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"The Dolphin Boy": A Fantasy Movie
2023/03/26 16:54:04瀏覽109|回應1|推薦0

"The Dolphin Boy": A Fantasy Movie

TV film for copyright authorization each episode 100,000 USD

[Creative Concept]

Set 400 years ago, this story takes place in the northern region of Taiwan, specifically in the Ketagalan Basay tribe and the Hualien area of the Amis tribe. The geographical coverage includes areas such as Jilong Island, Guishan Island, and present-day regions such as Jinshan, Wanli (northeast coast, north coast), and Hualien. Although this story is a work of imagination, it incorporates historical and real geographical scenes, giving it an "epic" quality. The author of this work graduated from the Masters program in Taiwanese Literature at National Taipei University of Education and has had extensive research on the cultures of various ethnic groups in Taiwans prehistoric and historical periods. Therefore, the author was able to construct a four-hundred-year-old adventure story full of imagination. This story focuses on the human response and transformation when facing unexpected wealth (a treasure trove of gold): Dongping and Yunying view wealth as fleeting clouds, value emotions, and emphasize principles, so they can create a happy life together; Yalati and Alpha are slaves to wealth, and although they use all their cunning, they end up with nothing in the end.

[Story Summary]
Chen Dongping, a young fisherman from Xiamen, gets stranded on Guishan Island after encountering a storm. He unexpectedly discovers a cache of firearms and a treasure trove of gold and realizes that he has a special ability to communicate with dolphins after rescuing a stranded dolphin named Lele. At Dongpings request, Lele takes him to the seaside of Jinbaoli, where he meets a brother and sister duo, Guangnan and Yunying. Later, due to the threat of pirates to the Basay tribe, Dongping hands over the firearms to Yalati and leads a large group of dolphins and a coalition of Basay and Leilang soldiers to launch a surprise attack on the pirates lair. However, Huanhuan sacrifices herself to save Dongping, leaving him heartbroken.

Yalati, the husband of the head of Jinbaoli tribe, agrees to arrange Yunyings marriage to Dongping, but later conspires to steal the treasure trove after learning about it from Dongping through Guangnan. Yalati orders Guangnan and Yunying to closely monitor Dongping and find an opportunity to extract the location of the treasure trove from him.

The Dutch navy stationed in Dayuan Port received news and sent a fleet to blockade the port of the Basharen, demanding the surrender of Chen Dongping. At the command of Alati, his trusted aide Wu La escorted the three of them to a hidden location. Before leaving, Alati instructed his son Guangming to extract the location of the treasure and gold from Dongping, and then render him blind and dumb before handing him over to the Dutch. However, their scheme was overheard by Yunying, who was disgusted by her father and brothers actions. While on the way to a summer retreat, Wu La escorted the three of them, and Yunying took the opportunity to warn Dongping. With the help of the dolphin Huān Huān, they escaped and settled in an Amis village in Hualien under false names.

Renamed as Rì Shēng, Chen Dongping taught the Amis people how to build fishing boats, weave fishing nets, dig irrigation ditches, and plant rice, improving their lives and earning their respect and admiration. Later, when the area was hit by typhoons and smallpox, Rì Shēng used some of the gold bars to help with post-disaster reconstruction and then went to Xiamen to invite a Dutch priest proficient in Western medicine to come and treat the epidemic in Huālán. The local tribes were impressed by Rì Shēngs assistance and jointly nominated him as the head of the coastal Amis. From then on, the local economy gradually prospered, attracting traders from various countries. This news reached Alatis ears, who suspected that Rì Shēng and Yuèmù were Chen Dongping and Yunying, respectively. He still could not give up on the treasure and gold, so he had his son Guangming pretend to be a merchant and investigate the situation...

[Film Box Office and Market]
This screenplay is not only suitable for a 13-episode animated series with each episode running for 48 minutes, but also for live-action filming with the incorporation of 3D special effects technology. Additionally, it can be adapted into a comic book for diverse marketing opportunities. The plot of this drama includes a wide range of international elements, covering Europe (Dutch military, Western merchants), East Asia (Fusang pirates), and Chinese elements (the male protagonist, Chen Dongping, is a Han fisherman from Gulangyu Island in Xiamen). If approved by the Ministry of Culture, it has the potential to be adapted into a television drama with multi-language dubbing and subtitles, which can be marketed to the Greater China region and continents worldwide, significantly enhancing Taiwans visibility in the international tourism market. In particular, it can promote tourism along the Northeast Coast, North Coast, and East Coast, as well as whale and dolphin watching activities along the blue highway, leading to substantial long-term benefits.

