Dr. Steven Levine 戴猶太小帽,眼睛深藏鏡片后,語調平鋪直敘而精彩萬分,最后神來之筆,打出雅爾達會議邱羅史的照片說,這張大家都熟,是二戰告終的世界三巨頭:
左邊丘吉爾面孔浮腫,脖子幾乎胖到跟臉一樣粗,雪茄不離手,抽得像煙囪(smoke like a chimney),每天早餐要喝完 Whisky 才肯出門,他是徹底惡操自己身體(quite abuse his own body)的典型。高血壓糖尿病高血脂……應有盡有,一應俱全 hypertension, diabetes, dyslipidemia, etc. all you can named it, 他手腳也因血管堵塞出現振顫。
中間是 FDR,他39歲發脊髓灰白質炎(1921, poliomyelitis/小兒麻痹),之后血管逐步受損,這張照片距他大去只剩兩個月(FDR died on April 12. Yalta conference was Feb 4-11, 1945),照片里他右臂已經逐步麻痹右手已經在萎縮……,
當年領導世界的這三大霸主,都有症狀明顯的重度心血管疾病 cardiac disease with symptomatic vascular disorder,…… Dr.Levine 以 monotone 毫無表情地唸道:大概這正是我們今天世界變成如此這般的原因。(All these three guys had suffered symptomatic vascular occlusive disorders. Maybe that's why today our world is in the way what it actually is!)
整理ACP 筆記,Jan 28, 2007
*1. <Glucosamine> and chondroitin sulfate are components of glycosaminoglycans in normal cartilage (Lozada and Altman). They are available as nutritional supplements and currently are being taken by many patients with osteoarthritis, both singly and in combination.
Both are well tolerated, except for gastrointestinal symptoms in a few patients. In several short-term randomized, controlled trials, done mainly in Europe, <glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate appeared to be superior to placebo in providing symptomatic relief (Morreale et al.).
Compared with NSAIDs, pain relief was delayed but sustained longer after discontinuation of treatment. These trials have been criticized because treatment groups were small, methods of randomization and concurrent medications were not specified, and patient populations were not adequately described. (發表《維骨力有效》的報告有問題,因為: 1)取樣人數太少, 2)統計隨機不明,3)無法證明單一效果,受測病人同時還在服用別的藥,4)受測病人如何選出不明。 總之,這是一篇《廣告》不是《論文》。
There are no long-term studies showing a favorable effect on progression of osteoarthritis and no clear explanation for pain relief within a month as noted in several reports.
Morreale P, Manopulo R, Galati M, Boccanera L, Saponati G, Bocchi L, et al. Comparison of the antiinflammatory efficacy of chondroitin sulfate and diclofenac sodium in patients with knee osteoarthritis. J Rheumatol. 1996;23:1385-91.
FDR的小兒麻痹在醫學史上另有意義,羅夫人Eleanor是了不起的女性,(我寫過一篇《羅夫人與蔣夫人》以后找到考慮貼上來),她談起總統丈夫的小兒麻痹講過一句很勇敢的話:小兒麻痹是他的轉捩點,“禍兮福之所倚”,病痛激發了他前所未有的潛能勇毅。(thought FDR’s polio was “a turning point” that “proved a blessing in disguise; for it gave him strength and courage he had not had before”──見Dallek, Robert. An Unfinished Life: John F. Kennedy 1917-1963. Boston: Little, Brown, 2003. p.198)禍兮福之所倚,這倒跟七海官邸的觀察不謀而合,經國先生糖尿病加重,感慨來日無多,竟促成開放老兵探親……。