

Baojie and several public housing tenants came to the hospital to visit Liu. Baojie advised Zhu to either sell the company that caused the trouble or switch to a different business. Zhu said that he would discuss this matter with Liu after he woke up. At that moment, Lius phone rang, and Zhu answered it. It was Wang Qiang, who expressed his apologies for hitting Liu too hard. Zhu informed Wang that Dingtian had been hospitalized with a concussion and suggested that he come and visit him.

Wang Qiang arrived at the ward with a fruit basket. He overheard Liu and Zhu arguing about whether to end the "Anger Management Company". After apologizing to Liu, Wang expressed his admiration for him and suggested they start a partnership to open a "Sports and Leisure Equipment Company". After being persuaded by Zhu, Liu agreed to Wangs proposal.

Assistant director Zhou Ding drove drunk and had a serious car accident, which sent him to the hospital with severe injuries. As a result, the upcoming historical comedy film suddenly lacked an assistant director. During a production meeting, the two master teachers, Xing Zheng and Li Mingli, strongly recommended Qiu Chen to the boss, Guo Wuyong. Guo personally approved the decision. Tony came to the hospital to deliver the good news to Qiu and take him out of the hospital. Tony brought Qiu back to the studio, and he immediately got to work. He read the script and found that the jokes were quite ordinary. He instinctively thought of the talented Lin Wanhua and suggested to Guo that they find someone to rewrite the script, which Guo agreed to.


Qiu Chen came back to the studio with the script in high spirits, looking for Lin Wanhua. Wanhua was holed up in her room, not writing but lost in thought, and her laptop was covered in a layer of dust. Qiu Chen asked if she hadnt touched her laptop in a while. Wanhua shared her feelings, saying she didnt want to make wedding dresses for others anymore and had quit her job as a TV scriptwriter. Qiu Chen showed her the script he had in his hand, but Wanhua flipped through a few pages and threw it to the corner of the wall, saying she didnt want to write such shallow comedies. Qiu Chen tried to persuade her to face reality, even saying that he had asked the boss to find a more skilled writer. Wanhua couldnt bear to see the project fail, so she agreed to take on the task.

Under a lone lamp, Wanhua typed rapidly on the keyboard with both hands. Sun Qing cooked a bowl of mixed noodles as a late-night snack for Qiu Chen, but he took it to Wanhua instead. Sun Qing noticed this and felt upset. Wanhua didnt eat the noodles. Once she was focused on work, she was completely absorbed and didnt care about anything else except drinking water and going to the bathroom. Qiu Chen didnt dare to disturb her while she was writing, so he carefully tidied up her room. Sun Qing saw this and felt even more down.

After just three days, Wanhua handed in the script. Qiu Chen read a few scenes and was extremely satisfied, but Wanhua with her panda eyes shooed him out of the bedroom, saying she needed to catch up on sleep. Qiu Chen brought the script written by Wanhua back to the production studio, full of confidence and ready to start filming. However, director Pei Lingxian felt that Qiu Chen had stolen the spotlight, and was not happy. So, in the production meeting, he deliberately took the opposite stance to Qiu Chen. Boss Guo personally read the script and intuitively knew that the comedy had many clever and humorous moments that would surely bring in high box office numbers. He tried to reassure director Pei and agreed to let him take a long break. Even after the movie was finished, it would still be credited as a movie directed by Pei Lingxian. After this conflict, the film finally started production smoothly.

Every day, Lin Wanhua went to the portrait stand in the park to accompany Yougan. When Yougan was busy working, Wanhua would read some newly published translated novels. They didnt talk much, but they had a great understanding. Yougan knew that Wanhua had quit her job at the television station and needed some time to adjust her mood, so during their free time, Yougan would play the guitar and harmonica, and asked Wanhua to sing along to relieve her depressed mood.

The filming of the movie went smoothly. Qiu Chens amiable style made everyone on the crew feel respected, and the work was easy, enjoyable and full of vitality. Everyone also learned about the shooting style of Hollywood-style commercial movies, which emphasize professionalism, efficiency and aesthetics. The historical comedy film "Four Big Brothers of Jiangnan" was quickly completed and entered post-production and promotion. Several funny scenes in the trailer received widespread media coverage, generating buzz even before its release. Qiu Chen asked Lin Wanhua to participate in the promotion activities with the crew, but was politely refused by Wanhua, who even said that this was the worst nonsensical script she had ever written. Fortunately, Qiu Chen didnt mind.

