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2013/09/08 09:25:31瀏覽1111|回應0|推薦0 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
3、足陽明【胃經脈】Stomach。足陽明胃經脈 Stomach (ST)。(FOOT YANG:SUN)
Main indicationAcupuncture points in this Meridiadin are indicated for certain gastro enteric diseases. toothaches and mental illnesses. conditions that affect areas through which the meridian passes such as the head, face, eyes, nose and mouth can also benefit from stimulation of the acupuncture points along this meridian.主治概要胃經脈主治胃腸病、頭、面、目、鼻、齒痛、神志病、胃痛、消榖善飢、噁吐、口渴、亦如腹脹、水腫、咽喉、腫痛、流鼻血、胸、膝部疼痛,顯示胃經脈出問體。「神志病」,包括憂鬱症、躁鬱症、妄想症、失眠、神經衰弱等症狀在內。「Neurosis 神經官能症」。 足陽明胃經經穴(ST)Stomach。
(1)本經在十大干中以"戊"字代之。 (2)五行中屬陽土,起:承泣穴,終:厲兌穴。 (3)氣血俱多,辰時(當地時間早上07;00 A.M.~09;00 A.M.時),氣血注此。 (4)凡四十五穴,左右共九十穴。 (5)足陽明胃經穴歌: 四十五穴足陽明,頭維下關頰車停, 承泣四白巨髎經,地倉大迎對人迎, 水突氣舍連缺盆,氣戶庫房屋翳屯, 膺窗乳中延乳根,不容承滿梁門起, 關門太乙滑肉門,天樞外陵大巨存, 水道歸來氣衝次,髀關伏兔走陰市, 梁丘犢鼻足三里,上巨虛連條口位, 下巨虛跳上豐隆,解谿衝陽陷谷中, 內庭厲兌經穴終。
下接 next (4)足太陰脾經脈 Spleen Pancres (FOOT YIN:MOON) |
( 知識學習|健康 ) |