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J/59:Acupuncture Meridaian(1)
2021/09/03 15:22:14瀏覽698|回應0|推薦0

01. ❖上班族必看! 緊張焦慮拍打肺經就對了 | 談古論今話中醫|肺經|
(3)肺經脈--- (3、寅。)--01.肺經脈經絡路線圖✅--(LU - LUNG MERIDIAN)

02. ❖告別衰老 !皮膚要清透細膩毛孔小,這條經絡一定要打通!大腸經|
(4)大腸經脈--- (4、卯。)--02.大腸經脈經絡路線圖✅--(LI - LARGE INTESTINE MERIDIAN)

03. 妳即將邁入輕熟女了嗎?抗衰老必敲打的經絡妳一定要知道|更年期|胃經|
(5)胃經脈--- (5、辰。)--03.胃經脈經絡路線圖✅--(ST - STOMACH MERIDIAN)

04. 中醫幫你擺脫虛胖水腫的人生 |脾經|
(6)脾經脈--- (6、巳。)--04.脾經脈經絡路線圖✅--(SP - SPLEEN MERIDIAN)

05. 失眠多夢、神經衰弱、心悸的人,經常拍打這條經絡 連老年痴呆都遠離你 |心經 |❖
(7)心經脈--- (7、午。)--05.心經脈經絡路線圖✅--(HT - HEART MERIDIAN)

06. 肩頸痛竟是「心肌梗塞」前兆 打通小腸經能預防心臟病您知道嗎?| 小腸經 |
(8)小腸經脈--- (8、未。)--06.小腸經脈經絡路線圖✅--(SI - SMALL INTESTINE)

07. 腰背痛、 焦慮不安、失眠的人看過來,拍打這條經絡讓你跟病痛說bye!bye! |膀胱經|排毒 |
(10)膀胱經脈--- (9、申。)--07.膀胱經脈經絡路線圖✅--(UB - URINAL BLADDER MERIDIAN)

08. 腎虧影響性功能?你可能誤會腎臟了!中醫幫你解迷思 |腎經|
(10)腎經脈--- (10、酉。)--08.腎經脈經絡路線圖✅--(KI - KIDNEY MERIDIAN)

09.10. 精神總是不集中?拍打這兩條經絡還能讓你強心肺 | 心包經 | 三焦經 |
(11)心包經脈--- (11、戌。)--09.心包經脈經絡路線圖✅--(PC - PREICARDIUM MERIDIAN)
(12)三焦經脈--- (12、亥。)--10.三焦經脈經絡路線圖✅--(SJ - SANJIAO - TRIPLE HEATER MERIDIAN)

11. 坐骨神經痛、頭痛、腰背痛的福音~拍打這條經絡就對了 | 膽經 |
(1)膽經脈--- (1、子。)--11.膽經脈經絡路線圖✅--(GB - GALL BLADDER MERIDIAN)

12. 愛生氣、鬱悶的人特別傷肝 拍打肝經馬上讓你心情舒暢! | 肝經 |
(2)肝經脈--- (2、丑。)--12.肝經脈經絡路線圖✅--(LR - LIVER MERIDIAN)

13.14. 打通任督二脈 強化生命元氣 | 任脈|督脈 |談古論今話中醫(388)
❖(1)任脈-- 1 REN MERIDIAN (day。)--13.任脈奇經脈經絡路線圖✅--(REN MERIDIAN - CONCEPTION VESSEL)
❖(2)督脈-- 2 DU MERIDIAN (day。)--14.督脈奇經脈經絡路線圖✅--(DU MERIDIAN - GOVERNING VESSEL)

1.point locations ALL ACUPUNCTURE CHANNELS Anna TCM AUDIO VIDEO studynotes 1/15

紅色代表陽經脈! 空心的 六腑 ,red color show (YANG:SUN),(the hollow organs)[Med] the six hollow [Fu] organs (gallbladder, stomach, large intestine, small intestine, bladder and sanjiao)
藍色代表陰經脈!實心的 內部器官,五臟. ,blue color show (YIN:MOON), (the internal organs) of the body (heart, spleen, liver, lungs and kidneys)

A1. The 12 regular meridians in a day make one cycle by the time order.

a1. REN point locations AUDIO, study while listening.--❖(1)任脈(..day。)

a2. DU acupuncture points locations AUDIO for studying for CALE or NCCAOM--❖(2)督脈(..day。)

a3. LUNG point locations AUDIO for studying for CALE or NCCAOM--(3)肺經脈..TIME-03:00A.M.~05:00A.M.

a4. LARGE INTESTINE point locations AUDIO study for CALE or NCCAOM--(4)大腸經脈.. TIME-05:00A.M.~07:00A.M.

a5. STOMACH point locations Acupuncture point locations for CALE and NCCAOM--(5)胃經脈..TIME-07:00A.M.~09:00A.M.

a6. SPLEEN point locations Acupuncture point locations study for CALE NCCAOM--(6)脾經脈.. TIME-09:00A.M.~11:00A.M.

a7. Heart channel point locations AUDIO for studying while sleeping or driving for CALE and NCCAOM--(7)心經脈.. TIME-11:00A.M.~01:00P.M.

a8. Small intestine channel point locations study while sleeping or driving for CALE and NCCAOM--(8)小腸經脈.. TIME-01:00P.M.~03:00P.M.

