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芝麻事: 看Gathering Swarm, 聯想拙拙「醬缸」一文裡的問與答
2015/06/14 12:47:27瀏覽1006|回應11|推薦32


這篇筆記,寫成一直未能貼出 (就是忙嘛);數周來心情雖已不復初始,卻總覺得有「甚麼事沒做完」的感覺;做為以部落格寫日記心態的部落客,心情的經歷還是值得筆記,所以,刪減、修改、再續之後貼出如下。




其中一部PBS拍的影片The Gathering Swarms 是今天寫這篇筆記的主因。

前幾日,在網友拙拙的「~門前冷落車馬稀」(數學符號~意為not之意)裡,問、答有關醬缸文化,NS懂得做幾道數學題 (也常常滷缸牛腱、滷豆腐、滷海帶吃的),人文哲理就非我所長 (也向來不是我愛看、愛想的方向);拙拙在「醬缸?好文轉載」裡,對我不懂所謂「人性化的法家」問題,以儒學大師徐復觀先生對「儒家對中國歷史運命掙扎之一例」做回覆,讓肚子沒一點墨水的NS閉嘴想了幾天,無話可說。


不懂就該惦惦嗎?!! (不懂就因此作罷,從來不是NS個性) 用「儒家的人性政治」與「人性化的法家」這兩個主句,向google大神朝拜去,讀了幾篇,有說「儒家的人性觀導致政治人格的不獨立」,有說「人性化的法家造成中華文化的『外儒內法』」、、、種種說法都不能讓NS頑固的數理腦袋明瞭,何以儒家、法家的「人性化」之後,在這些討論裡,都結論成如此不堪? 各家之言,某些說詞,NS有同意也有不同意,整體說來,這些論說,都只讓NS更加惘然。因為,我還是不能接受所謂的「人性化的儒家」或「人性化的法家」就是「永恆的腐敗」。怎麼會?

「人性化的x家」與「腐敗」何以可畫上等號? I don't see it and I can't get it。直線思考的NS腦袋不能接受諸家之言,也還是不肯就此罷休地,潛伏在大腦buffer zone裡。直到,看到這部PBS攝製的The Gathering of Swarms,突然,打結的地方暢通起來。

畫面拍得美得不得了的The Gathering of Swarms,在美景背後的主題是,物種的生存在「群體唯一無我」與「個體自由意識」兩者之間的平衡。



這兩種意識,到底是甚麼東東? 何劣何優? NS到底在說啥? 要看下面的影片:

PBS Nature The Gathering of Swarms (Wildlife Documentary)



如果將「群體唯一無我」與「個體自主意識」的兩條路線,聯想成「法家」與「儒家」人性化後的差異,誰是誰非、孰劣孰優就不需爭執,Mother Nature將選擇權交予物種自己做主,群體與個體兩路線是交互,而非互斥的路線,因為物種唯有「適者」才能生存。環境不是一成不變,路線的選擇也不需一成不變。


下面是The Gathering Swarms最後一章,個體v.s.群體,的旁白,因為是關於「群體」與「個體」的行為表現,是影片的主旨,所以抄錄於下:  

Sometimes even large gathering of mamals can show the kind of collected intelligence perfected by one social insects, it's called the Great Migration, a vast moment of zebras and wildebeest across the plains of East Africa.

Their biggest barrier is the Mara River and here a wrong decision can easily mean death. The wildebeest do everything together, and uasually their collective thinking pays off; in contrast, zebras usually travel in family groups, and the lead mare makes the decision.

Crocodiles regularly put these different strategies to the test. The zebras are wary. They know that crocs means troubles. But the wildebeest aren't so canny. By relying on each other to warm of danger, they seen oblivious to the threat.

This time, the wildebeests' collective intelligence failed them, while the zebras' individual intelligence kept them alive. But when the wildebeest finally cross the river, things aren't so straightforward. Once one goes, they all do, those behind blindly following those in front.

The zebras deliberately avoid the appearently mindless masses and chart their own course across the river.

With thr river full of vulnerable animals, the crocs make their move. But they soon discover that it's not that easy. Among the flailing hoovers, the crocs can't single out a target.

Faced by overwhelming numbers, the crocs make a retreat. Following the crowd has actually worked for the wildbeest. But for the zebras, independance of mind has it's own dangers. Their well-considered plan didn't account for the crocodiles. One of their own, zebras are an easy target. For the foal and his mother, it was a close call.

