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2006/12/20 23:02:46瀏覽592|回應0|推薦9 | |
孤家寡人的執行製作人(Exective Producer) Danny 聽著紐奧良黑人音樂家的聖誕曲,節目進行一半的時候,終於按捺不住,跑去找陪著電台大股東祖孫看節目的總裁Jordan,愣頭愣腦的來了一段好萊塢式的求愛告白: " I've been married twice before, and I am recovering cocaine addict. and I know that is no woman's dream of a man or a father, nonetheless, I believe I am falling in love with you. If you want to run, I understand. Be better get a good start. Because I am coming for you, Jordan..." "You should glad to chew that sandwitch!" |
( 休閒生活|影視戲劇 ) |