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Facebook and Me
2009/07/13 10:30:04瀏覽1288|回應5|推薦37

I recently signed up at facebook. Since there have been so many people raving about it that I have to see it myself.

Day 1 since I signed up I found out that half of the pool nursing staff from work were on my suggested friends list. There were Jeri S., Heather F., Sonny C., Merilyn S. and Danielle K. VERY SCARY. How did the heck that facebook know that these people are related to me anyway? From the same zip code? Or the email addresses? Or what?! I figured that if I can hide behind my kitty cat's snapshot, I can cruise for a while.

WRONG. I got a request to be freind right away in two hours from Jeri.

So of course I did not attempt to let all of them from work know that I am at facebook now. There are some people you just know you will never be freinds with, no matter if it is in real one or virtual one. And facebook is not being subtle or helpful in that department at all. That damn suggested friends list keeps popping out like crazy everytime you click on it. So if I can see them names and everything, can they see me as well?

Day 2 I got Shawn P. on my list. Then came along Raechelle Y. and Claire N.

My problem is I do not know how to carry on a chit-chat. "off to work for OT." "nothing to do, just chilling.""Just saw Revolutionary Road, Wow." "here is my taro card reading -- death. woohoo." REALLY? Who cares what I am doing at this very minute? hour? or day? Do you feel the urge that you need all "your friends" know that you are chilling? Then how about taking a shower? Or try this one -- taking a dump? This kind of chit-chat bores me to death. How are you going to know someone better when all you can carry on is chit-chat? Not to say that people are NOT all that into you when all you talk about is yourself.

Day 3 I got Vicky S. and Gina W.

These two are my long lost friends. Our friendship can go back to 1997 when we were still single. OH WELL. If girl's friendship can not continue, there is something wrong with the people who are involved. We are married and have our life to move on -- Vicky married to Paolo and moved to Italy, and Gina in Singapore. Sadly to say, we are friends for a season. So when Gina wrote me back, "You are always so far away, P," I kinda laughed my ass off a little. I know I suck at fowarding jokes and some silly emails, but I have ALWAYS been here. Or at least my email address has.

"I see. So you spent your afternoon on facebook," said Chris at work, I told her that I was going to do grocery shopping while I was spending time at facebook.

"Yea, but I don't feel that I want the whole world to know me..." I said. Or, know what I am doing from day to day. And did I mention that I hate that profile info too? Like it's really going to help me with my social life.

"Very teenager-ish, Chris," I continued.

Yea, and I guess I have passed that age too. Let's just put it that way.

( 休閒生活旅人手札 )
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ellen chou 雨僧 雲自在
2009/10/04 23:03
我只有和兒女及有限的幾位朋友來往, 也算趕上流行
purr(rtcapaldi) 於 2009-10-05 07:51 回覆:

i really have concern about privacy or should i say how much privacy i want to reveal with "my friends" on the list. even if i can trust the ones on my list, how about those on their lists? it freaks me out all the time.

VS Always
old fasion me
2009/08/01 10:28
why Facebook is so popular now?
even Twitter, I don't see any fun of it?
but just few months ago, I questioned why people were blogging
purr(rtcapaldi) 於 2009-08-01 20:06 回覆:

ha ha ha...so you dig blogging a lot now, don't you VS?

well you just gave me this idea to check out twitter. hmmm.

worries about Facebook
2009/07/27 22:53
A friend suggested me sign up Facebook many times, but I have not tried.... for not used to writing in English.  She said my sons would become my friends, but I don't know if they would like me to be their "friend" on facebook.  It seems once you are someone's friend, you could join his/her circle too.  I'm not sure about knowing "too much" of their lives.  Am I worrying too much?
purr(rtcapaldi) 於 2009-07-28 22:29 回覆:


if you just want to touch base with your own circle of friends, facebook is fun to use. but i would NOT want my mom to be able to snoop around while i socialize with my friends either. if you have concern (adding your son to be on your list,) then when you see his name popping up on the suggested freinds list, DO NOT add him onto your list. that way, you keep your privacy, he keeps his.

facebook is multi lingual. you do NOT have to use only english. pick the language you want to use while setting up the book. i can use both chinese and english onmy book.

I am not crazy about putting everything about me on Facebook
2009/07/18 17:18
I use it to keep in touch with my relatives in the US. You are right, I don't need the world to know about me or what I am doing now. You think Facebook is bad enough, Twitter is worse, I don't want to be tracked down like in a movie. You'll never know who is spying on you, that is scary. Everything is fine now, but who knows what would happen in a couple of years? Maybe "identity" is something precious.We'd better be careful about it.

purr(rtcapaldi) 於 2009-07-19 06:00 回覆:

TOTALLY agree! recently i have witnessed a witch hunt in my circle of friends on facebook. VERY SCARY.

nothing special
No Way~
2009/07/14 09:20

I am not going to put my face (or my email address) on a BOOK for the whole world to see. Last week, I over heard a conversation of two, they were talking of highschool girlfirend wanted to add this woman to her facebook friend list, she said "hello, there's a reason why I never contacted you since high school graduation..."

So, here is my quote "hello, there's a reason I do not want the whole world to see my face." You guess the reason. :-)

purr(rtcapaldi) 於 2009-07-14 09:39 回覆:

so it is NECESSARY that you have a back-up email address, NS... hehehe.

but i will NEVER post any pics online. its very 6 degree of separation out there....