Meanwhile, the wildebeest have led themselves up a blindly pinned against a wall that's impossible to climb. They flounder, but the mass of bodies pushing from behind help some to start scalling the wall, probing it for escape route.

As the wildebeest spread along the bank, they test each section for a possible way out. Their numbers increase the chances of one of them succeeding.

The zebras make it to their careful chosen spot but, although they avoided the crush, the bank is too high to climb. The zebras are still paying the price for their independence of mind.

But, by collectively probing the bank, the wildebeest are quick to follow. This time, the wisdom of the crowd pays off. The whole herd funnels up the exit.

It doesn't take the zebra long to notice. But, in the rush for freedom, there's one who's been left behind. Reunited, the family will rejoint the migration and benefit once more from the knowledge of the crowd.

Animals in extraordinary numbers become more than the sum of their parts. They create natural's own special intelligence the mysterrious wisdom of many minds working as one.



Dear David, 
How do you define the difference between behavior and culture? Does behavior drive culture, or does culture drive behavior?

Natural Order of Things

Dear Natural, 
The short answer is that behavior determines culture, and culture determines behavior. But its more complicated than that, and the complications make it a fascinating topic...

對全文有興趣的,請點閱 Crucial Skills: The Differences Between Behavior and Culture

這篇文章裡,作者提到Albert Bandura的學說Reciprocal Determinism,Bandura主張: behavior is influenced by both personal and environmental factors, but added that people, through their behavior, also influence themselves and their environment。



p.s. (1) 對NS言,「人性化的x家」與「腐敗」間,並沒有等號~
p.s. (2) Crucial Skills一文是定時收到的news letter,常有值得一讀的好文,喜愛者把網頁收到favorate去,常讀,應可有不少收穫。





( 心情隨筆雜記 )
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Sir Norton 魯賓遜,救命!
2015/07/11 20:25
nothing special(littlezone) 於 2015-07-12 02:16 回覆:

大環境經濟景況稍好,可沒讓公司營運喘口氣,夕陽之工業,在一批MBA手裡,讓公司越走越入死胡同;matured industry/company 需要inovated ideas and products才能繼續生存,這種活力不存在MBA人身上,they don't have inovating DNA。最好的例子是Apple,不是嗎? Jobs的堅持與創造力就是他沒有被MBA課業訓練的死板的緣故。

本公司亞太業務有合作夥伴,我的小螺絲釘腳色是公司亟欲拋棄的雞肋,哪有可能變換舞台。公司已經把job都out source到中南美,北美的員工get paid的日子已不多剩,一批批人在裁員名單上,younger emp早該走的走,留下未走的,不是尚未找到,就是還沒準備好去找工,其餘是,準備退休等公司裁員好領merit,再不然就是,年紀not young enough to be back to job market and too young to be retired,這種人最慘,出去拚,比不過年輕人(剛畢業的人market裡有的是),想退休嫌太早、、、NS是在這最低等人之列,唯有稱得上幸運的是,我的工作三、五年之內(或許更久or never)公司無法off shore找人替代,反正再怎麼操心也無用,不去操心才是正道。所以,可見之日,本人還只能限足在北美,可以說,北美何其大,NS尚未竟其功。:-P

Sir Norton 魯賓遜,救命!
2015/07/10 13:45

The two main nomenclature cited were superficial and weakly substantiated, if not barely. Such lazy and flawed statement has long been a legacy of Chinese philosophy. Chinese philosophy is more like literature of great thoughts than as articulated concept of strong supporting arguments. We still witness exactly the same laziness and flaws in the speeches and behaviors of Taipei’s latest mayor elect.


I did not mean to rant, as the subject and people weren't that exciting. I am far more interested in how you have been of late. So, how have you been and what makes you tick in summer?

nothing special(littlezone) 於 2015-07-11 07:29 回覆:
Hello, Stranger; no opinion is ranting in Littlezone, all words considered and appreciated.

You're right, the subject is kind of out of date, out of time ... to rephrase & to update the idea of Chinese philosophy, especially, at the current political trend; but, what can I say, a pighead (as me) is a pighead ...

As for me and of this summer, I am fine, less walk due to laziness and too much raining days since the spring, blame it El Nino, must be; the page of summer log fills by all trifle stuffs, as usual, work <-> home <-> Lib for books and videos <-> grocery, shopping ... trifle things.

Just came back from a trip last weekend, fun trip to me, may not be by others' definition. I am half way writing this diary ... guess what my adventure had been?

What about you? Work? Life, Blog writing ... You've been disappeared a while. New adventure, new trip ... ?
nothing special(littlezone) 於 2015-07-11 08:01 回覆:
Haha: a pighead (as I) is a pighead ...

