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2007/10/09 16:24:56瀏覽1534|回應1|推薦16

Hi Txxx,

Any plan for the game tonight? I am thinking about going to a bar or just have you guys coming over to have some pizza and beer.


Hi Txxxxx

Guess what? I don't think I'll get to see it. I have a concall from
5:00 - 6:00 today. The way things are going today, I expect I have to
do this call from the office. Then I have another call at 7:15pm. So
will probably only get to listen on the radio on my way home.

I guess it's kind of risky to start Wang on 3 days rest. Hopefully his
arm will be just tired enough to get that good sinker. Too much rest
actually bad for him. I predict he will do well tonight. He usually
pitches better at Yankee Stadium.

Are you in town? I thought you were traveling this week. I am on the
road next week, so if you are around we should have lunch this week.

Hi Txxx,

Sorry, that you can not make it. I was actually shocked when I saw the TV preview showing that Torre planned to bring back Wang in 3 days rest.

Wang's rhythm was totally off in the first game. From what I saw on my friend's iPod while in UK, Wang got too much power on his pitches. I was so surprised that Torre took him out so early since it is going to break his routine. We talked about that move while we were having dinner. It was a bad move since Wang needed to get all those energy out, even at the expense of that game. For a young guy like him, he has to start with his routine and get into his comfort zone.

However, the key of this series is how well those Indians pitchers handle the Yankees' line-up. So far, they have handled it so well in the first three games. You can see how many bad pitches the Yankees were chasing. I wonder whether Paul Byrd can do the same. Yet, if the slow pitching Curt Schilling was able to pin-point so well against the potent Halo's line-up, there is nothing impossible for Byrd. My prediction: If Wang can battle through the first inning untagged, Yankees' will be fine. If Indians score any run at the top of the inning, the pressure will be on Yankees.

I prefer to see Yankees lose this year, actually every year until people are spending the right amount of the money for the right talent. Money should not be considered to be able to buy anything. I do not believe in everything has its price, especially championship. The Yankees roster includes those who does not deserve, especially Jason Giambi. It is a matter of integrity. Money should not come above integrity. Do you notice the sign on the street? Dublin Pride - Integrity in Action program

It is the kind of the year that an old teams like the Indians or a new comers like Rockies go all the way. I know my wish is a tough one since Money does seem to be able to buy anything in this world.

( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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2007/10/11 17:04



盲目是很大的危機, 無論是在那個層面而言,都是如此



而經的起試練的支持力,往往是精神的,無形的視野, 不僅僅是有形技巧


稻柏臨(scliao) 於 2007-10-11 22:11 回覆:

