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Happy Teacher's Day~~
2010/09/28 13:14:04瀏覽899|回應6|推薦28

在中山包括實習 今年已是第六年




教與學的生活17年來 帶給自己無窮的樂趣 開發自己無止盡的學習力

記得六年前還是實習老師時 教學演示當下的心境~~

當一位老師 是我一生中最值得做好的事

老師是個播種的園丁 ~~我期許自己播下快樂學習的種子

也盼望每一個種子都能依照自己的特性 成長茁壯 美化人生的大花園

六年後的我 仍希望永保初衷~

當一位快樂的老師  播下快樂學習的種子

妳輸我贏 妳贏我輸  勝不驕敗不餒的 微笑面對 學習失敗 學習成功 

鷹架的輔助讓孩子借力使力 向上自我提升

你來我往是語言學習的聽與說的表達能力 聽解能力



Teacher can be as knowledgeable as the walking dictionary, as gentle as the spring breeze; as sweet as the summer ice cream, as graceful as the fall falling leaves and as warm as the winter sun.

Every day can be celebrated with sunny moods and happy smiles. Of course, every day can be lived up to its fullest by sharing lots of reflective and meaningful thoughts.

"Actions with plans." is carried out successfully by a wise teacher like you.

Cherish every minute to learn something new and practice something learned with creativity, curiosity and patience.

Here and now, near or far, I'd like to say " You are the best teacher to all of us" with appreciation and gratitude.

Even though life is so short, art is long. The sincere and genuine teacher like you will never feel alone.

Rainbows in the sky connect reality and dreams; a supper teacher who has  the great ambition to make a difference in life bridges the ignorance and knowledge, replaces the indifference with  the genuine friendship and fosters positive thinkings with hopes.

( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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我都不我了 哪有誰來怨誰
2010/11/17 20:02
我工作 卻整天說不上一句話

in Intron we Exon

2010/09/29 08:30
Hi, Teach!  Have a great day on this special occasion of yours.
Happiness(s222460428) 於 2010-09-29 10:58 回覆:

Yeah, saying hi to students every day makes me stay young and fresh.

Thanks for your sincere greetings.

Have a great day.

2010/09/28 20:53

送給快樂的好老師 Happy Helen!

( 第二張照片的美少女是長大了的學生回來探望嗎?)

Happiness(s222460428) 於 2010-09-29 11:00 回覆:

Haha, actually she is also an English teacher who used to teach here. She came over to visit me on this special day.

Actually, she is truly young and pretty.

Thanks for bringing me the lovely smile with brightness and sweetness.

2010/09/28 17:26

Dear Helen,

You are a great teacher such that many students are happy to be under your teaching.

Best wish from Willtrue

天地無私 來此人間遊歷 順逆皆是生命養分
歡喜仰受天命 行住坐臥皆自在~~
Happiness(s222460428) 於 2010-09-29 11:02 回覆:

I am not a great teacher, but I know I am a happy teacher.

Yeah, students are happy with a happy teacher who wears a happy smile.

2010/09/28 13:57
快樂的老師, 教師節快樂
Happiness(s222460428) 於 2010-09-28 16:43 回覆:

Thanks a lot. Wish you a peaceful and productive Teacher's Day today.

Happy Teacher's Day.
2010/09/28 13:51

Happy Day!

Happiness(s222460428) 於 2010-09-28 13:51 回覆:

Education is truly a lifetime action, but how ironically as well as truly, "Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all its pupils." -- (Louis) Hector Berlioz

教育真的是一生行動, 但多麼諷刺,卻也多麼真實啊!!"時間是最偉大的教師,但是令人遺憾,它殺死它的所有的學生。 "-- (Louis) Hector Berlioz

Education is a progressive and successive discovery of one's own ignorance and unawareness, as a teacher, I wish to see my students in pursuit of knowledge actively and joyfully.

教育是『覺知』自己的『無知』和『不知』進步和連續的發現。 身為教師,我樂見我的學生積極而樂情地追求知識。

Diploma, job and money are not the products of education;  education is an everlasting and continuous process with no ends.

畢業證書,工作和錢都不是教育的產物; 教育是一個沒有終點永久且連續的過程。 

Uniqueness of education lies in its growing growth as we continue to live; no wonder there is a sayings, " To live is to learn."

