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2007/01/16 11:23:16瀏覽1093|回應0|推薦10


The rapid growth of Taiwan Independent Movement and the decline of social struggles


 There are three characteristics in the development of Taiwan’s politics and society: democratization (the establishment of capitalist democracy), localization (the rise of Independence Movement), and globalization (Socialism was considered totally bankrupt, and neoliberalism gained the ideological hegemony). The autocracy of KMT was history. In 1992, the Parliament (the Legislative Yuan) was totally open for general election, and the Representative Politics was basically realized in Taiwan. The political strength of DPP was also growing—at least no other opposition party could challenge it. The KMT was deeply drowned in its internal clashes, and split in 1993. An anti Lee Teng-hui (the President and the Chairman of KMT) force withdrew and set up “New Party, ” claiming it’s “anti-Taiwan Independence” and “anti-black money.” Around the establishment of New Party, the opposition between two sides of Independence and Reunification grew much more sharpening, and the New Party became the representative of Reunification. And as for the Independence side, it’s much more complicated. The KMT in the time of Lee Teng-hui was considered taking the “Independent Taiwan” course, meaning not to declare independence, but carry out the policies of “localization” (such as in the power distribution, culture, education, etc), and maintain acute relationship with Mainland China. Even before Lee step down from Presidency, he publicly claim that Taiwan and China are of “special state to state relation” (the so-called “theory of two countries”).


 DPP passed “Taiwan Independence Clause” in 1991, clearly proposing to “establish Republic of Taiwan with independent sovereignty.” However, around the general election of the Parliament in 1992, basically DPP embraced the course of “everything for election,” including the New Tide faction which claims the grass-root course first and election second. In order to win the election, especially to take over the state power and the changes in economy—the closer and deeper relation with China, and more and more Taiwan capitalists propose to soften the atmosphere and enhance the economic relationship with China because of fiercer global competition , there are conflicts of different courses in the DPP. The dovish side claims that Taiwan has already been independent, but only the country’s name is Republic of China; and under the trend of globalization, Taiwan cannot avoid to do business with China. And the hardliners insist to realize the nomological independence (to change the name of the country) and object to enhance the economic and other relationship with China. In the 1996 Presidential Election, the hardliner Pong Ming-Men lost bitterly, so the Dovish line became the majority, but which also caused the hardliner’s dissatisfaction, and from time to time they would try to withdraw to another party with clear line of Taiwan Independence. But it didn’t last long.


Because of different aspects of disadvantages, Taiwan’s social movement in the 90s kept crawling with difficulties. First, intensified debate between independence and unification reach climax, and it covers up other social issues such as class, gender, and ecology. Second, the growing strength of DPP and its control over social movements make it hard to establish political strength independent from two major capitalist parties, KMT and DPP. Anti-communist education for long time during the KMT regime, the breaking-down of bureaucratic socialist countries, and the bureaucratic autocracy of Chinese Communist Party, all the above factors contribute to the following results: the intellectuals and ordinary people lack the understanding and interest in Socialism, and the main currents of worker’s movement keep distance to socialist ideas, therefore they tend to be compromising and conservative. And because the resistance movement was crashed first by Japanese colonists and later by KMT regime, it lacks the progressive tradition. And it’s also one of the factors that makes social movement hard to develop.


The major task of labor movement in the 90s


 Those more organized and grass-root organizations in the social movements kept working in the worker’s movement, but compared with the 80s, the fighting spirit and continuity is less and less. In this stage, the major issues of labor movement are against bad labor laws, against factory close down and move overseas by private enterprises, and against privatization by workers of public enterprises. From the end of 80s, KMT’s response to the rise of worker’s movement is revising labor laws, including loosening the limits of Labor Standard Law, limiting the right to strike. With the trend of labor flexiblization, the rules of Labor Standard Law continued to loosen up, and this intention to make this law useless was inherited by DPP, who pushed this trend with stronger force. With the level of economic unity between Taiwan and China gets higher, more and more Taiwanese capitalists move to China, the middle-small businesses first and recently the big businesses. In the late 90s, the protests against close-shop occurred frequently, but since the strength was divided and the union system in Taiwan (factory union not industrial union), it’s hard to maintain the struggles and organizations. The protests by workers in the public enterprises against privatization have larger effect because there are more middle-large public enterprises. However, the bureaucratization level of their unions is relatively higher, with their more conservative ideology, the unions do not ideologically oppose privatization. What they struggle for are better working or laid-off conditions in the process of privatization.


 On the other hand, non-KMT-controlled unions continued trying to organize. First they establish union federations in counties or cities, and these local union federation seek solidarity with some public enterprise trade unions. And in the late 90s, they launched a movement to establish “Taiwan Confederation of Trade Unions (TCTU).” On May 1st Labor Day, TCTU was founded. At that time the DPP had already won the Presidential Election, and the new government soon recognized the legitimacy of this Union Confederation, which broke through the one-union (CFL) situation in the past. However, overall, the leading force of the worker’s movement in the 90s is periphery group, the Taiwan Labor Front, which was transformed from the Taiwan Labor Legal Assistance Organization. And this group is politically leaned to DPP, with soft reformist ideology, stressing the cooperation between labor and capital, but not class struggle nor socialism. (Two other worker’s movement groups in the 90s are Labor Party and Workers Legislative Action Committee, the former Stalinist and pro-Chinese Communist Party, and the latter syndicalist.) TCTU was controlled by pro-DPP faction, and soon it became a yellow union, clinging onto the DPP government.


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