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"The Spiritual Master" TV Mini-Series
2023/03/28 14:39:45瀏覽110|回應0|推薦0

"The Spiritual Master" TV Mini-Series

The filming license fee for the movie is 1, 00,000 USD.



"The Spiritual Master" TV Mini-Series

The mini-series consists of 3 to 4 episodes, each lasting 30 minutes.

[Creative Concept]
Daniel, a middle-aged man working in the hotel industry, is affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and chooses to take a leave of absence to work short-term jobs to make ends meet. However, his wife Amy insists he collect severance pay and find a stable job, causing conflict between them. Feeling disheartened about his wife and the family theyve built together, Daniel decides to leave home and find work in another city to overcome his mid-life crisis.

Daniel arrives in the tourism-oriented town of T and lands a job as a real estate agent. To secure the job, he learns some magic tricks and dresses up as an Eastern Taoist fortune teller, setting up a booth in the commercial district. With his fluency in Mandarin, Daniel attracts a crowd and successfully finds Chinese clients looking to buy property in the area.

However, fate has other plans for Daniel. On his way back to his rented accommodation, he is struck by lightning and wakes up in the hospital with the ability to predict future events. Seizing the opportunity, Daniel decides to use his newfound "precognitive ability" to make a living. Whenever he has a vision of a future event, he contacts the local newspaper or TV station to report it. But little did he know, his unique gift would bring him more trouble and challenges. How will he navigate the rest of his life with this ability?

This TV mini-series consists of 3 to 4 episodes, each lasting 30 minutes

Middle-aged man Daniel receives a notice from his company that their hotel business has been greatly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, with occupancy rates plummeting and revenues no longer sufficient to continue operations. The company lays off the hotels frontline employees and gives the executives a choice: either take a leave of absence without pay or receive severance pay. Daniel and a few other executives hold a meeting to discuss this and most of them decide to take the money and leave, while only Daniel and a few others choose to take the leave of absence without pay and work during the hotels closure period. However, they have no idea how long the closure will last.

Daniels decision to take a leave of absence without pay causes a family conflict. His wife Amy believes that he should take the severance pay and find a new job, such as a building manager, which would at least help with their household expenses and prevent her from carrying the financial burden alone. Daniel believes that the companys decision to temporarily close the hotel is only due to the pandemic, and that he still wants to return to the hotel after the pandemic is over. Not only is this job his career, having started from being a tour guide for the hotel for twenty years before being promoted to the position of tourism department manager, but he also has a deep attachment to it and believes that the pandemic will eventually pass. The couple argue fiercely about this, with Amy giving Daniel an ultimatum: if he insists on taking the leave of absence without pay, he must earn enough from his other job to cover their expenses, otherwise she will divorce him.

Daniel decides to leave home and work in another city because he not only wants to escape from his wifes domineering personality, treating him as a long-term ATM, but also because their relationship has grown increasingly cold since they began living in separate bedrooms ten years ago. He has heard from friends of both sides that Amy has had a questionable relationship with her real estate company manager, making him feel like a "spare tire" that Amy doesnt really value. Moreover, all three of their children have a distant relationship with him because he rarely took the initiative to care about their lives and academics, only playing the role of Santa Claus when they needed money for expensive electronic products or travel expenses for school trips.

Daniel left a divorce agreement signed by himself to Amy, brought some simple luggage, and drove his vintage car to the small town of T, which is located by the mountains and facing the sea. The town has many villas and mansions, attracting wealthy people from nearby cities and tourists who come for its reputation. Real estate investment, tourism, and leisure are the main economic activities of the town. Daniel found an old apartment to live in at a cheap rent. He applied for a job as a real estate salesperson, with no basic salary, and his income came from his job performance: selling houses. Since he often accompanied his wife Amy, he was already familiar with her sales techniques and her way of talking to clients.

As a newcomer to the area, Daniel thought it would be more effective to attract attention by dressing up in oriental style and performing magic tricks on the lively streets of the commercial district, rather than going door-to-door to distribute promotional materials. He learned some magic tricks and professional terms used by oriental fortune tellers from YouTube videos.

Daniel set up a stall at a busy intersection in the commercial district, dressed himself as a Taoist fortune teller: wearing a square hat and a dark blue Taoist robe, holding a duster in one hand and shaking a copper bell in the other, with a canvas flag next to him that read "Telepathic Celestial Master, Straightforward Decisions." He focused on Asian tourists, especially wealthy Chinese and Hong Kong/Macau/Taiwanese people, who were potential buyers. Daniels Mandarin was learned from Chinese pastors in the church. Although his Chinese colleagues at work found his accent and intonation peculiar, he was confident that his Mandarin would come in handy.

Sure enough, Daniels unique strategy worked. As soon as he appeared, he attracted the attention of the onlookers, especially the curious Chinese who were interested in his appearance as a fortune-telling Taoist. A white man who could speak a bunch of Eastern fortune-telling terms and even use a tortoise shell to demonstrate the hanging of money, he had the audience mesmerized. On the first day, Daniel found three groups of Chinese clients and made appointments with them separately to view houses.

