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2009/04/28 01:47:08瀏覽3038|回應0|推薦6 | |
歡迎轉載 我今天看英國的經濟學人雜誌,看到了令我驚訝的消息,不過我甚覺鼓舞。不知為什麼台灣的媒體似乎都沒有報導此一消息? 這篇四月23號出刊的文章『Not as easy as it looks』清楚報導了北京當局即將修改部份過去簡化過度的漢字。精確的英文如下『That fierce debate is now being rekindled with the government's announcement of plans to issue later this year a new list of character modifications, aimed mainly at correcting certain 「oversimplifications」 undertaken in the past. Some characters will have more strokes added and thus be brought closer to their earlier, more complicated forms.』 我不反對部份簡體字,但是我反對過去簡化的毫無道理的簡體字。例如『蕭』改成『肖』,葉改成『葉』,口加十為什麼是葉,我想都想不通。 我認為這是拉近兩岸的最重要的一個步驟。胡錦濤做出這一步,我起立給他鼓掌。 China's plans to issue later this year a new list of character modifications is to be applauded. In retrospect, it was probably correct to promote colloquial style of writing (Bei Hua Wen) in the 1920s; and also to devise or revise the simplified strokes of word characters in late 1950s, because more pwoplw then were illiterate than being able to read in China (even today the literacy rate is only about 96%) while simplified Chinese and Bei Hua Wen were easier to implement for the mass illiteracy eradication efforts in that era. Both were arguably products of comprises with due consideration of elements then prevalent. In the age of computerization and with now widely entrenched fundamental reading capability however, it does call for better scientifically based revision for word characters and text format, as the classical text is far more amenable to computer processing as many computer experts would now argue. Government's revision plan of writing characters is an encouraging step. It is indeed time opportune to do so. ----------------------------------------------------------------- 改進簡化字 將公布新漢字表 大陸新聞中心/綜合報導 簡體字與繁體字使用問題的兩極爭論,由來已久,大陸是否恢復使用部分繁體字,最近受到大陸學界的高度議論。據中國社科院語言專家透露,大陸有關方面即將對簡化字進行調整,最新規範的漢字表即將公布。 兩岸使用簡繁體字之爭,因被賦予傳統中華文化傳承等政治意涵,使得這項文字使用問題的討論,蒙上種種陰影。大陸近來就曾針對是否恢復使用繁體字進行討論,社科院日前舉辦的「國學研究論壇」,也曾進行專題研討。 據《新京報》報導,中國語言學會副會長、北師大教授王寧說,無論是「漢字復繁(恢復繁體)」或「更加簡化」,她都不認同,因恢復繁體字的代價太大,十億多人要重學重寫,不易通行,進一步實現漢字的規範化和標準化才是當務之急。 王寧指稱,大陸有關方面即將公布的新漢字表,主要是針對現行簡化字的若干問題作改進。王寧並說,她對三種簡化漢字不認同: 一是「同音替代」,例如:干犯、乾凈、幹部、主幹,都是使用同一個簡化字「干」,這過於簡單,不利於理解。 二是「符號替代」,例如:簡體字中,鄧的「又」部、燈的「丁」部、澄的「登」部,在繁體字都是「登」,簡化後,反而成了三個不同的字,使簡單問題複雜化,也不利於理解。 三是「草書楷化」,一些簡化字用草書代替正楷,而草書與楷書很多是不協調的。 王寧說,這些問題要逐漸改正,新規範的漢字表只作部分糾正,但還沒有大規模地更改。 社科院語言所研究員董琨則說,「識繁寫簡」是個比較好的解決辦法。課本仍用簡體字印刷,但課本後面附上繁簡字體對照表,讓學生對兩種字都能瞭解。 |
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