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"Bounty Hunter" TV drama series
2023/03/21 23:33:01瀏覽224|回應1|推薦0

"Bounty Hunter" TV drama series

TV film for copyright authorization each episode 100,000 USD

"Creative Concept"
The creative concept of this drama explores the potential conflicts between "heredity" and "environmental upbringing" and how they determine the fate of twin brothers.

The two male protagonists in the story, Ouyang Zhishan and Zhao Shenzi, were originally twin brothers who were adopted separately by the circus leader Zhao Benli and the police officer Ouyang Tian after they were born. As a result, they grew up without knowing each others existence.

As adults, the righteous Zhishan became a prosecutor who specializes in investigating organized crime and is known as "The Ghost Who Sees Worry" due to his ability to strike fear into the hearts of the underworld. On the other hand, Shenzi, who possesses great martial arts skills, became a top-notch assassin and bounty hunter, feared by all who hear his name. Together with his partner, Tu Shuangying, they wear latex masks when they carry out their assassination missions, and their true identities remain unknown to both sides of the law.

Their drastically different upbringings have led to the creation of a top-notch underworld assassin and an upright prosecutor, and have destined these twin brothers to engage in a sharp confrontation with each other. However, as blood-related siblings, is it possible for them to understand and reconcile with each other through the inherent call of kinship?

This drama presents the story in an episodic format, with each unit consisting of three episodes and incorporating elements of mystery and action into the plot.

(Unit 1) "Plot Summary"
Story Synopsis

The bounty hunters are part of a mysterious organization called the "Heavenly Way Society," which believes in the principle of "thieves also have morals." The organization has three main tenets: first, they will not kill innocent people no matter how high the price offered by the buyer; second, they will investigate whether the "prey" is truly deserving of death before taking on a job; and third, they will not involve the family members of their targets. As a result, even if the gangsters and law enforcement officers who are killed by this pair of killers-for-hire have grievances and cannot find the culprit, they are helpless.

Zhao Shenzhi and Tu Shuangying are a couple of bounty hunters who work as a priest and nun, respectively, in the "True Lord Church." Shenzhi often counsels young people who have strayed from the right path and sometimes intervenes in conflicts between teenage gangs. Shuangying sings in the church choir, plays the piano, and teaches American English through songs.

Qiu Xiaoqi won the championship in the recent "M1" racing season with his superb racing skills. The elders in the racing world have high hopes for him, and various racing teams want to recruit him. The "Chasing the Wind Gang" behind Xiaoqi believes that they discovered and nurtured him and that Xiaoqi will be their cash cow in the future. Xiaoqi is convinced by his agent Chen Kaige to break away from the gangs control and join a larger racing team. Chen Kaige asks Jin Wuxiong (Jin Lao Er), the second brother of the "Black Dragon Society," to accompany him and negotiate with the Chasing the Wind Gang. The gang leader Su Tietou takes a tough stance and demands an astronomical price of one billion US dollars, forcing the two to reconsider their plans.

Chen Kaige hit a wall but didnt give up. He hid Qiu Xiaoqi and entrusted her to Jin Laoer for protection. When the Zhuifeng Gang lost Qiu Xiaoqi, Su Tietou pointed the finger at Jin Laoer. So, while he was taking his wife and daughter to Yangmingshan to see the flowers, Su Tietou ordered his younger brother Ma Xiaodao to lead a group of men in several cars to intercept Jin Laoers car. Xiaoma shot and severely injured Jin Laoers knees, and kidnapped his wife and daughter as hostages. Xiaomas ruthlessness angered the Heilong Gang, and their boss Xing Feilong threatened to overthrow the Zhuifeng Gang directly. However, Jin Laoer advised Feilong to plan before acting, pointing out that his wife and daughter were being held by the Zhuifeng Gang. Feilong found this troublesome and regretful, saying that a big gang like theirs was actually being held hostage by a group of street thugs.

Xing Feilong was the leader of the volunteer group of the "True Lord Church". One weekend, he came to the church as usual for worship, and the old priest, David Yung, noticed that he seemed troubled. Feilong truthfully told Father Yung about his situation, and the priest cryptically said that he had a solution and asked Feilong to be patient. Father Yung then called Father Zhao Shenzhi, told him about Feilongs situation, and asked him to write the solution on the palm of his hand while he wrote it down. The two then revealed the answer, which was just two words: "car race." For a moment, Xing Feilong didnt understand what these two words meant. Father Yung explained, "The Zhuifeng Gang prides itself on being an up-and-coming force in the racing world. Well challenge them to a car race." Feilong asked anxiously, "If we lose the race, do we have to give up Qiu Xiaoqi?" Father Yung confidently replied, "Yes, Qiu Xiaoqi is the bargaining chip, but I have an ace up my sleeve that well bet on the Zhuifeng Gang losing this race." Feilong agreed and left the preparation of the racing car to the Heilong Gang, since Father Yung was so confident in their victory.