Plot Summary Chen Dongping, a young fisherman from Gulangyu Island in Xiamen, goes fishing with his uncle and gets caught in a typhoon. They are blown to Turtle Island, where their fishing boat is damaged and his uncle is lost in a big wave. Dongping is stranded on the island and uses tools left behind in the wreckage to catch fish and shrimp, and finds shelter in a cave under a cliff.

While exploring the island, Dongping accidentally discovers another cave, which contains a stockpile of weapons and several large boxes of gold bars. However, Dongping does not become greedy. He lights a fire on a high point of the island hoping to attract attention from the people of Jinbaoli village on the opposite shore. Although the smoke signal is noticed by the village children Guangnan and Yunying, they are told by the elders that it is not worth the risk as Turtle Island is often visited by pirates.

Another typhoon hits, and after the storm, Dongping unexpectedly finds a bottlenose dolphin named Lele trapped in the rocky reef. He helps Lele escape and discovers that he can communicate with the dolphin, and they become friends. At Dongpings request, Lele takes him to the other side of the island where he meets the leaders children, Guangnan and Yunying. The siblings warmly invite Dongping to their home, offer him food and hospitality, and plan to keep him there, but their father, Yalati, fears for Dongpings safety as the Kaidagelan tribe is currently threatened by the Japanese pirate fleet. He does not want Dongping to stay and become collateral damage if the pirates attack.

Upon receiving the intelligence report, Dongping remembered the batch of arms on the island that might come in handy. He then made an agreement with Yalati to deliver the arms to him to deal with the Fusang pirates. Unfortunately, Dongping accidentally mentioned the "treasure" in front of Guangnan, arousing his suspicion that Dongping was hiding something. Guangnan informed his father Yalati about this, and Yalati began to covet the treasure.

Lolo gave Dongping some advice, and Dongping told Yalati about the plan. Yalati was overjoyed and made a promise that if Dongping could assist the Bashagun in defeating the pirates on Jilong Island, recovering the island and nearby fishing grounds, he would marry his daughter Yunying to Dongping. Dongping took this promise as a joke and did not take it seriously. Later, Melisa told her daughter Yunying about Yalatis conditions. Yunying thought that her father should not have made such a decision without her consent, and she did not want to be treated as a gift. She also had reservations about such a rough marriage arrangement.

Lolos dolphin clan led the Keataglan Village Warrior Alliance to launch a surprise attack on Jilong Island under the cover of dense fog, successfully breaking through the pirates nest on the island and capturing several leaders. However, Lolo sacrificed herself in the mission to rescue Dongping, who was held captive by the pirates. After the mission, Yalati wanted to fulfill his promise and take Dongping back to marry Yunying. However, Dongping was depressed after losing Lolo and immediately returned to Turtle Island. After Lolos death, her sister Huanhuan came to accompany Dongping on Turtle Island. Dongping regained his smile, and they went on a sea journey together. They encountered the Bashagun fishing boats on the sea near Jilong Island, and the captain warmly welcomed Dongping as a "little hero".

The Dutch fleet set sail from Tainans Dajia Port with the aim of reaching Gui Shan Island to search for a batch of lost gold treasures and weapons from a commercial fleet that had been stranded there thirty years ago. The chief of staff had learned beforehand of Bashias use of guns and explosives to defeat the pirates, as well as the young boy who rode dolphins to assist the Bashia tribe.

Before the Dutch fleet arrived at Gui Shan Island, Huan Huan quickly notified Dongping, who, with the help of their dolphin friends, promptly moved the gold treasures to a hidden underwater cave for safekeeping. Huan Huan and Dongping left the island and headed to Jinbaoli Village to inform Yalati of the situation, who then summoned a meeting with the leaders of the four Bashia tribes to discuss their strategy.

The Dutch army occupied Gui Shan Island and immediately launched a carpet search. They found Dongpings previous hiding cave and the treasure storage cave, but the weapons and treasures had disappeared. Fleet chief of staff Peter concluded that the Bashia tribe may have used the stolen weapons to defeat the pirates, and so he targeted the Bashia tribe, believing that they had taken the gold treasures. He also suspected that the young boy who knew the whereabouts of the gold treasures was being protected by the Bashia tribe. The fleet then sailed into Wanli Fishing Port in Xiaojilong Village with a "fighting for peace" attitude, intending to successfully retrieve the treasures through negotiations with the Bashia tribe.

