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2008/08/07 03:19:56瀏覽944|回應2|推薦9 | |
Hobby是最私秘的世界。 It is too selfish to share with someone even mother, it is too tight to accommodate more even lover…… Tom Hanks因Philadelphia而得獎,照我看,非因犧牲形像---那一身Kaposi sarcoma,那一臉jaundice---就衝著給Denzle Washington如醉如痴地描述"Andrea Chenier", Umberto Giordano.那一段,就該得獎! Tom Hanks說道…..她(Madeleine)在泣述…我的家,我的家啊,火裡燒的是我的家啊!我在這兒生,這兒長,他們燒的是我的搖籃我的家啊… 你聽,..你聽到歌聲裡她的心在滴血嗎?..你聽她唱:….對於那些愛我的人,我抱歉帶給他們苦痛,..可是,正是藉著這苦痛,愛才能找到我!…聽,那弦!..那孤獨的Cello…這是生命,生命還活著,我還活著!…. 以第二人稱, “轉述”“冷暖自知”的“如人飲水”,其實師“Children of the lesser God [悲憫上帝的兒女?]”裡William Hurt之故智。 Philadelphia裡的Tom Hanks並非首創。在《悲》片裡, William Hurt應他聾女友之請,得用比手劃腳"講出"Classic music/symphony orchestra之美,縱William有七步成詩之急智,最後亦頹然放棄,“I can't !” 難怪Mel Gibson在“What Women Want”裡竟能讀女人在想什麼(ear talk?!),真是所有男人的美夢了。我倒欣賞他和Helen Hunt合作的那個廣告企劃:你和球鞋的一個約會……,是呀,為什麼非要知道你愛人書縫旮旯裡的靡遺鉅細呢?that's too demanding!芬芳大地,襯在山川原色裡最美,摘下來搗爛,extraction, digestion, chromatography…是Scientific Frankenstein的事。抓回來養在籠子裡,是布爾喬亞,焚琴煮鶴的事。美到靈犀一點通,恰好。靈犀萬點通,就天羅地網,透不過氣來了。 Hobby的沉浸,沒法妥協、沒法折扣、沒法言傳、沒法共享。….這不怪頻率共振,乃是“哲學的自私,自私的哲學”。周圍聽懂也好,不懂也罷,親如母子,近如結髪,仍是外人。流星交會,是擦亮還是擦撞,是緣,也是命。宜與感情婚姻分開討論。因終究不在同一象限/平面。 藝術的言傳,是無止盡的挑戰。於梨華的“夢迴青河”序言裡有一段絕頂難得的故事:她與另一位女作家談論這本書,對方主動指出一個場景,沒誇獎她寫得深刻,.......於梨華不聽則已,一聽嘴唇發抖,又是笑又是淚,坐立難安地說,她太高興了,那一段她等於一字一淚淌著血寫的…。這就是靈犀乍通之美了,也正是Madeleine要我們聽的:…那弦!..那孤獨的Cello!正是藉著這苦痛,愛才能找到我。 (附記) Italian 歌劇原文我自然不懂,这段是Tom Hanks 对Danzle Washington用英文讲的…. http://us.imdb.com 可以查到整段对话(见下)。 电影只是引场人,引入Callas。就像Robin Williams 在Mrs. Doubtfire一开始,替卡通配音.让我对歌剧The Marriage of Figaro大感兴趣。 Andrew Beckett: Tom Hanks Joe Miller: Denzle Washington [Andrew transcendentally describes his favorite opera.] Andrew Beckett: Do you like opera? Joe Miller: I'm not that familiar with opera. Andrew Beckett: This is my favorite aria. This is Maria Callas. This is "Andrea Chenier", Umberto Giordano. This is Madeleine. She's saying how during the French Revolution, a mob set fire to her house, and her mother died... saving her. "Look, the place that cradled me is burning." Can you hear the heartache in her voice? Can you feel it, Joe? In come the strings, and it changes everything. The music fills with a hope, and that'll change again. Listen... listen... "I bring sorrow to those who love me." Oh, that single cello! "It was during this sorrow that love came to me." A voice filled with harmony. It says, "Live still, I am life. Heaven is in your eyes. Is everything around you just the blood and mud? I am divine. I am oblivion. I am the god... that comes down from the heavens, and makes of the Earth a heaven. I am love!... I am love." |
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