The Chasing Wind Gang received a "Car Fighting Challenge" from the Black Dragon Society. Su Tietou warned Xiao Dao to consider carefully, as losing the bet would not only require them to hand over the hostages, but Xiao Dao would also spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair like Jin Lao Er. Xiao Dao confidently claimed that he would win the bet, as he was skilled in calculations and there were no top-notch racers in the Black Dragon Society who dared to challenge him.

The next day, Xing Feilong personally escorted the car and had his subordinates drive to the church to hand over a BMW to Zhao Shenzhi. Shenzhi test drove the car and quickly got the hang of it after driving back and forth on Da Du Road late at night.

On the night of the car fight, members of the Black Dragon Society and the Chasing Wind Gang gathered at the agreed location. Caocunsheng, the head of the Criminal Investigation Departments surveillance team, had learned of the gambling match from an informant beforehand and led his team to the scene ahead of time to prevent any clashes between the two sides. They used taxis and motorcycles as cover for their deployment along the Huanhe Road.

The two racers, Xiao Dao and Zhao Shenzhi, drove their respective cars towards each other at high speed, in a showdown of courage. They collided head-on, but at the last moment, Xiao Dao turned the steering wheel to avoid the collision. He lost the bet and looked pale, never expecting to be defeated by a literary person without any presence in the martial arts world, whom he had never seen before.

Willing to gamble and lose, Sutiehtou ordered his little brother to bring out Jin Wuxiongs wife and daughter. He then took out a handgun from his pocket and handed it to Wuxiong before turning around. Wuxiong shot Little Knife in the knee, causing him to kneel down. Almost at the same time, several flashes of light flashed around them. Feilong was about to attack Little Brother when he saw Captain Cao and his team approaching. Captain Cao said, "Lets settle this dispute according to the rules of the martial world. Im just here to witness the fun." Both sides recognized the presence of the criminal investigation team and left with their respective groups.

Member Xiao Zhang of the surveillance team handed a folder to Cao Junsheng, which contained photos of the car race from the previous night. Xiao Zhang said he thought he recognized the young masked racer from the Black Dragon Society. Cao Junsheng carefully examined the photos and a face gradually appeared in his mind: "Ouyang Jianzuo." However, a big question mark also appeared.

Captain Cao called Ouyang Zhishan and they met at a coffee shop near the prosecutors office. Cao showed him the photo and Zhishan agreed that the profile of the person in the photo was similar to his own. He asked Cao about the location where the photo was taken and the identity of the person in the photo. After listening to Caos explanation, Zhishan asked Cao to inquire about the identity of the young man from Xing Feilong, as he wanted to clarify his doubts. 

Team leader Cao went to the Black Dragon Society to investigate with Xing Feilong, and after much persuasion, Feilong gave Cao a note with the address of a church. Cao gave the note to Zhishan, who specifically went to the church on the weekend and found Zhao Shenzhi there. When they faced each other, they were both stunned for a while, as if they had touched each others hearts. At this moment, Father Yang walked towards them and said meaningfully, "You two brothers have finally met." It turned out that 28 years ago, the twins mother entrusted them to Father Yang and asked him to help find two families to adopt the twins. Father Yang took out a letter and gave it to the two brothers to read together. In the letter, their mother revealed a shocking secret: their biological father, Gu Zhenwen, was killed by Xing Feilong during a drug deal. The two brothers smuggled heroin bricks from the Golden Triangle together, but Feilong, driven by greed, stole the goods and killed Gu Zhenwen. Shen Zhi asked Father Yang if he could avenge his father. Father Yang said that Xing Feilong had repented and turned to good, and he hoped that Shen Zhi would let go of the idea of revenge.

Soon, Zhao Huizhi and Tu Shuangying received a murder mission from Su Tietou, and the target was Xing Feilong. Zhao Huizhi thought that since it was a task given by the organization, killing Xing Feilong would not be considered "avenging his father," and he could explain it to his master, Yang Dawei.

These bounty hunters meticulously planned an assassination operation and ambushed in the forest closest to the church. Xing Feilong did not bring his bodyguard and came to the church alone that day. When he passed through the woods, he suddenly stopped under a big tree, took off his jacket and bulletproof vest, and took out a cigar to smoke calmly. This scene puzzled Shen Zhi and Shuang Ying, and in the infrared sight, Shen Zhi felt that Feilong was as calm as a determined martyr. So he gestured to Shuang Ying with his eyes not to pull the trigger of the sniper rifle and wanted to figure out Feilongs intention. It was not until the cigar was finished that Shen Zhi did not take action. Then, Feilong pulled out a pistol, aimed at his temple, and laughed loudly, "If you dont kill me, Ill do it myself." Just as Feilong was about to pull the trigger, a crossbow shot through his right palm, and the pistol fell. At that moment, Zhao Shen Zhi softened his heart and decided to give up the idea of reward.