During their first meeting, each side spoke their own mind. Al-Attar indicated that the Bashagan only acquired weapons and had no knowledge of any "treasure." Under the advice of his staff member Peter, Dutch army commander Alpha requested to search every household in Bashagan village. Al-Attar agreed, and an international investigation team consisting of foreign merchants accompanied the Dutch representative into the village for the inspection. After much turmoil, the Dutch army found nothing, but Alpha was not deterred. He still intended to station his fleet on Turtle Mountain Island for a long period of time until he found the treasure.

Through negotiations with the Dutch representative, Al-Attar learned that the treasure might be quite valuable, and his greed was aroused. On the one hand, he planned to send Dongping and his sister Yunying to a remote summer cottage to avoid the Dutch armys search. On the other hand, he privately convinced his son Guangnan to plot with him to kill Dongping and seize the treasure. Unexpectedly, Yunying overheard their conversation and decided to take revenge for her father by saving Dongping from their evil plan. During the groups journey to the summer cottage, Yunying distracted the accompanying warriors Lula and Guangnan and informed Dongping of his perilous situation. They fled south together. Lula and Guangnan discovered they had been outsmarted and could not catch up with Dongping and Yunying. They reported back to Al-Attar in Bashagan and were instructed to intercept Dongping and Yunying in Gamma Lan.

Dongping and Yunying escaped from Bashagan and arrived in Gamma Lan. Yunying believed that this was not a safe place to stay, so Dongping called for Huanhuan to come and take them to Turtle Mountain Island first. Once there, Dongping and Yunying went to a sea cave and found the treasure. They declared their love for each other and decided to spend their lives together. With the company of dolphins, they left for the south to start a new life.

The couple arrived ashore at the mouth of the Hualien River and changed their names to Ri Sheng and Yue Niang, settling down in the area. The Amis people of the coastal plains were scattered throughout the region, and they were very friendly to the couple who had traveled from afar. The chief, Ali, gave them a piece of land to cultivate and build a thatched hut. Ri Sheng taught his Amis friends how to weave fishing nets, build wooden fishing boats, and fish, which increased their catch rapidly. Ri Sheng also taught the Amis people to dig irrigation canals to guide the creek water to irrigate their fields, allowing them to plant rice and taro (prior to this, the Amis only planted drought-resistant rice and millet), making their food supply more stable and abundant. When neighboring Amis villages heard the news, they came to learn from the people of Meilun, and Ri Sheng became a well-known figure in the Hualien region. Happy the Dolphin often came to the seaside to find Ri Sheng and Yue Niang, and although their lives were busier than before, they still cherished their friendship with the dolphin.

However, the good times did not last. One year later, the Amis people in the Hualien area were first hit by a strong typhoon, which caused serious damage to their houses and farmland. Then, some villagers contracted chickenpox, and it quickly spread, with blisters appearing on the patients bodies and villagers dying one after another. Ri Sheng had heard from the elders about this terrible infectious disease, and when Ali and several other chiefs asked him for help, he promised to do his best to assist the villagers in eradicating this terrible epidemic.

With a few warriors and several dolphins, Rissho sailed back to Turtle Island on a sailboat. By the time they arrived, the Dutch fleet had already left. With the help of his dolphin friends, Rissho dove into an underwater cave and retrieved several gold bars. He then returned to Hualien and used the gold to assist the Amis people in rebuilding their homes. Afterward, he sailed to Xiamen and found a Dutch priest named Father List, who was knowledgeable in medicine, and convinced him to come with him. Father List requested Rissho to provide a sufficient amount of medicine to bring on the ship, and Rissho purchased a batch of medicine using the gold bars.

Father List accompanied Rissho back to Hualien and, through treatment and health education, gradually brought the local smallpox epidemic under control. Father List and the Amis people became friends and decided to stay and spread the gospel. The Amis people voluntarily helped Father List build a church.

The Amis people were grateful for Risshos kindness and noble deeds. Several village leaders held a meeting and decided to elect Rissho as the chief of the coastal Amis people. Within a few years, the Hualien region developed into a prosperous and fertile land, attracting Spanish and Dutch merchants from afar. The news reached Jinbao Li Society through the merchants, and Yarati and Guangnan father and son intuitively judged that the leader known as Rissho was most likely Chen Dongping. Yarati asked Guangnan to sail to Hualien to investigate the matter.