After the release of "Four Big Brothers of Jiangnan", it indeed achieved outstanding box office results, much to the satisfaction of Mr. Guo. At a company business meeting, Mr. Guo accepted Qiu Chens suggestion to make a series of fashion comedies. At this moment, Pei Lingxian could no longer hold back and directly confronted Mr. Guo and Qiu Chen, demanding that Mr. Guo make a choice. This led to a split in the group between those supporting the old and the new, and Mr. Guo was caught in a dilemma, ending the meeting in a hurry.

Every day, Lin Wanhua goes to the portrait painting booth in the park to accompany You Gan. When You Gan is focused on work, Wanhua reads some newly published translated novels. They dont talk much but have a strong understanding of each other. You Gan knows that Wanhua resigned from her job at the television station and needs some time to adjust her mood. When they have free time, You Gan talks about playing the guitar and harmonica and asks Wanhua to sing with her to relieve her depressed mood.

The film was shot smoothly, and Qiu Chenpings friendly style made everyone on the crew feel respected, and the work was relaxed, pleasant, and full of vitality. They also learned about the shooting methods of Hollywood and American commercial movies, emphasizing professionalism, efficiency, and aesthetics. This ancient costume comedy movie "The Four Clumsy Brothers in Jiangnan" was quickly completed and began post-production and promotion. Several funny scenes in the trailer have attracted widespread media attention, creating a buzz before the movie was even released. Qiu Chen asked Lin Wanhua to participate in the promotion activities with the crew, but she politely declined and even said that it was the worst script she had ever written. Fortunately, Qiu Chen didnt take it to heart.

After the release of "The Four Clumsy Brothers in Jiangnan," it was indeed a box office success, and Boss Guo was quite satisfied. At the companys business meeting, Boss Guo accepted Qiu Chens suggestion to change to a series of fashion comedies. At this point, Pei Lingxian could no longer hold back and directly challenged Boss Guo and Qiu Chen. She demanded that Boss Guo make a choice, and then new and old opposing forces emerged, each with its own supporters. Boss Guo was in a dilemma, and the meeting quickly ended.

Qiu Chen returned to the commune, where everyone was preparing a cake to celebrate his birthday and the success of "Virgo." Qiu Chen forced a smile and accepted everyones kindness, but only Sun Qing saw through it. After the meeting, Qiu Chen sat alone in his room, and Sun Qing came in and asked him what was bothering him. Qiu Chen told her about the companys split caused by him and how he felt troubled.

Qiu Chen arranged to meet with Lin Wanhua and introduced her to Boss Guo. Boss Guo valued talent and sincerely invited Lin Wanhua to write a series of fashion movies for the company. She agreed, but requested to shoot serious fashion movies and not to continue the funny style. Boss Guo proposed a compromise plan and asked Lin Wanhua to write at least one fashion comedy every two years, to which she reluctantly agreed.

When director Pei heard that Boss Guo was going to reuse Qiu Chen and Lin Wanhua, she realized her position was in danger. She took the initiative to contact several directors and asked them to pressure Boss Guo to revoke his decision. Based on the emotions they had built up over more than a decade, these directors agreed to speak with Boss Guo about the companys future direction.

After Qiu Chen returned to the commune, his colleagues prepared a cake to celebrate his birthday and the success of the Virgo zodiac sign. Qiu Chen forced a smile and accepted their kindness, but only Sun Qing saw through his facade. Later, Qiu Chen sat alone in his room and Sun Qing came in to ask him what was on his mind. Qiu Chen confided that the company was splitting up because of him, which made him feel troubled.

Qiu Chen arranged a meeting with Lin Wanhua and introduced her to Chairman Guo. Chairman Guo valued talent greatly and sincerely invited Lin Wanhua to write a series of fashion films for the company. Lin Wanhua agreed, but requested that the films be made seriously and not in a humorous or playful way. Chairman Guo proposed a compromise, asking Lin Wanhua to write a fashion comedy every two years, which she reluctantly agreed to.

Director Pei learned that Qiu Chen and Lin Wanhua were being promoted by Chairman Guo and became worried about his own position. He contacted several directors and asked them to pressure Chairman Guo to reverse his decision. Based on their long-standing revolutionary relationship with Director Pei, they agreed to discuss the future direction of the company with Chairman Guo in the boardroom.

