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白求恩與馬偕 (II):白求恩的最后一站
2008/09/26 20:42:35瀏覽1004|回應1|推薦14

引用文章白求恩與馬偕 (I) 


1.是什麼力量,讓共產黨能夠感動像白這樣名動美加英的外國高級知識份子? (還不止一個,來的是一個醫療志願隊,美國籍醫師也好多個,像布朗,以白最有名





6.  1939

7.  白求恩是不是共產黨不重要,1989第一次看見這張照片,他令我熱淚盈眶………



半年后美國記者自仰光飛昆明,在崇山峻嶺間,只見螞蟻雄兵,萬頭鑽動的人肉長城……,駕駛告訴他那是中國人正在修滇緬公路,他感嘆中國人在用指甲挖一條路。(Chinese are digging a road by
their nails.)

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supplement to Bethune
2009/12/05 00:27

1. The Scalpel, the Sword, revised edition, Toronto 1971

2. Prologue to Norman: The Canadian Bethunes, Oakville. 1976

3. Bethune – a Play, Vancouver, 1975

4. The Chinese Voyages of Angus Bethune, [article] The Beaver, 1977

5. BETHUNE, [paperback edition] Don Mills, 1973

6. BETHUNE, Toronto, 1973

7. The Mind of Norman Bethune, Toronto 1977

Roderick Stewart's BETHUNE is still the standard biography although his
scholarship has been surpassed recently by that of Larry Hannant and
Michael Petrou who had access to higher grade archives. Stewart's later
book - The Mind of Norman Bethune has wonderful photos. Beth loved
posing for photos. Ted Allan's The Scalpel, the Sword is crap, and
manages to combine plagiarism with two other tricks of fraudulent
writing. The article on Angus Bethune is fun because it describes the
grandfather's voyages to China, history which Dr. Bethune's biographers
missed, and which even the runagate grandson was probably unaware.
(Items 1, 4, 5 and 7 contain photographs.)

Much more has been published since the 1970s on Dr. Bethune. So
much that it fills an entire shelf... the 1990 movie and postage
stamps, memoirs by the Ewen's, new books on the Canadian volunteers in
Spain, the archives of the COMINTERN etc, etc. Still, it was the
Trudeau - China political agenda which will always be credited with the
national popularization of Norman Bethune. He may be reassessed by
future generations of historians, but surely never forgotten.