Kounan boarded a foreign merchant ship and arrived at Huilan, where he saw Risin and Yuanying and confirmed the suspicions of himself and his father. Kounan hovered around Risins home for several days, urging the couple to return to Jinbaoli, but Yuanying remained wary of her brother and secretly warned Risin to be cautious of Kounan. Of course, Risin was well aware of Kounans motives.

Kounan returned to the Jinbaoli community and reported the truth to his father, who still held out hope for the treasure. He came up with a plan to lend a hand in murder and intercept Risin and Yuanying, and deliberately sent someone to spread the word among the Dutch merchants that the Amis people were controlling the hidden treasure of gold in Huilan, explaining the rapid development of the area in recent years. Afterwards, Araite and his son, along with a few henchmen, disguised themselves as merchants and sailed to Huilan, taking up residence in the local foreign trading post and waiting for the opportunity to capture Dongping and Yunying.

This news reached the ears of the Dutch Governor-General Putmans in Tainan, who chose to believe it and sent Colonel Whelen to lead a fleet of 2,000 men and twenty gunboats to Huilan, anchoring outside the small fishing port of Meilun in the Amis community.

Kuang-nan arrived at Hualien on a foreign merchant ship and saw Ri-sheng and Yueh-niang, confirming their suspicion. Kuang-nan stayed with Ri-sheng (Dongping) for several days and strongly invited the couple to return to the Jinbao Li tribe, but Yueh-niang (Yun-ying) still had reservations about her brother Kuang-nan and privately warned Ri-sheng to beware of him. Ri-sheng was of course aware of Kuang-nans intentions.

Kuang-nan returned to the Jinbao Li tribe and truthfully reported to his father A-la-ti. A-la-ti still held hope for that batch of treasure and came up with the plan to borrow a knife to kill, and intercept them halfway, deliberately sending people to spread the word among the Dutch merchants in the area that the Dutchs batch of golden treasure was hidden in Hualien and controlled by the Ami people, which was why the area had developed so rapidly in recent years. Afterwards, A-la-ti and his son personally took a ship with a few followers, disguised as merchants, and came to Hualien, where they lived in the local foreign merchants hall, waiting for the opportunity to capture Dongping and Yun-ying.

This news reached the ears of the Dutch Governor Putmans in Taiouan. Putmans chose to believe it and sent Colonel Willen to lead a fleet of 2,000 men and twenty gunboats to Hualien, anchoring outside the small fishing port of Meilun in the Jinbao Li tribe.

The Ami people felt unprecedented pressure from the Dutchs large military presence, and Willen sent a messenger to meet with the chief Ri-sheng. The messenger bluntly explained the purpose of their visit, demanding that Ri-sheng hand over the batch of golden treasure, otherwise, the Ami villages would be attacked and their houses destroyed. The heads of various villages took a tough stance to protect Dongping and Yun-ying, even willing to go to war with the Dutch fleet. However, Ri-sheng did not want to involve the Ami people and explained to Ali that this matter was caused by himself. Ri-sheng decided to face the Dutch army alone. Father Liston mediated and enabled Commander Willen and Ri-sheng to reach an agreement, with Ri-sheng accompanying Willen to Turtle Island to retrieve the golden treasure.

On the night before Ri-shengs departure, A-la-ti and his son led their followers into Ri-shengs home and abducted him and Yun-ying. This scene was witnessed by Alis young son, A-mi-da. A-mi-da immediately informed his father Ali, who led hundreds of warriors in several groups to track A-la-ti and his group and attempted to rescue Ri-sheng and Yun-ying. Commander Willen also received a notification from Ali and led his fleet north to block the sea route.

Arati was cunning by nature, and in order to avoid being pursued by the Amis people, he had his subordinates impersonate Mr. and Mrs. Nichisho, deceiving the Amis peoples pursuit. Arati and his son took the Nishios on a small sailboat and quickly headed north under the cover of darkness. At this moment, in the cabin, Dongping remembered Huanhuan, who, along with her group of dolphin friends, could rescue the couple in this dangerous situation. Dongping suddenly pretended to be crazy, singing and dancing loudly in the cabin, which indeed attracted Huanhuan and a group of dolphins. The dolphins heard from the song that the Dongping couple were trapped in the cabin, so Huanhuan commanded dozens of dolphins to overturn Aratis sailboat, and then carried the fallen Dongping couple away, surrounded by them, heading south on the sea. In the darkness, Arati, Mitsuo, and two of their men clung to drifting wood, bobbing up and down on the sea.
(The end)

[Character List]
Character Name Role in the Story Physical Description (as of the time of appearance) Personality and Thoughts
1 Chen Dongping Main character 15 years old, handsome with clear features, dark skin, tall and thin, wearing tattered fisherman clothes. Sincere, honest, gentle, with a sense of justice and chivalry. Dongping discovered a batch of weapons and treasure by accident when he was trapped on Turtle Island, which attracted the covetousness of the father and son duo, Yalati and Guangnan. Dongping has the ability to communicate with animals and has established a deep friendship with the dolphin siblings, Lolo and Huanhuan.

