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2008/04/13 01:26:55瀏覽967|回應1|推薦10


2008.04.12 中央社)眾所矚目的「蕭胡會」今天下午登場,採取團對團方式會談。胡錦濤與蕭萬長先握手寒暄。(美聯社) 到大陸的蕭萬長,今天與胡錦濤見面,胡錦濤表示,將繼續推動兩岸週末包機和大陸居民赴台旅遊的磋商,胡錦濤並且請蕭萬長代為轉達對馬英九、吳伯雄、連戰等人的問候,胡錦濤還指出,兩岸應抓住難得機遇,共創雙贏。

《1865 年4月9日》

在 Appomattox Court House, general Robert E. Lee 輕騎簡從而來,general Ulyssess Grant 相迎,賓主落坐,先講了些在美墨戰爭 (1848) 兩人并肩作戰的 gold sweet time 然后Lee主動打住,掏出事先準備好的文件,只簡單要求:是否能應允讓南軍士兵保有馬匹,以應即將來到的春耕?。。。。Grant慨然允諾,雙方簽字,Robert E. Lee 起身,解下佩刀呈上,算作軍人榮譽的正式認降,Grant 慌忙推回,連稱不敢,表示這英雄佩劍只有英雄才配持有,……


這事發生在1865年4月9日,今天美國沒有排定任何節慶紀念,Appomattox Court House 也僅維持簡單樸素原樣,沒有任何耀武揚威的勝利紀念館,這天是手足相殘的不幸,任何喜倖都屬荒唐,任何紀念都屬多餘。 美國發展成一個偉大的國家,沒有什么淮海戰役勝利紀念碑,也沒有掛滿風箏的228紀念館……




General History The surrender document of 9 April 1865 read,

"We, the undersigned Prisoners of War, belonging to the Army of Northern Virginia, having been this day surrendered by General Robert E. Lee, C.S.A., Commanding said Army to Lieut. Genl. U. S. Grant, Commanding Armies of United States, do hereby give our solemn parole of honor that we will not hereafter serve in the armies of the Confederate States or in any military capacity whatever, against the United States of America or under aid to the enemies of the latter, until properly exchanged in such manner as shall be mutually approved by the respective authorities.

Done at Appomattox Court House, Va.this 9th day of April, 1865.

R. E. Lee, Genl.
W. H. Taylor, Lt. Colonel
Charles S. Venaber, Lt. Col. adjutant
Charles Marshal, Lt. Col. & Inspector General
W. E. Pentin, Lt. Col.
Gilbert B. Cooke, Major
H. S. Young, Major

The within named men will not be disturbed by United States authorities, so long as they observe their parole and the laws in force where they may reside."

吾等,下列簽字原屬北維州軍團各職等,本日由指揮官Robert E. Lee 將軍率領向Ulyssess Grant將軍所御合眾國政府軍投降。謹以軍人榮譽鄭重立誓切結,自此停止一切效忠南聯盟軍(confederate army)或其他任何以合眾國聯邦政府為敵的軍事行動,靜待交戰雙方正式換牒完畢. 1865年4月9日,于維吉尼亞州,Appomattox Court House.

上將 R. E. Lee, Genl.
中校 W. H. Taylor,
中校 Charles S. Venaber,
中校 Charles Marshal,
中校 W. E. Pentin,
少校 Gilbert B. Cooke,
少校 H. S. Young

( 時事評論公共議題 )
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Were Robert E Lee and Ulysses S Grant friends?
2018/03/17 14:07

Were Robert E Lee and Ulysses S Grant friends?

They were not. Lee was the superior officer and the older of the two. They had met during the Mexican War, a meeting only Grant remembered.

Friendships that crossed the line were common during the war because so many of the officers were trained at West Point and knew one another. This sometimes created odd situations that don't exist in most wars.

Grant and Lee did respect one another, as opposing fighting men often do, and their final meeting to discuss Lee's surrender was one of equals.