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2008/12/14 23:18:57瀏覽334|回應2|推薦2 | |
12/7我在網路上找到一所專門的馬戲團學校 於是我就寫信給他們 都是用很簡單的英文單字 下面是我寄給他們學校的內容: Hi, I'm a 16 years old student in Taiwan. I dream to be an actor in circus singn I was a little child. But in Taiwan, there's no circus or any way to get into a circus. So, I found your school's web site on the Internet. Can you let me go to your school? I promise I will work hard. I am a good learner. I can dance ballet. And I learn karate. I can play many instraments like piano, violin and guitar. I really want to be a member of Cirque du Soleil. Can you help me, please? Wheather the answer is yes or no. Please tell me! Thanks! 結果... 在我按下發送信件的那一瞬間我才想到 我忘記署名了啦!!! 他們應該不會把我當成垃圾信件或是寄信去亂的人吧? 希望不要阿~~~ |
( 心情隨筆|心情日記 ) |