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2009/08/02 10:49:55瀏覽1466|回應1|推薦11 | |
考完第三科「投票行為專題研究」資格考,卻沒有真正放鬆的感覺,全身繃得緊緊的,甚至連要玩樂,都有點忘了要怎麼做。 之所以如此,一方面是因為考得不夠好,有些地方答得不完美,有些地方至今沒把握寫得對不對;另一方面提出博士論文大綱的時間很緊迫了,我必須在回報社上班前把這事完成,而且除了大綱外,希望也能把論文寫個半本。 理論上,這最後一科「投票行為專題研究」,是我的主修學門,也是我的研究領域與主要興趣,但我太樂觀了,並沒有考出實力。老師的題目不長,招式簡單卻異長凌厲,我凝神接招,卻有點招架不住... 這讓我有很深的感慨,博士資格考真的是教授與博士生之間的「不對稱戰爭」。學問這麼浩瀚,老師開的長串書單只是引入門而已,從這些書單再發展出來的理論與概念,學生要自己有向外開拓的能力;在這種狀況下,教授要考倒一個博士生,其實是很容易的事。 現在吉凶未卜,擔心也沒用,還是依照傳統,把「投票行為專題研究」的書單貼上來,也許網友有興趣,可以把書弄來看。 Downs, A.1957 An Economic Theory of Democracy, Harper & Row, Deutsch, K. W.“ Social Mobilization and Political Development, “ American Political Science Review, 55:493-514. Gelman, A. and King, G..“ Why are American Presidential Election Campaign Polls So Variable When Votes are So Predictable? ” British Journal of Political Science, 23,409-451. Lazarsfeld, P.F., Berelson, B., and Gaudet, H.1944 The People’s Choice: How the Voter Make up His Mind in Presidential Campaign, Columbia University Press, Lewis-Beck, M.S. and Rice, T.W. 1992 Forecasting Elections, Congressional Quarterly, Lipset, S.M.1960 Political Scheuren, F.J. and Alvey, W. 2008 Elections and Exit Polling, John Wiley & Sons, New York. 胡佛,政治參與與選舉行為,三民,台北,1998。 1. Angus Campbell, Warren E. Miller, Philip E. Converse and Donald E. Stokes. 1960. The American Voter 2. Richard G. Niemi and Herbert F. Weisberg. 1993. Classics in Voting Behavior. 3. Anthony Downs. 1957. An Economic Theory of Democracy. 4. Alan S. Zuckerman. 2005. The Social Logic of Politics: Personal Networks as Contexts for Political Behavior. 5. Lazarsfeld,et al. 1944. The People’s Choice. 6. Lipset and Rokkan. “Cleavage Structures, Party Systems and Voter Alignment,” in Party Sytems and Voter Alignment: Cross-National Perspectives. 7. Fiorina. 1981. Retrospective Voting in American National Elections. 8. Miller, Warren E. and J. Merrill Shanks. 1996. The New American Voter. 9. Norris, Pippa. 2004. Electoral Engineering. 10. Cain, Burce, John Ferejohn and Morris Fiorina, 1987. The Personal Vote: Constituency Service and Electoral 說明:閱讀時,應以理論的理解、分析以及其在台灣應用的可能性的思考為重點。各書中以台灣以外地區選民為對象的經驗分析只要瞭解即可。
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