2 Yun Ying Female lead Daughter of Merysah, the leader of the Jinbao Li tribe 13 years old, with deep facial features and a beautiful appearance, black and soft long hair, symmetrical figure, sweet singing voice, wearing traditional girls clothing. Naturally beautiful, intelligent, independent, with strong opinions and thoughts, and values both emotions and logic. When she discovered her father and brothers plot to seize the treasure, she timely informed Dongping and together they broke free from their control and started a new life.

3 Guangnan: Male supporting role, son of the leader of the Jinbao Village, Melissa. He is 15 years old, with handsome and masculine features, and wears traditional Baxia clothing for young men. He is warm-hearted but lacks judgment and a sense of right and wrong. Influenced by his father, who is driven by personal gain, Guangnan intends to harm Chen Dongping.

4 Lele: A small male bottlenose dolphin with a streamlined body. He is emotional, lively, clever, and responsive, and develops a deep friendship with Chen Dongping after being rescued from a rocky area. He sacrifices his life when he is taken hostage by pirates to save his sister during an attack.

5 Huanhuan: A small female bottlenose dolphin with a streamlined body. She is smart, lively, clever, and responsive, and inherits her brothers spirit. She becomes good friends with Chen Dongping and develops an unbreakable bond.

6 Yalati: Guangnan and Yunyings father, leader of the Jinbaoli tribe. He is 35 years old with handsome features, a sturdy physique, and wears aristocratic clothing of the Bashu group. He is calm and insightful in his actions, with a deep understanding of city management and politics. He is both brave and strategic, and speaks eloquently, making him the practical opinion leader of the Bashu group. However, he is willing to use any means to achieve his goals and is a hypocrite who appears kind but is actually evil in the dramas main villain role.

7 Melisa: Guangnan and Yunyings mother, 30 years old, a mature and charming mature woman with excellent appearance and temperament. She wears the clothing of the leader of the Bashu group and is dignified and generous. She is loving and kind, and although she is the head of the tribe, she respects her husband and relies on him for major issues.

8 Wula: Huangjin warrior of the Jinbaoli tribe, 35 years old, with a square head, big ears, thick eyebrows, and lips, a sturdy physique, and wearing the clothing of a Bashu warrior, with a yellow scarf around his head. He is a loyal warrior, strong and brave in battle, and obeys Yalatis commands.

9 Hadamu: Yalatis nephew and Huangjin warrior of the Jinbaoli tribe, 20 years old, with a long face, thick eyebrows, large eyes, and a big nose, with a tall and strong physique and well-developed muscles. He wears the clothing of a Bashu warrior and has a yellow scarf around his head. He has a cool head, leadership abilities, and practical combat experience, and obeys Yalatis commands.

10 Fujiki Ichiro: Leader of the Fusang pirates, 40 years old, with thick eyebrows, big eyes, thick lips, a scar on his face, a sturdy physique, and wearing a leaders clothing. He has a gloomy and suspicious character, with brutal and violent methods, and is a ruthless character.

11 Hachiman Daiwu: Pirate combat officer, 30 years old, with thick eyebrows, big eyes, rough and bold features, a beard on his cheeks, a tall and straight physique, a voice like a bell, wearing armor and a warriors robe, and carrying a long sword at his waist. He is a brave and skilled fighter with a bold and direct character, a heavy drinker, and a loud voice, but sometimes reckless.

12 Sakuragi Hiroshi: (Pirate staff officer), 35 years old, with handsome features and a scholarly demeanor, fair skin, and wearing pirate warrior clothing. He is meticulous in his thinking, skilled in strategy, and has a scholars literary temperament.

13 Alpha: Colonel Commander, 45 years old, with thin eyebrows, a hooked nose, distinctive features, blonde hair, a slightly chubby physique, and short stature, wearing a Dutch naval officers uniform. He trusts his staff officers analytical reasoning and relies on his subordinates abilities. He is a respected leader with patience and resilience, making him a formidable opponent.