日月光明 LKK
2015/07/02 07:45

No need to apologize at all. No one is perfect and I, too, make a lot of mistakes as well. :D


nothing special(littlezone) 於 2015-07-02 20:22 回覆:
No, not an apology, only a pestering of my own shortage. :-p

日月光明 LKK
2015/06/29 07:57

Given the statement that NS stated: 不能接受所謂的「人性化的儒家」或「人性化的法家」就是「永恆的腐敗」。 LKK stood up and saluted to NS. After that reading to "behavior is influenced by both personal and environmental factors, but added that people, through their behavior, also influence themselves and their environment。" LKK must bow to NS one more time. :D

The reason is few people would even think about these topics at leisure. That's why I stated earlier that NS has talked about something really special.

Taoism has one concept that the universe is present everywhere and everywhere is a universe. Simply stated All is One, and One is All. There is no such thing that the existence of anything by itself is meaningful and significant. Everything are connected with each other some way and some how. If anyone can't see it, that's because he and she doesn't equipped with the needed perception to be aware of it.


nothing special(littlezone) 於 2015-06-29 10:42 回覆:
Humbly, I accept your solute (being Americanized, I have learned to take a given honor gracefully); and, appreciate your re-statement. Thank you.

There are reasons I disagree the terms of 「人性化的儒家」或「人性化的法家」, and either of the terms can not be identified to be 「永恆的腐敗」; as Mr. 空肚子 has pointed out and I strongly consented the poor definition of 「人性化的x家」,therefore, the whole essay can only be considered partially correct and can not be passed the test as a worth reading article。

My point of view is most people think 儒家&法家 are two ideologies in fighting for the position in Chinese Culture and their influential political power, that is too narrowed mind and too simplified in viewing human behavior; these mindsets are 2-dim thinking that culture are one straight line with 儒 & 法 standing by the 2 ends of a line; and this line is colored / corrupted by the so called 人性化 behavior. These people don't know we are not the little ants living in the 2-dim space, we live in 3, 4, 5 、、、up to 10 dimension space; if the 儒 & 法 are the axis of the 2-dim space and with the 3rd point of 人性化 behavior outside the line, human behavior forms another latitude other than 儒 & 法; it could forms a good or bad results to influence to the society. And, my idea of this result heavily reflected by main topic on the youtube of Nature The Gathering of The Swarms.

I am more of a Naturist, I believe in Science. Mother Nature gives us the power of group to survive; and she gives us the Individual Intelligence to fight for the environment; we shall over come by using these two powerful wisdom I hope.
nothing special(littlezone) 於 2015-06-30 10:35 回覆:
哈哈,昨天,才看到某私立大學前任校長批評台灣的英語教育,有大學畢業者,寫信給外國客戶"they is"因此被炒魷魚。NS回頭再讀自己,也與大學畢業被炒的某人程度不遠。"... 儒 & 法; it could forms ..."應該是'it could form."

NS唯一的藉口是,udn的版面設計實在差勁,回覆&留言的區塊小到老人家看不清楚、很難適應;而且,一再更新新版介面,回覆/留言的區塊竟無法用html的方式打字、、、回文寫稍長就寫到後來無法記得前面;再加上,本人從不打草稿也不存檔,也不寫在自己的存檔中再paste過來,常常就邊寫邊擦、塗塗改改地,在這小小區塊中留下錯誤。再來一藉口是,本人的proof reading向來是xxx地,無法在這小小區塊抓錯。Well, now that I have found it, so correct it.


2015/06/20 15:54

工匠,匠工,錯別字。就是有 craftsmanship,但沒到 art 的境界。是工匠,藝術家之別。如henri cartier bresson 是藝術家,annie leibovitz是工匠,匠工。陶傑能寫文章,這種不中不西背景的人,很合我脾胃,具語言能力,他懂一點點法文,也許不止一點點,他有電台節目,滿有娛樂性,能模仿人口音。很久以前他是比較斯文,能在明報月刊寫長文,後來一塌糊塗,粗製濫造,亦有點不自量力,居然拍了一套戲出來,惡評如潮,晚節不保, 活該。