教育的獨特性在於它日『精』月『益』的成長; 難怪有一句俗語說:『活到老,學到老。』(活學)

Chinese proverb goes like this, "Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself." and it also indicates that education is the ticket to enjoy one's ideal life as well as to create one's own flawless world.


Actions speak louder than words; we learn how to speak by speaking; we learn how to write by writing; we learn how to read by reading; we learn how to listen by listening; we learn how to work by working; we learn how to love by loving; no wonder there are quotes, " Tell me and I'll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I'll understand; let me do it and I'll make it." and " Experience is the best teacher."

『坐而言,不如起而行』; 我們透過講話,學習講話; 我們透過寫作,學習寫作; 我們透過閱讀,學習閱讀;我們透過傾聽,學習聽話; 我們透過工作,學習工作; 我們透過被愛,學習去愛; 難怪有諺語說:『告訴我,我將忘記; 給我看,我可能記得; 與我有關,我會理解; 讓我做做看,我將成功。』及『經驗是最好的教師。』

The aim of education is the knowledge of the correct and positive values with determined actions, thankful appreciations and thoughtful comprehensions; the purpose of education is to switch an empty mind to an open-minded one.


I expect myself to be a teacher who is able to give my students something to take home to think about besides homework due to the reason that students shouldn't be given answers to remember merely, but they could be encouraged to meet challenges and solve problems by themselves with supportive aids.  

我期望我自己是一位教師, 一位能夠給我的學生除家庭作業以外,能夠帶回家延伸思考的問題。因為學生不應該僅僅背誦、記憶已知的答案;反而,藉由支持的輔助力量,他們能因為鼓勵,而迎接挑戰並自己解決問題。 

Oh, we should always be aware of the down-to-earth fact that students and children may not be very good at listening to their elders, but they may never fail to imitate them.

! 我們應該總知道一個確確實實的事實真相:學生和孩子可能不擅長聽他們長輩的話,但是他們可能永遠不會忘記模仿他們的言行舉止。

Nothing is more important than educationeducation doesn't mean to teach young minds how to make a living or make a good fortune but it means to inspire them to light a life fire with passion and action as well as to live a life.

沒有什麼比教育重要; 教育並非教孩子怎樣謀生或者如何賺大錢, 但教育卻是鼓舞學子們用熱情及行動力燃起生命之火,教育也是鼓舞學子們用生命力享受生活中的『每一個當下』。

Happiness(s222460428) 於 2010-10-16 23:45 回覆:

Teacher can be as knowledgeable as the walking dictionary, as gentle as the spring breeze; as sweet as the summer ice cream, as graceful as the fall falling leaves and as warm as the winter sun.

Every day can be celebrated with sunny moods and happy smiles.

"Actions with plans." is carried out successfully by a wise teacher.

Cherish every minute to learn something new and practice something learned with creativity, curiosity and patience.

Here and now, near or far, I'd like to say " Happy Teacher's Day" to my teachers with appreciation and gratitude.

Even though life is so short, art is long. 

Rainbows over the sky connect reality and dreams; teachers lin life bridge the ignorance and knowledge.

Tea for teachers to show our highest gratitude.

Every mom is the first teacher of her babies.

A teacher a day is a teacher for a lifetime.

CelebratingTeacher's Day with respect, we should also treat others with respect since a quote, " If three of us are walking together, at least one of the other two is good enough to be my teacher."

Happy Teacher's Day to every teacher and the child's first teacher, MOM.

Even a great teacher has a greater teacher who inspires.

Remember the simple fact that the only way to feedback teachers' efforts and love is to be a lifetime learner and share the happiness of learning something new and practicing something learned.

Teacher can be as knowledgeable as the walking dictionary, as gentle as the spring breeze; as sweet as the summer ice cream, as graceful as the fall falling leaves and as warm as the winter sun.

Every day can be wisely used to discover the beauty of knowledge as well get well-prepared  with sunny moods and happy smiles to uncover the beauty of life.

"Actions with plans." should be carried out successfully to meet with wonders and surprises in life.

Cherish every minute to learn something new and practice something learned with creativity, curiosity and patience.

Here and now, near or far, I'd like to say " Happy Teacher's Day" to the special TEACHER with appreciation and gratitude.

Even though life is so short, as long as a teacher is willing to plant a seed of love, the seed of hopes will grow tall and strong to make a difference. 

Rainbows over the sky connect reality and dreams; teachers lin life bridge the ignorance and knowledge.

Happy Teacher's Day.