Xing Feilong walked into the church with a handkerchief wrapped around his right palm. Father Yang led him to the lounge and said in a serious tone, "Feilong, the only way I could think of to save you from the gunpoint was to use the Beating a Dog with a Meat Bun strategy. However, the Triad will not let you go. Therefore, starting today, you will wash your hands of the Jianghu and stay in the church to convert to God, be baptized and become a priest. The Triad never troubles clergy."

The Triad received a case, and the target was Wang Bisheng, the chief of the Criminal Investigation and Prosecution Group. The employer revealed Wangs collusion with drug traffickers and selling out undercover agents and informants to cause the deaths of three people with only a piece of evidence on a CD, and obtained the Triads approval to assassinate Wang. Shen Zhi and Shuang Ying took on the mission and ambushed near Wangs apartment building, using a long-range sniper rifle to shoot him in the head with one shot. Wangs assassination shook the entire Criminal Investigation and Prosecution Group. After reviewing the surveillance footage at the intersection, Cao Junsheng deduced from the killers profile that it was the work of a couple of bounty hunters, and privately informed Zhishan of the inside story. Zhishan struggled with his conscience between law enforcement and fraternal ties and didnt know how to handle it...

<Character List>
Ouyang Zhishan: 28 years old, nicknamed "The Ghost Who Frightens People", was adopted by police officer Ouyang Tian. Under his guidance, Zhishan became a righteous prosecutor who strikes fear into the hearts of the underworld. Zhao

Shenzhi: 28 years old, adopted by circus owner Zhao Benli, practiced martial arts from a young age and became a top assassin and bounty hunter with formidable combat skills in archery and knife throwing. He wears a latex mask every time he goes on a mission, and no one has ever seen his true face in the underworld. Tu

Shuangying: 26 years old, the lover of Shenzhi and a skilled gunfighter and close combat expert. The two often use their disguises as a priest and nun from the "True Lord Church" to cover their activities.

Xing Feilong: 60 years old, the leader of the Heilong Gang, strictly enforces the gang rules and the code of conduct in the underworld. He once killed a fellow gang member for drug trafficking and repenting his past crimes, he has been actively doing good deeds, supporting the church financially and serving as the volunteer group leader.

Jin Wuxiong: 55 years old, the second-in-command of the Heilong Gang, places great emphasis on trust and honor. He was commissioned by agent Chen Kaige to negotiate on behalf of the racer Qiu Xiaoqi to leave the Wind Chasing Gang. As a result, he was blamed by the Wind Chasing Gang and had his knees shot and injured by Ma Xiaodao.

Father Yang, 70 years old, was originally the third in command of the "Heavenly Way Society", a top-notch killer in the underworld who came and went without a trace. He trained Shen Zhi and Shuang Ying. After converting to Christianity, he became a priest at the "True God Church" and is a very wise and strategic old man. Unfortunately, after Xing Feilong turned over a new leaf, he still died at the hands of his enemies, so Father Yang came up with a plan to rescue him.

Cao Junsheng, 35 years old, is the head of the Criminal Investigation Departments prevention and control team. He has a calm mind and rich experience in handling cases. Many members of the underworld have been brought to justice by him, making him a nemesis of the gangsters.

Wang Bisheng, 38 years old, is the head of the Criminal Investigation Departments drug enforcement team. He colludes with drug dealers in the underworld and betrays undercover police officers and informants. He is meticulous in his thinking and will stop at nothing to achieve his goals, making him a target for bounty hunters from the Heavenly Way Society.

Su Tietou, 30 years old, is the leader of the "Chasing the Wind Gang". Although he is brave and ruthless, he is also strategic and respects the rules of the underworld.

Ma Xiaodao, 25 years old, is the second-in-command of the "Chasing the Wind Gang". He is a very self-confident racer who is ruthless in his actions. After failing in a race and having his legs disabled, his desire for revenge against the leader of the gang, Su Tietou, is very strong.

Qiu Xiaoqi, 22 years old, is the rising star of the racing world. In order to break free from the control of the "Chasing the Wind Gang", she accepts the arrangement of her agent, Chen Kaige, and joins a large racing team.

Chen Kaige, 35 years old, is a sharp-eyed racing agent who saw Qiu Xiaoqis talent and strongly persuaded her to leave the "Chasing the Wind Gang" and join a large racing team.

A separate list of antagonistic characters will be provided for the production team to reference when selecting cast members for each episode.

( 休閒生活影視戲劇 )
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