看到台灣連續幾個醫生,以為SARS救人有功,就該學當政客,一天到晚的跟著裝葱當蒜的,What a waste!
前天在電視Oprah Show上訪問一位18歲高中就參軍的小女兵,到巴格達執行任務,路邊炸彈射入腦中五塊碎片卡住,只有2%存活率,醫生執意要開刀救活了她,而且節目裡又活潑漂亮起來。
When she was a senior in high school in Akron, Ohio, Jessica Clements joined the Army reserves. She was deployed to Iraq, and though she was scared, she was ready to defend her country.
On May 5, 2004, Jessica's worst fear came true. A roadside bomb was detonated near the unarmored truck she rode in, along with eight other soldiers and a civilian. The shrapnel from the bomb shot into Jessica's lower back and penetrated her skull into three different lobes of her brain. As blood poured from her shattered skull, Jessica lay unconscious and near death. Helicopters immediately airlifted her to Baghdad, where doctors rushed Jessica to surgery.
She was given only a 2 percent chance of survival.
Doctors had to act quickly. » |