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2024/08/26 23:06:33瀏覽235|回應0|推薦0


電影劇本和拍攝版權授與費USD:1000000 (百萬美元)














授權請洽: 54088rabbit@gmail.com


"Shadow Hero" Fantasy Story

Movie Script and Filming Rights Fee: USD 1,000,000 (One Million Dollars)

Story Summary: A university history professor enters the Heaven Hotel to verify legends, only to accidentally get involved in a life-and-death struggle between two rival vampire factions.


In an ancient and mysterious city, there exists a place called the "Heaven Hotel." On the surface, this hotel appears ordinary, but it conceals a gateway to another world—the world of vampires.

The protagonist, Ming Tianli, is an ordinary history professor with a keen interest in ancient legends, although he never truly believed in them. One day, while researching ancient manuscripts, he visits the Heaven Hotel and accidentally triggers a hidden magical barrier, instantly being drawn into the dark vampire world.

Ming Tianli finds himself trapped in an abandoned castle, owned by a cold-blooded vampire lord named Herman, who is planning a total power takeover. Hermans plan involves using an ancient ritual to unlock the seal of the dark world and obtain the "Moon Staff," an invincible power that would allow him to rule over all vampires and humans.

In the castle, Ming Tianli encounters Hermans minions—a group of bloodthirsty vampires who show no mercy towards humans. After several life-and-death battles, Ming manages to escape with the help of a vampire warrior named Alice. Alice is Hermans adversary and a leader of the resistance forces planning to overthrow Hermans rule.

During their escape, Ming Tianli discovers that he possesses a unique ability to sense the presence of vampires, and he gradually masters some ancient combat skills. Under Alices guidance, he learns various martial arts and magic, becoming increasingly powerful.

Together, Ming Tianli and Alice penetrate the vampire territories, uncovering the truth behind Hermans conspiracy and continuously sabotaging his plans. They face numerous dangers, narrowly escaping death each time, but Mings wisdom and courage help them turn the tide.

In a decisive battle, Ming Tianli and Alice lead a resistance force against Herman, engaging in a final confrontation. After a fierce struggle, Ming finally uses his learned skills and strategies to defeat Herman, thwarting his evil plans.

After their victory, the feelings between Ming Tianli and Alice grow. Ming is deeply attracted to Alices bravery and wisdom, while Alice develops a profound affection for Mings resilience and fearlessness. In the end, they not only achieve a happy ending but also become legendary heroes in the vampire world.

When Ming Tianli returns to the real world, the Heaven Hotel has already closed, but he knows that everything he experienced was real. His love story with Alice becomes his most cherished memory, and he turns these experiences into a legendary tale to share with the world.

In this mysterious city, the Heaven Hotel still stands quietly, waiting for the next adventurer to arrive.

© All rights reserved. Unauthorized use of ideas or copying of the plot without signing a contract with this company and obtaining legal authorization is strictly prohibited. Any violation will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law for both civil and criminal liabilities.

For licensing inquiries, please contact: 54088rabbit@gmail.com

Director of Creativity, Lensman Film & Cultural Innovation Co.: Chen Qufei

( 休閒生活影視戲劇 )
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