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st/0:(ST) Stomach 足陽明胃經脈
2013/09/08 09:25:31瀏覽1111|回應0|推薦0


足陽明胃經脈 Stomach (ST)。(FOOT YANG:SUN)

OrderCodePointTimeMeridians NameWhereYINYANGShowtime interval
03(S.T.)4507:00A.M.~09:00A.M.StomachFOOT0YANG Show 03forenoon
(ST)’s  acupuncture point and name are listed in the following. (45 points)--Tap the following acupuncture point name and explain.
Orderpoint namepoint namepoint namepoint namepoint namepoint@ L
03 ST/1:承泣 Cheng2 Chi4 ST/2:四白 ssu4 pai2 ST/3:巨髎 chu4 lieo4 ST/4:地倉 ti 4 tsang1 ST/5:大迎 ta 4 ying2 45
03 ST/6:頰車 chia2 tseh1 ST/7:下關 hsia4 kuan3 ST/8:頭維 Tou 2 Wei 3 ST/9:人迎 jen2 ying2 ST/10:水突shui3 tu1 45
03 ST/11:氣舍 chi4 she4 ST/12:缺盆 Chueh1 Pen2 ST/13:氣戶 chi4 fuh4 ST/14:庫房 ku4 fang2 ST/15:屋翳 Wi1 I1 point left
03 ST/16:膺窗 ying4 chuang1 ST/17:乳中 ju3 chung1 ST/18:乳根ju3 ken1 ST/19:不容 pu4 yung2 ST/20:承滿 cheng2 man3 45
03 ST/21:梁門 Liang2 Men2 ST/22:關門 kuan1 men2 ST/23:太乙 Tai4 I3 ST/24:滑肉門 Hun2 Juh4 Mem2 ST/25:天樞 Tien1 Shu1 45
03 ST/26:外陵 wai4 lin2 ST/27:大巨 Ta4 Chu4 ST/28:水道 Shui3 Tao4 ST/29:歸來 Kuei1 ai2 ST/30:氣衝 Chi4 Chung1 point right
03 ST/31:髀關 pi4 kuan1 ST/32:伏兔 fuh2 tu4 ST/33:陰市 yin 1 shih 4 ST/34:梁丘 liang 2 chiu1 ST/35:犢鼻 Tu2 Pi2 45
03 ST/36:足三哩 San 1 Li 3 ST/37:上巨虛 Shang4 Chu4 Hsu1 ST/38:條口 tiao2 kou3 ST/39:下巨虛 Hsia4 Chu4 Hsu1 ST/40:豐隆 feng 1 lung 2 45
03 ST/41:解谿 Chieh3 Tsih1 ST/42:衝陽 chung1 yang2 ST/43:陷谷 Hsien4 Ku3 ST/44:內庭 Nei4 Ting2 ST/45: 厲兌 Li4 Tui4 point L R

Main indication

Acupuncture points in this Meridiadin are indicated for certain gastro enteric diseases. toothaches and mental illnesses. conditions that affect areas through which the meridian passes such as the head, face, eyes, nose and mouth can also benefit from stimulation of the acupuncture points along this meridian.


「神志病」,包括憂鬱症、躁鬱症、妄想症、失眠、神經衰弱等症狀在內。「Neurosis 神經官能症」




(3)氣血俱多,辰時(當地時間早上07;00 A.M.~09;00 A.M.時),氣血注此。












Explain- 說明--03(ST) stomack Meridian 胃

begin 始Stomach

st/1承泣 Cheng2 Chi4

end 終Stomach

st/45、厲兌 Li4 Tui4

下接 next (4)足太陰脾經脈 Spleen Pancres (FOOT YIN:MOON)
( 知識學習健康 )
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