a9. Urinary Bladder channel point locations 1-35 study while sleeping or driving for CALE and NCCAOM--(9)膀胱經脈.. TIME-03:00P.M.~05:00P.M.

a9-10. Urinary bladder channel locations 36-67 CALE and NCCAOM--(9)膀胱經脈.. TIME-03:00P.M.~05:00P.M.

a11. Kidney channel point locations listen and study while driving CALE and NCCAOM--(10)腎經脈.. TIME-05:00P.M.~07:00P.M.

a12. Pericardium channel point locations AUDIO for studying for CALE and NCCAOM--(11)心包經脈..TIME-07:00P.M.~09:00P.M.

a13. San jiao channel point location Audio for studying for CALE and NCCAOM--(12)三焦經脈.. TIME-09:00P.M.~11:00P.M.-

a14. Gall bladder channel locations, study while driving, for CALE and NCCAOM--(1)膽經脈.. TIME-11:00P.M.~next day. 01:00A.M.

a15. Liver channel locations, AUDIO, for CALE and NCCAOM studies--(2)肝經脈.. Time-01:00A.M.~03:00A.M.

2.Acupuncture Point Location Nicholas Duchnowski 1/10

n1. Acupuncture Point Location: The Lung Channel (Lung Meridian)--(3)肺經脈..TIME-03:00A.M.~05:00A.M.

n2. Acupuncture Point Location: The Large Intestine Channel (Large Intestine Meridian)--(4)大腸經脈.. TIME-05:00A.M.~07:00A.M.

n3-1. Acupuncture Point Location: The Stomach Channel 1-12 (Stomach Meridian)--(5)胃經脈..TIME-07:00A.M.~09:00A.M.

n3-2. Acupuncture Point Location: The Stomach Channel 12-34 (Stomach Meridian pt. 2)--(5)胃經脈..TIME-07:00A.M.~09:00A.M.

n3-3. Acupuncture Point Location: The Stomach Channel 35-45 (Stomach Meridian pt. 3)--(5)胃經脈..TIME-07:00A.M.~09:00A.M.

n4. Acupuncture Point Location: The Spleen Channel (SP-1 to SP-21)--(6)脾經脈.. TIME-09:00A.M.~11:00A.M.

n5. Acupuncture Point Location: The Heart Channel (Heart Meridian Acupuncture Points)--(7)心經脈.. TIME-11:00A.M.~01:00P.M.

n6. Acupuncture Point Location: The Small Intestine Channel (SI Meridian Acupuncture Points)--(8)小腸經脈.. TIME-01:00P.M.~03:00P.M.

n7. Acupuncture Point Location: The Kidney Channel (Kidney Meridian Acupuncture Points)--(10)腎經脈.. TIME-05:00P.M.~07:00P.M.

n8. Acupuncture Point Location: The Pericardium Channel (Pericardium Meridian Acupuncture Points)--(11)心包經脈..TIME-07:00P.M.~09:00P.M.

3.Acupuncture Point Functions & Locations

p1. The Lung Channel and 11 Lung Acupuncture Points (Functions & Locations)--(3)肺經脈..TIME-03:00A.M.~05:00A.M.

p2. The Large Intestine Channel & 20 Large Intestine Acupuncture Points--(4)大腸經脈.. TIME-05:00A.M.~07:00A.M.

p3. The Stomach Channel Acupuncture Points location & Functions (Part 1)--(5)胃經脈..TIME-07:00A.M.~09:00A.M.

p4. The Stomach Channel Acupuncture Points Location & Functions (Part 2)--(5)胃經脈..TIME-07:00A.M.~09:00A.M.

p5. The Spleen Channel and 21 Spleen Acupuncture Points (Functions & Locations)--(6)脾經脈.. TIME-09:00A.M.~11:00A.M.


4.Points Review:

r1. Points Review: Lung Channel Acupuncture Meridian--(3)肺經脈..TIME-03:00A.M.~05:00A.M.

r2. Points Review: Large Intestine Channel Acupuncture Meridian--(4)大腸經脈.. TIME-05:00A.M.~07:00A.M.

r3. Points Review: Stomach Channel Acupuncture Meridian--(5)胃經脈..TIME-07:00A.M.~09:00A.M.

r4. Points Review: Spleen Channel Acupuncture Meridian--(6)脾經脈.. TIME-09:00A.M.~11:00A.M.

r5. Points Review: Heart Channel Acupuncture Meridian--(7)心經脈.. TIME-11:00A.M.~01:00P.M.

r6. Points Review: Small Intestine Channel Acupuncture Meridian--(8)小腸經脈.. TIME-01:00P.M.~03:00P.M.

21. The 13 Acupuncture GHOST Points

23. large intestine meridian acupun cture points中文繁體

a5-1. Chinese Medicine Diagnosis - The HEART (Inquiry Method)

r1. INTRODUCTION TO CHANNEL THEORY | Acupuncture Channels and Points

r2. Points Review: Stomach Channel Acupuncture Meridian

w1. How to correct BAD POSTURE with EXERCISES by Dr. Andrea Furlan

w2. Neurological Evaluation Of The Lumbar Nerve Roots - Everything You Need To Know - Dr. Nabil Ebraheim

x1. Points Review: Lung Channel Acupuncture Meridian

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