14 Peter, Staff Officer, Colonel, 35 years old, with a long face, thin eyebrows, and long eyes, with golden hair, tall and thin, wearing a Dutch navy officer uniform. He is a thoughtful and analytical strategist who devises plans for the commander and is a competent staff officer.

15 Marken, Dutch Officer, Lieutenant, Platoon Leader, 32 years old, with well-defined features, golden hair, and a muscular build, wearing a Dutch navy officer uniform. He is adept at assessing the situation and analyzing various circumstances, and is an excellent young officer.

16 Pierce, Dutch Officer, Lieutenant, Platoon Leader, 30 years old, with long eyebrows, narrow eyes, hooked nose, deep facial contours, bushy cheeks, golden hair, tall and thin, wearing a Dutch navy officer uniform. He has a cool head, a keen mind, and quick reflexes, and is an outstanding young officer.

17 Damian, Leader of the Leorang group, 50 years old, with long eyes and eyebrows, prominent wrinkles and age spots on his face, gray hair, medium build, and wearing a Leorang group leaders elegant attire. He has a genial personality, is skilled in communication and coordination, and can harmonize various parties to reach a consensus. He is an approachable tribal leader.

18 Xiu Lan, Head of the Daji Cage tribe, 35 years old, with thick eyebrows, big eyes, freckles on her face, plump figure, and wearing the elegant attire of the Baxia group leader. She has a keen mind, understands how to read peoples expressions and body language, and can participate in teamwork to repel external enemies.

19 Yami, Head of the Sandmartin tribe, 32 years old, with long eyes and eyebrows, freckles on her face, tall and thin, and wearing the elegant attire of the Baxia group leader. She is calm and composed and carefully considers major decisions, respects the opinions of the Alati people, and can participate in teamwork.

20 Meili, Head of the Little Chicken Cage tribe, 30 years old, with plain features, thick eyebrows, big eyes, and thick lips, wearing the elegant attire of the Baxia group leader. She is full of youthful energy and will express her own opinions on the decisions and views of Alati and Melisa, but she still respects majority decisions.

21 Smith, Chairman of the Foreign Business Association, 50 years old, with long eyes and eyebrows, silver hair, deep facial contours, a silver beard, a muscular build, and wearing English attire. He has a business-like personality and is dedicated to maintaining stability, avoiding the escalation of the situation, and demanding that the Dutch military exercise restraint.

22 Ali, Head of the Meilun tribe of the Amis tribe, 35 years old, with thick eyebrows, big eyes, well-defined features, wearing a headscarf, a burly figure, and wearing traditional Amis clothing. He values loyalty and friendship, and is grateful to Jisheng and Yuemei for improving the lives of the Amis people, inviting doctors to treat smallpox patients, and controlling the epidemic. He is committed to protecting his tribe and will not allow anyone to threaten their way of life.

23 Amida, Alis son, is 12 years old with thick eyebrows and big eyes, delicate facial features, a small and slender body, and dressed in traditional Ami clothing. He is clever and quick-witted, able to read peoples expressions and words. He promptly discovered that the couple, Ri Sheng and his wife, had been kidnapped by the father and son duo, Ya La Ti.

24 Li Siti, a priest, is 55 years old with a kind and gentle demeanor, silver-gray hair, a round face, medium build, and dressed in priestly clothing with a cross on his chest. He is originally from the Netherlands and was a local priest in Xiamen. He is skilled in medicine, particularly in treating infectious diseases. He was invited by the head of Ri Sheng to come to Huilan to treat Ami smallpox patients and stayed to preach.

25 Putemans, the Dutch governor of Taoyuan Port, is 60 years old with sharp eagle eyes, a hooked nose, a pointed chin, a goatee, thick and golden hair, and a tall and slender body. He is dressed in official clothing and exudes a commanding presence. He has a strong personality, acts stubbornly and subjectively, believing that everyone must follow his orders and act according to his will. He is not easily persuaded and is a high-ranking official with a very high opinion of himself.

26 Willem, the fleet commander, is 45 years old with sharp eagle eyes, a hooked nose, a rectangular face, sharp gaze, red hair, a tall and slender figure, and dressed in high-grade military clothing with medals on his chest, exuding an aura of heroism. He is calm and composed, wise and decisive, a Dutch naval commander who is skilled in battle and negotiations. He is highly regarded by the governor.


( 休閒生活影視戲劇 )
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2023/04/12 18:24
Wow! The storyline of this movie is heart-warming, it is amazing. I will watch it on soap2dayhd, hopefully with a good print. I am excited about it.(kosoci7655@emailnube.com)