In the evening, a sudden thunderstorm struck, and Daniel hastily packed up his booth, using a canvas flag to shield himself from the rain. As he was about to return to his rented apartment, lightning unexpectedly struck him on the small square, and Daniel was knocked down by a powerful electric current and passed out instantly. When Daniel regained consciousness, he saw himself lying in a hospital bed, with a fist-sized hole burned through the Eight Trigrams pattern on the front of his Taoist robe and his cloth shoes missing from his right foot, which was wrapped in gauze.

When a Chinese female nurse came over to help him change the bandage on his toe, she said he was lucky to have survived, as the powerful electric current had gone out from his toe. Otherwise, he would have turned into a "roasted ham" a long time ago. She also half-jokingly said that he would have good luck after surviving a major calamity and advised him to buy a lottery ticket to ward off bad luck. Daniel found this "change of luck" concept interesting but did not take it seriously.

On the day of his discharge from the hospital, Daniel immediately discovered that he had the ability to foresee future events ("the sixth sense"). He saw scenes flashing in his mind of armed robbers holding up a bank in town, shooting and injuring a security guard, and getting away with cash. They then had a shootout with the police car chasing them on the street, and one robber was shot dead on the spot, while the other two escaped with injuries. As predicted, a few hours later, the news bulletin aired with content that perfectly matched Daniels premonition. He then foresaw a nightclub in the basement of a commercial building catching fire, with people trapped inside. He hesitated about whether he should warn the building and the nightclub. Daniel decided to rush to the coffee shop across from the fire scene to watch and confirm if his premonition came true. He first saw two men being chased out of the basement by several strong men, kneeling and begging for mercy before the attackers stopped. The two beaten men then left in a taxi. Less than an hour later, a car pulled up to the building, with the two beaten men, one holding an aluminum rod and the other carrying a bucket of gasoline, setting the basement on fire, and flames quickly emerged.

Daniel trembled with fear. Now that he had this extraordinary ability, how could he use his "premonition" to earn money and improve his financial situation for his later life? Daniel decided to become a "prophet of doom" and whenever he had a premonition, he would call the newspapers and TV stations, and the reporters would rush to the scene to film and interview.

The first premonition call was about a subway train derailing in K city and crashing into a parking lot, causing casualties. The newspaper and TV station thought Daniel was mentally unstable and deliberately causing trouble, but the unexpected incident did occur, and the time and location were completely consistent with the content of the premonition.

The second premonition call was about a helicopter crashing in a residential area due to a mechanical failure. The NBA basketball star and his wife and child on board died in the accident. The newspaper and TV station that received the premonition call chose to believe it and sent reporters to the scene. The helicopter crash did happen, and it matched the time and location that Daniel had predicted.

The third premonition call was made to a TV station, and it was about terrorists hijacking a school bus and demanding a huge ransom and a speedboat from the school. Daniel requested that the TV station pay him a premonition fee in advance, and the TV station agreed to it. They met at the agreed time and place and exchanged cash because Daniel did not want to attract police attention and misunderstandings. However, it still caught the attention and suspicion of the police afterward. Was this so-called "prophet of doom" involved in this security incident? Was he the mastermind behind it? The police began to monitor and track Daniels phone calls.

The fourth premonition call was made to a banks top management. Daniel told the CEO that the banks manager was embezzling from the bank and had taken a large amount of gold and cash from the safe while the vault management was lax during the holidays. The CEO immediately reported the case to the police, and they wired the bank to arrest the manager who was committing the crime in the vault.

Afterwards, Daniel and the CEO agreed on the location to receive the reward, but Daniel unexpectedly discovered that there were undercover detectives ambushing the place. He didnt dare to show up and withdraw the money, fearing that he would be caught by the police and not be able to explain himself. Daniel contacted the bank CEO through a public phone booth and donated the premonition fee to an orphanage in the city. Daniels handling of the situation made the police believe that this "prophet of doom" was not involved in the case. However, the higher-ups had a better plan. They thought of finding this "prophet of doom" and using his ability to assist the police in preventing crimes.

The popularity of the "Spiritual Master" gradually opened up, becoming a favorite of news media, as well as intelligence agencies such as the police, FBI, and CIA who were eager to find "psychics". Daniel was increasingly annoyed that even though he only wanted to provide these prophecies and earn some forecast fees to make a living, why did he have to face the surveillance of the police and intelligence agencies and live a life of hiding? As a last resort, Daniel came up with a solution to obtain media cooperation. He wore a mask and publicly told reporters about a "premonition" - a series of images that appeared in his mind and the time and place where events would occur. Daniel proved his "premonition" and his own "innocence" with concrete actions, and only then did the police start to believe him.

The CIA and FBI became increasingly interested in this mysterious "crow-mouthed prophet" who could predict future events, but Daniel just wanted to live a simple life and did not want to become a "medium" relied upon by intelligence agencies, losing his freedom forever. Daniel decided to return to his old profession, wearing a human skin mask and becoming a wandering fortune-teller, only answering personal questions from clients who came for divination and charging a small fee. He moved from one city to another, changing his location every day and his mask after each session, then driving his van to find a small hotel or motel to rest overnight.

