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Reply to Diane
2009/04/11 22:53:42瀏覽338|回應0|推薦0

Girl, your body likes a temple.  It is sacred and you must keep it pure until you are married.  Having one-night stand or out of marriage sex will cause you personal disaster and life-time regret.  Do NOT regret whatever you have done in your lifetime.  Guard your body and your mind, and you will have "Happy and Joyful" life for the entire life to come!  Remember what I have said at this moment!  You will see there will be nobody like me suggest you like this.  The Price of Sin is Death and Scandal.  One must be Wise!  You may be wise for some aspects; however, you are dumb while having ONS relationship with men and ignore the threats of HIV & sexual diseases!  Take my words and think about what I have told you whole-heartedly!

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