The advance of science which are supposed to expand our knowledge of the universe, will, if not carefully controlled, destroy the world as we know it. Our technological hubris has brought us not to the brink of catastrophe, but to the actuality of it. But what form will this inevitable deconstruction of reality takes? The answer is to use a term generally understand but the specifices of which you cannot imagine is warfare.
科學的進步本為擴展我們在宇宙的知識,若沒有好好控制,將會毀掉我們所知的世界。我們對科技的傲慢自大,並沒有把我們帶向了大災難的懸崖峭壁,而是正對著”大災難”了。然而,此不可避免的真正結束將會以何種形式出現呢?答案是,用一種通常能理解卻無可想像的戰爭型態。(quote from "Fringe第一季第14集")