When Daniel returned to the town of T, he set up his fortune-telling booth in the riverside park. A Chinese lady named Qiu Lili came to him for a fortune-telling. Lili was a street artist who was considering breaking up with her boyfriend Chen Junsheng because he was a freeloader who refused to work and often asked her for money. When Daniel held Lilis hand, he saw in his mind that Lili had found out that her boyfriend Junsheng was cheating on her and had slept with another girl in their home. When Lili and Junsheng had a fierce argument, Junsheng went to the kitchen and grabbed a fruit knife, then came back to the bedroom and brutally stabbed Lilis body. The incident happened on Valentines Day night. Daniel felt sorry for Lili and did not want to see her fall victim to her boyfriends knife, so he decided to take the initiative and draw a portrait for her on Valentines Day and invite her for a drive, allowing her to avoid this disaster.

The murder finally happened. Chen Junsheng was arrested by the police and the victim was the girl he brought back from the nightclub. Daniel accompanied Lily back to the apartment building and witnessed Junsheng being escorted out by several policemen with neighbors whispering around them. Lily asked one of the police officers what happened and was told that a neighbor reported hearing a woman screaming in the apartment. When the police arrived, Junsheng was found cleaning up the crime scene. Daniel decided not to let Lily know about it, which he had arranged because she needed comforting after the traumatic experience. From this incident, Daniel realized that even if he actively intervened in accidents or crimes, he could not prevent them from happening, and the victim could just be someone else.

Since that day, Daniel decided to protect Lily and set up his fortune-telling booth next to her face-reading booth. Until one day, Daniel remembered his ex-wife Amy using her beauty to seduce the real estate agent Williams to their home. After they had a physical relationship, Amy tricked Williams into revealing his bank account password and then drugged him with sleeping pills. She robbed him of his credit cards and finances, wore gloves, and carefully took out a handgun equipped with a silencer to shoot Williams. Amy then put Williams and the gun in a body bag and took it away in the car. Daniel noticed that the gun used in the crime was the one he had bought for self-defense and realized that his fingerprints might be on it. He suspected that Amy was trying to frame him, but he was worried about their three childrens future if he exposed her crime. Should Daniel expose his ex-wifes crime? How can he prove his innocence? Can his girlfriend Qiu Lili help him escape this disaster? An exciting and suspenseful plot is about to unfold...

Daniel - A 45-year-old Caucasian with a round face and big eyes, giving him a lovable appearance. He has a slightly chubby build and a mild-mannered and honest personality. However, he has been bullied by his strong-willed wife Amy for a long time. He works as the manager of the tourism department in a hotel.

Amy - A 43-year-old Caucasian with beautiful facial features and a well-maintained figure. She is a tough and capable businesswoman working as a real estate agent. She has a strong desire for success and control and is willing to do whatever it takes to achieve her goals. Amy is having an affair with her company manager, Williams, but he only sees her as a toy. Amy holds a grudge against him and decides to murder Williams, steal money from her bank account, and frame Daniel.

Qiu Li-Li - A 26-year-old street artist from Taiwan. She has delicate features, long hair, and usually wears a shirt and jeans. Li-Li has a gentle, kind-hearted nature.

Chen Jun-Sheng - A 28-year-old handsome man who often wears designer casual wear and cares about his appearance. Jun-Sheng has a bad habit of being a playboy and frequently hangs out in nightclubs and bars.

Williams - A 48-year-old Caucasian with proper facial features and a tall and slim build. He is a manager of a real estate agency and has a family. Williams has been having an ambiguous relationship with Amy for a long time and is attracted to her body. However, he has no intention of giving her a proper status.

Note: Except for Daniel and Kuo Li-Li, the supporting characters in each unit will be included in the outline of that unit.

Dear Producer and Agent,

We are a group of young writers dedicated to writing movie and television scripts. Our script studio is located on the democratic and free island nation of Taiwan, on the other side of the Pacific. We offer stories with an Eastern (Chinese) flavor and sincerely hope to have the opportunity to collaborate with you and your company to turn these stories into scripts and bring them to the screen for audiences to see.

Please provide us with your email address or the email address of your companys reviewer so that we can send over the story outline for you or the reviewer to read. If our story meets your or the reviewers expectations, please respond and provide us with a release form. We will sign the release form so that you can read the story outline and script we provide without any legal liability. We are happy to listen to any improvement suggestions related to the story via email and will modify the story outline accordingly until it is close to perfection. Then, we will begin to turn the story outline into a commercial submission script.

In addition to this story, there are many different types of stories on our studio blog that are suitable for movies and television shows. Please take the time to visit our blog with your reviewer. If you find a story that you like, please leave your name and contact email address in the comments section below the story on the blog. Of course, you can also send the same information via email or Line, and we will contact you as soon as possible.


Lucky Chen, Creative Director

Phone number.:886_910_555892
Zhang Jingrens film and television studio blog website address.

( 休閒生活影視戲劇 )
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