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A Secret Shopper
2009/02/26 12:57:10瀏覽914|回應4|推薦24

I know it is not fair to say this, especially at the time when the economy is not good. People are losing jobs. Their houses are being under foreclosure. And other what not in life that is not going so well. But if I am going to see or hear any news about how BAD the economy is and how we should be all prepared for the BAD days to come, I am going to SCREAM!

Who needs to be CONSTANTLY reminded of all this when we are actually living in it?

The bad economy? The recession? GEE, it has ALWAYS been like this here in Michigan. At least that's how I look at it. Hubby was laid off twice (or 3 times?) since we are married. Don't you DARE to tell me that I need to be prepared for the rainy days. I HAVE BEEN living in rainy days here in Michigan since day one. The only difference now is that my 401K and IRA account are 40% further less than what they used to be.

And what are you going to do about it?

It seems like all of a sudden the WHOLE world has caught the "recession flu". It's all becoming TOO depressing, hopeless, and BLAH BLAH BLAH. But aren't there any good news even in a very bad day?

I have missed SO MUCH when we can openly talk about planning on a vacation. Or planning on a shopping spree to buy new shoes, new clothes, new makeup or jewelry. Or simply just going out to eat. Now I have to be so f*cking low-key that I can not even wear my new jewelry to work. "Wow, that's beautiful. Is that new?" Is that new? WHAT IF IT IS? I'd rather spend on myself than losing my hard-earned money to the on-going depreciating stock market. Is that new? What kind of a question is that, really?

And I still manage a secret at work that I bought myself a NEW sleep number bed a month ago. Hey, at least I will NOT have backache when I get up.


( 休閒生活旅人手札 )
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You are not alone...
2009/03/25 21:23
I will scream with you...aaaaaahhhhhhhh

Hate the bad news, it is a global media campaigne to tell everyone it is bad bad bad. It is getting to sound like a psycho thriller. Of course I know it is bad, but life goes on. Just when you think it is the worst, it is getting better.

Some people always get lucky, no matter what. Hope next time it will be us.
purr(rtcapaldi) 於 2009-03-26 17:14 回覆:
hope we all will have a good ending at the end of all this global mess...

nothing special
It was not like this..
2009/02/27 09:12
The State was not this bad when I was in ... sometimes in the 80th.
purr(rtcapaldi) 於 2009-02-27 09:47 回覆:

in the 80's....

EVERYTHING was good. EVERYONE could make a fortune from the stock market. things have never been the same since 1998 ...

ellen chou 雨僧 雲自在
It's all right.
2009/02/27 08:41
It is not luxurious for your back, it is necessary.
Besides, what a bargain!
purr(rtcapaldi) 於 2009-02-27 09:10 回覆:

thank you for understanding, ellen. its VERY nice of you to say it. i'm VERY TOUCHED....

Apple *
2009/02/27 03:25
Things must be bad, because the business of Hormel Foods is booming. I refuse to call their product, Spam, food. Yet people are buying more of this so called hard-times food. Since when the consumption of Spam is an indicator of economy?
Actually it is good time to go shopping I think; there are so many great bargains.
purr(rtcapaldi) 於 2009-02-27 04:11 回覆:
RIGHT ON! ....
the sleep number bed i bought is a king size. it cost me a little over a grand thanks for the BAD economy so that i CAN, for the first time, afford a luxury bed like that.
and what is it in spam anyway? is that considered meat? or some animal organ?