電影最主要的劇情轉捩點之一,即是主角尚萬強之養女珂賽特(Cosette)的愛人,青年學生馬留斯決意參與共和黨人的革命,推翻腐敗的七月王朝及路易-腓力國王,而這段劇情在改編成音樂劇之後,便配上了頗具張力的 Do You Hear the People Sing?(你聽到人民的歌聲嗎?)這段音樂旋律反復出現了四次,並在最終的大合唱的時候再次出現,可見其貫穿全劇的重要性。
我參考了幾篇寫得極好的博文「Do You Hear the People Sing?─《悲慘世界》與1832年學生起義」及例如「還好有熱血的傻子」等幾篇文章,似乎都對學生起義失敗似乎有眾多的可惜與不舍,並將其連結到近日台灣的學生抗議事件。學生拋頭驢灑熱血,擲血斑斑永遠都是感人的篇章。在電影中,來自資產階級的熱血青年們目睹貧窮階級的種種不堪,期欲揭竿而起,並希望下層階級能夠本著同理心,一呼百應,讓革命能夠順利的水到渠成,沒想到,當揭竿起義的時刻來臨,巴黎或其他地區的民眾並沒有響應起義。電影的解釋是巴黎民眾只顧著自己的安危,不願意起身做為他們的後盾,讓革命終究無疾而終,讓許多的博文對此感嘆不已。
沒有身處那個波瀾壯闊的時代,無法瞭解時代的真相。我們可以推想:1879年的法國大革命以降,法國的民眾已經被政客許諾過無數動人的口號,政客讓市井小民做了翻身的美夢(dreamed a dream),但事實上政治許諾的目標,往往最虛無縹緲(例如:到現在我還不明白什麼是「有夢最美,希望相隨」)。巴黎市民也響應過許多的慷慨激昂的起義事件,例如在大革命時期攻陷巴士底監獄,以及以無比的熱情建立起巴黎公社,這證明巴黎市民並不冷漠。但是頻繁的改朝換代摧毀了政治的上層結構,而市井小民、工人階級的生活依然困頓悲慘,並無異於大革命之前。因此,一次次的革命或起義的目的或正當性究竟為何?我想這會是很多袖手旁觀的巴黎市民心中的疑惑。
附上歌詞 Do you hear the people sing Lost in the valley of the night It is the music of a people Who are climbing to the light
For the wretched of the earth There is a flame that never dies Even the darkest night will end And the sun will rise.
They will live again in freedom In the garden of the Lord They will walk behind the plough-share They will put away the sword The chain will be broken And all men will have their reward!
Will you join in our crusade? Who will be strong and stand with me? Somewhere beyond the barricade Is there a world you long to see? Do you hear the people sing Say, do you hear the distant drums? It is the future that they bring When tomorrow comes!
Will you join in our crusade? Who will be strong and stand with me? Somewhere beyond the barricade Is there a world you long to see? Do you hear the people sing Say, do you hear the distant drums?
It is the future that they bring When tomorrow comes! Tomorrow comes! Tomorrow comes!