Several directors and Director Pei argued with Chairman Guo in the boardroom. Finally, Chairman Guo compromised and agreed to alternate between shooting fashion and historical dramas, but insisted that the scripts must be written by Lin Wanhua. Chairman Guo informed Qiu Chen of this decision and asked him to "put up with it for a while." However, Qiu Chen worried that Lin Wanhua would not want to spend half of her time writing historical comedy scripts. Sure enough, in Lin Wanhuas room, despite Qiu Chens repeated pleas, she remained unmoved. Their argument and Qiu Chens plea were overheard by their neighbors, Bao Jie and Sun Qing. Bao Jie suggested that Qiu Chen and Lin Wanhua, as a successful director-writer team, should start their own movie studio. She was willing to invest in the initial funds. Sun Qing thought this was a feasible idea and asked Bao Jie to arrange a meeting with Qiu Chen and Lin Wanhua.

Bao Jie arranged a meeting with the two of them, and Lin Wanhua readily agreed to the plan. Qiu Chen hesitated at first, but Lin Wanhua eventually persuaded him. She proposed her first entrepreneurial film idea, which was to use the story of the "Single Peoples Commune" as the blueprint for the script and make each of their partners a character in the film. Bao Jie thought the idea was very creative, and the three of them agreed to move forward. Qiu Chen promptly resigned from Hua Xia Company, despite Chairman Guo and several mentors urging him to stay. Qiu Chen explained that he did not want to see the company split because of him.


Wang Qiang, Liu Dingtian, and Zhu Erdong opened their "Dingqiang Sports and Leisure Equipment Company" first, right on the shopping street next to the bachelors community. Following that, the "Ji Baozhu Jewelry Design Studio" began operating, and then the "Community Film Studio" also started operating. The entire bachelors community became an entrepreneurial base, with all partners full of enthusiasm.

Zhao Guanghua wrote the deferred admission application and left it on the desk, which was accidentally discovered by Zhang Ningjing. Although she couldnt understand the French in it, she secretly took a photo with her phone and consulted Baojie, who had previously studied in France. After reading it, Baojie said that Guanghua planned to postpone her studies in Paris for two years. Zhang Ningjing said she was willing to use her savings from these years so that Guanghua wouldnt have to waste two years. Baojie also said she was willing to use the rent she had saved for Guanghua to subsidize her airfare and some living expenses. After discussing the matter, the two women found Guanghua and communicated their plan. Guanghua was grateful for Zhang Ningjings deep affection and proposed to her on the spot. Baojie joyfully witnessed the love between the two.

Guo Wuyong, the boss of Huaxia Film Company, came to the bachelors community to find Qiu Chen, but he was not there. So he chatted with Baojie instead. Guo praised Qiu Chen and Lin Wanhua, the director duo, and expressed his desire to keep them. Baojie suggested that Guo consider investing in their film studio, and Guo immediately agreed and wrote five checks of one million each, handing them over to Baojie, leaving her pleasantly surprised.

The fashion comedy film "
Singleton Apartment " has officially started filming. Chairman Guo came to congratulate and took the opportunity to hint to Qiu Chen that he was still his boss. Qiu Chen understood the meaning behind Guos words and responded with a knowing smile. Zhao Guanghua and Zhang Ningjing got married at the "Single Men in Gloom" location, and friends and family from both sides came to congratulate them. Bao Jie and Chairman Guo acted as the main hosts.

All the partners of the community went to the airport to send Zhao Guanghua off. Guanghua and Ningjing exchanged tokens of love and bid each other farewell reluctantly. When everyone returned to the community, they saw Ji Laoshi and Guo Wuyong chatting and brewing tea in the courtyard, looking very happy. At this moment, Bao Jies face showed two blushes. Everyone remembered that today was Bao Jies birthday and April Fools Day. Ji Laoshi saw his daughter Baozhu and tenant come back and reminded her to fulfill her promise, otherwise, he would take back the apartment. After Guo Wuyong learned the whole story from Bao Jie, he told Ji Laoshi that he was willing to buy the apartment with his money. Ji Laoshi refused, but Guo Wuyong calmly said that he admired Bao Jie and would like to seriously pursue her if she didnt mind being his stepmother. Ji Laoshi was optimistic about it and said that if that was the case, he would consider it as a dowry for his daughter and son-in-law when they got married. Everyone congratulated Bao Jie, but she thought that Chairman Guo didnt mention it beforehand and came up with this idea on the spot, making her feel like a joke. So she told Chairman Guo that if he wanted to pursue her, he had to follow the rules and take her out for dinner, watch movies, and go shopping, and he couldnt skip any of those steps.

~~(End of the story)~~~

( 休閒生活影視戲劇 )
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