至於人性化的法家,甚麼人性化?亂搬龍門,沒紀律,賣人情,時緊時鬆,是人性?我不能接受這種定性。人性化可以是一個正面詞語。那不咬文嚼字,腦袋不要那麼死去讀。都仍然有點問題,我就是讀不下去。讀完第一篇(陶)已經很差不多先生地當自己明白第二個作者(鄭)在說甚麼了。可能他算OK的,見到無厘頭意見,法家罪大惡極!他說沒有啦,這樣那樣,不是的。也許是言之成理,也許言之不成理,就沒興趣想了。其實他說因為陶傑無厘頭說的,要加以反駁,不就清楚了嗎? 讀到我頭暈。

nothing special(littlezone) 於 2015-06-21 00:16 回覆:
Ok,陶傑工匠之流是也,不中不西,會法文(香港人想必是也會英文),有電台節目,有娛樂性,還在媒體寫文,竟然也還拍戲、、、想必是自視甚高之輩,所以寫出「人性化的x家」一詞(這詞該不會是他所創造的吧?)讓人頭腦打結的文章;你說他活該,我是不是也該說我活該?!! :-)


依數學人的習慣,我總覺得不弄清定義,如何了解,進而加以發揮,創造定理? 這是我必須弄清何謂「人性化的x家」我才能接受下一步的了解、接受或反對(接受及反對都必須「該」知道自己為何接受、為何反對吧!!)。如果,反覆想了若此的階段,再多聽人言,對定義的認識還有疑問,我覺得這是定義定得模糊、不嚴謹,甚至是個錯誤的定義,那我何必受他「荼毒」,你說是吧?!!


2015/06/20 02:02

我估人性化的法家是在講  too much indulgence in legalism screw up china。是這類意思。








nothing special(littlezone) 於 2015-06-20 11:44 回覆:

原來,人性化後腐敗的x家是指法家的;我就說嘛,儒家本就是以人本為出發的,怎麼以人本為出發的學說人性化後是腐敗的呢?!! 漬~ 讓我腦袋打結。

多虧好朋友們的留言,一再地解釋,what a communication。

我還是有個大疑問: 人性化的法家,到底是甚麼東東? 人性化的法家完全等於帝王術嗎? 是人性化的法家包含於帝王術(帝王們利用法家之術),還是帝王術包含於人性化的法家? 基本上,NS相信人性是善惡俱存於人性之中,whichever more or less forms a person being good or bad,人性裡,有善也有惡,善多一點的可以用儒自約,惡多的必須以法來約束,I don't believe to learn to behave can be done by words,lots of time punishment are needed to demostrate the meaning of consequences for bad behavior,如果從這一觀點言,我接近法,但是我這樣的看法,是所謂的人性化的法家嗎? 何錯之有? 怎麼會是腐敗? 我搞不懂。

香港人還是搞經濟比較擅長的,是吧? 所以,你是說仗工 (這詞真是道地的港言,我不懂 "仗"在哪裡?)之文,還是算了,不要去傷腦筋,是吧? sounds good to me, I should take it。:-P

日月光明 LKK
2015/06/18 07:09

Nothing Special has stated something really specially!Much more than LKK normally would study and ponder.  


nothing special(littlezone) 於 2015-06-18 10:47 回覆:
Oh, really? Where? where?

NS is really trivial(set of having 0 values for all variables), NS could means North-South since I had moved from East to West, NS means a thing or a place to exchanges ideas and words, NS Little-Zone is simply a personal space to put down my petty life.

How & what would you be pondering for? Please be specific, I'd like to know; there might have someone (who's reading) want to know too.

2015/06/16 11:38
nothing special(littlezone) 於 2015-06-16 12:16 回覆:
I've done the same typo, too often. :-)

2015/06/16 11:33



nothing special(littlezone) 於 2015-06-16 12:15 回覆:
「導之以政齊之以刑民免而無恥。導之以德齊之以禮民有恥且格」、、、唉呦,現在是「禮義廉恥」不知還剩幾維,八德是哪八德都不知在哪裡的年頭!! 誰還僅恪「為政篇」的教訓?!! 去中國化,其實在皇民心中是要回到那穿木屐,嚼檳榔,出入三輪車,見了日本主子哈腰屈膝的good old days。


2015/06/16 10:13
nothing special(littlezone) 於 2015-06-16 11:14 回覆:



可是,這帝王術也不是中華文化的專利呀! 哪家,哪國的王阿、后阿,甚至總統,總統夫人、、、不玩上一把的呢? 稍遠點的集大成的馬基維利,近一點的,連嬌滴滴的黛安娜也要玩她一玩幾手。這些反例,是我所以無法接受若(P)之「人性化法or儒家」,則(Q)之「腐敗」的論證的理由,純粹是NS直線思考的毛病,就是無法轉過這個彎。


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