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理則學 練習06
2007/12/07 18:31:27瀏覽569|回應0|推薦0
 A. In each case state how the conclusion is related to the premise(converse, obverse, etc.); and say whether the argument is valid, indicating whether any existential presupposition makes a difference.

1. All Kenyans are Africans. Hence, no Kenyans are non-Africans.

前提:All Kenyans are Africans

結論:No Kenyans are non-Africans

結論「No Kenyans are non-Africans」是前提「All Kenyans are Africans」的質述反轉(Obversion)



All Kenyans are Africans(前提)

No Kenyans are not Africans

No Kenyans are non-Africans(結論)



8. Some stars are not luminous bodies. So some luminous bodies are not stars.

前提:Some stars are not luminous bodies

結論:Some luminous bodies are not stars

結論「Some luminous bodies are not stars」是前提「Some stars are not luminous bodies」的位反轉(conversion)




B. By what sequence of steps can the second sentence be validly inferred from the first? Operations of immediate inference and relationships from the square of opposition may be used. Make clear any existential presuppositions.

1. No Africans are Buddhists. Some Africans are non-Buddhists.


No Africans are Buddhists.

(定言語句形式:No S are P)

質述反轉(Obversion)All Africans are non-Buddhists.

(定言語句形式:"No S are P" is equivalent to "All S are nonP")

加限的位反轉(Conversion by limitation)Some non-Buddhists are Africans.

(定言語句形式:"All S are P" implies "Some P are S")


質述反轉(Obversion)Some non-Buddhists are not non-Africans.

(定言語句形式:"Some S are P" is equivalent to "Some S are not nonP")

位詞反轉(Contraposition)Some Africans are not Buddhists.

(定言語句形式:"Some S are not P" is equivalent to "Some nonP are not nonS")

質述反轉(Obversion)Some Africans are non-Buddhists.

(定言語句形式:"Some S are not P" is equivalent to "Some S are nonP)


No Africans are Buddhists.(前提)


All Africans are non-Buddhists.


Some non-Buddhists are Africans.


Some non-Buddhists are not non-Africans.


Some Africans are not Buddhists.


Some Africans are non-Buddhists.(結論)

C. Explain why each argument is not valid.

3. All bureaucrats are officials. So all officials are bureaucrats.

前提:All bureaucrats are officials

結論:All officials are bureaucrats

結論「All officials are bureaucrats」是前提「All bureaucrats are officials」的位反轉(conversion)


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