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In the 1980s, there’s a dramatic change in the socio-political environment in Taiwan. Generally, the building of the first opposition party after WWII—Democratic Progressive Party in the end of 1986, and the abolishment of Martial Laws in the following year are viewed as the beginning of a new era. In the “Formosa Event” in the end of 1979, the KMT government cannot completely destroy the opposition movement (opposing KMT ruling), but it made the so-called “Tang-Wai”literally means “outside the party”, which means the people of the opposition movementmovement gain more recognition from the people. And the opposition party gained more votes in the following limited Parliament and Local Congress election. While the opposition movement grows, a debate of courses also begins.


1984: the beginning of socio-political transformation


  1984 is an important year, but its meaning is often neglected. In July 1984, under the pressure of the United States, Taiwan government passed the Labor Standard Law. The making of the Labor Standard Law took at least ten years. Around the content of the law, the first , but incomplete and distort debate between labor and capitalists began. It was during the time of Martial Law, at which moment there is almost no possibility to expand the worker’s movement. The working class is silent, but its demands are expressed deviously and unilaterally by the KMT “Labor Legislator”. At that time, this law didn’t mean much. Because most of Taiwan businesses are of middle or small sizes, the employees are used to hire low-wage, long-hour workers to fight the intense market competition. Therefore, escaping from the Law is their rule to survive. And many big businesses have close relationships with the KMT regime, so they don’t need to fully abide by the law, especially about the pension requirements. And the whole bureaucracy didn’t have the will at all to enforce the law. But within five years, the demands of working class to enforce the law, started the first wave of worker’s struggles after WWII.


 The two organizations established in 1984 also have historical meaning. First, a group of young intellectuals of the opposition movement established “New Tide Magazine”, calling for the rebuilding of the opposition task, criticizing the major current in the movement, and actively discussing the issues of workers and peasants. Within ten years, this group becomes one of the most important political factions in DPP and in Taiwan Independent Movement. On the other hand, some members of the “New Movement” joining hand in hand with some of a pro-socialism, pro-unification opposition magazine “China Tide”, established the first labor movement organization after 1949—Taiwan Labor Legal Assistance Organization. During the time of Martial Law, workers could not go on strike or demonstrate, and organizing workers would risk the charge of “treason”; therefore, the only way to contact workers was through law assistance. However, this organization was the starting point of labor movement organizations in Taiwan. Intellectuals of both pro-independence and pro-unification built one organization together, which means the debate between independence and unification was not yet on the table, and the two sides were not yet in sharp opposition.


The building of Democratic Progressive PartyDPPand the rise of social movements


Before the establishment of DPP, the “Tang-Wai” has attempted to organize and the KMT tolerated a bit, and decided to begin the political reform in April 1986. Certainly an important force to push the reform is the DPP establishment in September. The breaking of party-ban, the lift of Martial Law, and the freedom of the press, all these major political changes occurred in just a little more than one year. The basic relief of political pressure results in two direct influences: the rapid growth of social movements, and the intensified debate between independence and unification reach climax.

 19871989年是台灣社會運動的高漲期,工運、農運、環保運動、性別運動和原住民運動都在不同程度上有所發展。在戒嚴時期,工人無法罷工,勞動法令也未落實。政治空間的開放使得工人展開集體行動,要求政府與資方落實以勞基法為主的勞動法令,並且改組過去由資方控制的工會,在沒有工會的工廠建立工會,並且進行工會之間的結盟。主要的鬥爭包括了各地客運業工人的罷工與抗爭、台塑和大同等大型私人企業工會的建立、由國民黨控制的國營事業工會的自主化、1987年底到8 8 年初各地工人爭取年終獎金的抗爭等。各地自主化或是新建立的工會在1988年五一勞動節成立了第一個全國性、自主性的工會聯盟:全國自主勞工聯盟(NAFITU),企圖挑戰國民黨御用的全國總工會(CFL)。

 The high tide of Taiwan social movement is from 1987 to 1989. Worker, peasant, environment, gender, and indigenous movements have developed to different levels. During the time of Martial Law, the workers couldn’t go on strike, and labor laws weren’t implemented. The workers started collective action because of the open-up of political space, demanding the government and employees to enforce the labor laws, mainly the Labor Standard Law. And the workers transformed the yellow unions controlled by the capitalists, established unions in non-union factories, and built up solidarity among unions. Main struggles are bus workers’ strikes and demonstrations in different areas, unions established in Formosa Plastics Group, Tatung, and other large private enterprise, the autonomy of KMT-controlled public enterprises’ unions, fighting for year-end bonus almost everywhere from the end of 1987 to early 1988, and so on. On May 1st Labor Day in 1988, the autonomous or newly-built unions establish the first nation-wide and independent union confederation: National Federation of Independent Trade UnionsNAFITU, in order to challenge the KMT-controlled Chinese Federation of LaborCFL.


