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gv/pm0:(GV) Governor Vessel 督脈
2013/12/11 06:18:02瀏覽1551|回應0|推薦0

02.奇經八脈 2 Governor Vessel (GV)

14.(02)(GV) Governor Vessel - 督脈 explain 說明

14、背陽脈 【督脈經】 。

背陽脈 督脈經 Governor Vessel (GV)。

The 8 Extra Merdidians .

1.In the meridian system. there are eight extra meridians which are listed.:

(1).Conception Vessel (C.V.)(任脈), 24-point.

(2). Governor Vessel (G.V.)(督脈), 28-point.

(3).Thoroughfare  Vessel (T.V.)衝脈, line.

(4).Girding  Vessel (G.V.)帶脈,  line.

(5).Yin Link Vessel (YI.L.V.)陰維脈, line.

(6).Yang Link Vessel (YA.LV.)陽維脈,  line.

(7).Yin Heel Vessel (YI.H.V.)陰蹻脈 , line.

(8).Yang Heel Vessel (YA.H.V.)陽蹻脈. line.

2.There are unlike the twelve regular meridian.

These eight channels don not correspond with the organs diretly.and only the Governor Vessel and Conception Vessel have acupoint on them.

Their main funtion is to strengthen the links between the twelve regular meridians and aslo act as reservoirs of the fundamental substances buffering the blood and energy (qi)(vital energy) circulation.

2.The Governor Vessel (G.V.) Extra  of  Meridian.

The Governor Vessel (G.V.) Extra of Meridian.start from the perineum just before the anus, runs upward along the midline of back to head and stops on inside of the upper lip.
OrderCodePointTimeVessel NameWhereYANGYINShowVessel
(02)14(G.V.)28ALL dayGovernorBACKYANG0 Show (G.V.)督脈
(G.V.)’s.acupuncture point and name are listed in the following. (28 points)--Tap the following acupuncture point name and explain.
Orderpoint namepoint namepoint namepoint namepoint namepoint
(02) 14 GV/pm1:長強 Chang2 Ciang2 GV/pm2:腰俞 yao1 suu2 GV/pm3:腰陽關 yang2 kuan1 GV/pm4:命門 ming4 men2 GV/am5:懸樞 hsuan2 shu1 28
(02) 14 GV/pm6:脊中 chi1 chung1 /pm7:中樞 chung1 shu1 GV/pm8:筋縮 chin1 sho1 GV/pm9:至陽 chih4 yang2 GV/am10:靈台 lin2 tai2 28
(02) 14 GV/pm11:神道 shen2 tao4 GV/pm12:身柱 Shen1 Chu4 GV/pm13:陶道 Tao2 Dao2 GV/pm14:大椎 Ta4 Chui1 GV/am15:啞門 Ya3 Men2 28
(02) 14 GV/pm16:風府 Feng1 Fu3 GV/pm17:腦戶 nao3 hu4 GV/pm18:強間 chiang2 chien1 GV/pm19:後頂 hou4 ting3 GV/am20:百會 Pai3 Hui4 28
(02) 14 GV/pm21:前頂 chien2 ting3 G/pm22:顖會 tsung1 hui4 GV/pm23:上星 Shang4 Hsing1 GV/pm24:神庭 Shen2 Ting2 GV/am25:素髎 su4 lieo4 28
(02) 14 GV/pm26:水溝(人中)Shui3 Kou1 GV/pm27:兌端 tui4 tuan1 GV/pm28:齦交 Ken3 Chiao1 GV/pm:0GV/am:028

※督脈經 Governor Vessel (GV)

                                    end-(gv_pm-28)-齦交 Ken3 Chiao1 (gv_pm-28)

begin-1、 長強 Chang2 Ciang2 (gv_pm_1)

※督脈經 Governor Vessel (GV)

14、 背陽脈 【督脈經】 Governor Vessel (GV)












Explain---14(GV) Governor Vessel 督脈

(gv_pm_28) --gv_- -3


begin-1、 長強 Chang2 Ciang2 (gv_pm_1)督脈

end-28、齦交 Ken3 Chiao1 (gv_pm-28)督脈

下轉 next turn to 任脈經穴 Conception Vessel
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