 The forty-year “industry-nurturing agriculture” policy of KMT regime has made small peasants relying on small lands pay a huge prize for economic development. In the late 1980s, the U.S. put strong pressure on Taiwan, pushing for the import of U.S. rice, fruits, poultry, and other agricultural products, which would seriously hurt the livelihood of peasants. Therefore the peasant movement started because of the fight against U.S. agricultural products. Peasants organized “peasant right advancement organizations” locally, and tried to build up nation-wide organizations. The peasants demands included against the market access of agriculture, for the peasant insurance, and the autonomy of Farmer’s Cooperatives. The “New-Movement” faction in DPP also actively intervened in these newborn peasant organizations, which cause serious antagonism and split. The New-Movement-controlled peasant organization avoided the issues of how US imperialism hurt Taiwan farmers, and propose controversial and deadly policy of freely buy-and-sell of farmer’s land. And the New-Movement-controlled peasant organization demonstrated on May 20th 1988, clashed with riot police, and was violently crushed by the government. Since then, Taiwan’s peasant movement rapidly went down to low tide and finally vanished.



 Environmental movements occurred earlier than other social movements. In 1986, because DuPont would established a TiO2 factory in a historic town Lukang, local community started to protest, and some college students join the actions. Later in many places, the protests against pollution, nuclear-power plant, and nuclear-waste location occurred numerously. Among them, the movement against the nuclear-power plantmainly against the setting of the fourth nuclear-power plantis the issue of longest time and of the strongest mobilizing power.


  Compared with the above movements, the grass-root element of gender movement is weaker. The composition of gender movement is liberalist intellectuals, and their main concern is on the gender equality of law ex the inheritance of wealthand political opportunities. Various types of western feminism influenced many intellectuals and college students in the 1990s. Besides, workers movement also actively work on the gender issues and do the demonstrations. It’s because many employees have discrimination policy on married or pregnant women, and they would fire or refuse to hire these women, even avoid abiding by the law on the limit of women working in the nighttime, and refuse the maternity pay.


 Under the rule of KMT regime’s chauvinism of Han referred as the “original” Chinese people nationalism,  indigenous people in Taiwan used to be inadequately called “Mountain People.” They lost their culture, couldn’t use their indigenous names, the original social structures were destroyed, economically deprived, and discriminated in the society. And the KMT kept a few puppets to be their “political representatives.” In 1983, young indigenous intellectuals started to publish underground magazines; next year the “Indigenous People’s Right Advancement Organization” was established. The demands of indigenous movement include the righting of names/renaming means not to be called “Mountain People,” but the original inhabitants of Taiwan, the establishment of self-ruling zones, the restoration and preservation of their culture and names, and the return of their original land and territory.


 The rise and fall of the left movement


 While the social movement is in rapid growth, soon it would touch the issues of politicalization. In 1987, a DPP legislator proposed to organize Workers’ Party, and intellectuals of “China Tide” join with him. Then a large number of union cadres/organizers in different places join in the Workers’ Party, including at that time the leader of the strongest union—Far Eastern (Yuandong) Chemical Fiber Factory Union—Lo Mei-Wen. Workers’ Party was established in the end of 1987, which once caught the workers’ concern and support to a certain degree. However, since it’s established in such a short time and rush way, there is huge difference on the issue of lines and courses inside the Workers’ Party. The Major faction leaded by the Party chairman proposed the cooperation line between the capitalists and workers, hoping to gain the votes by doing “labor services” and receiving the politicians form both KMT and DPP. But the “China Tide” faction and some union cadres hope to remain a harder struggle line. Soon after establishing for six months, the Party split. The “China Tide” faction and some union cadres such as Lo Mei-Wen withdrew from the Party, set up Labor Party in March 1989, and publicly announced “democratic Socialism” stance in the Party’s program.


Compared with the timing of Workers’ Party, the Labor Party faced less favorable circumstances. First of all, KMT and capitalists have abandoned puzzled and uncertain attitudes toward strong impact from social movements for two years, and decided to crash the movement with fiercer forces. Second, the strength of Independence Movement grew stronger day by day, and the issue of independence became major issue in the political struggle. And the result was that issues of class aor gender were neglected, and social movements were further divided. Under these circumstances, pro-China Communist Party and pro-reunification Labor Party was less favored by workers and students.


In May 1989, the chairman of Labor Party and leader of Far Eastern Chemical Fiber Factory Union Lo Mei-Wen decided to launch a strike in order to fight back the case that the employee deliberately transferred union cadres to distant post. The end of the strike—terrible defeat, the union crushed, and cadres such as Lo laid off— was considered the collaborative crack-down on the worker’s movement (especially on the Labor Party) by the government and capitalists. The defeat of the Far Eastern Chemical Fiber Factory Union is a turning point, which shows the temporary high tide of social movements because of the open space in politics is over, and the time of downturn has come. Until now, it’s not yet recovered.

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2007/01/16 08:51