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【書摘】蓋爾芒特家那邊—暗戀蓋爾芒特夫人 (Secret love for Duchesse de Guermantes) 5
2017/04/22 05:49:39瀏覽619|回應1|推薦14
【書摘】蓋爾芒特家那邊暗戀蓋爾芒特夫人 (Secret love for Duchesse de Guermantes) 5
Si, dans le salon de Mme de Villeparisis, tout autant que dans l’église de Combray, au mariage de Mlle Percepied, j’avais peine à retrouver dans le beau visage, trop humain, de Mme de Guermantes, l’inconnu de son nom, je pensais du moins que, quand elle parlerait, sa causerie, profonde, mystérieuse, aurait une étrangeté de tapisserie médiévale, de vitrail gothique. Mais pour que je n’eusse pas été déçu par les paroles que j’entendrais prononcer à une personne qui s’appelait Mme de Guermantes, même si je ne l’eusse pas aimée, il n’eût pas suffi que les paroles fussent fines, belles et profondes, il eût fallu qu’elles reflétassent cette couleur amarante de la dernière syllabe de son nom, cette couleur que je m’étais dès le premier jour étonné de ne pas trouver dans sa personne et que j’avais fait se réfugier dans sa pensée.
(l’édition Gallimard, Paris, 1946-47)

即使在德‧維爾巴里西斯夫人的沙龍裡 (就像從前在貢布雷教堂參加德‧貝斯比埃小姐的婚禮時那樣),我在德‧蓋爾芒特夫人那張很有人情味的嫵媚的臉孔上,也難找到她名字所蘊含的不可知的東西。但我尋思,至少當她開口講話時,她的深奧而神秘的言談會散發出中世紀掛毯和哥特式彩繪大玻璃窗的奇異光彩。但是,要我在聽了一個名叫德‧蓋爾芒特夫人的女人談話後不感到失望、她就應該說出——即使我不愛她——精闢,漂亮而深奧的話語,而且還要使她的話反照出她名字最後一個音節的深紫紅的色彩。從我第一次看見她起,就為沒有能在她身上發現這種色彩感到詫異。我想像這種深紫紅色一定深藏在她的思想中。
追憶似水年華 III蓋爾芒特家那邊 聯經版 1992)

If, in the drawing-room of Mme. de Villeparisis, just as in the church at Combray, on the day of Mlle. Percepied’s wedding, I had difficulty in discovering, in the handsome, too human face of Mme. de Guermantes the unknown element of her name, I at least thought that, when she spoke, her conversation, profound, mysterious, would have a strangeness as of a mediaeval tapestry or a gothic window. But in order that I should not be disappointed by the words which I should hear uttered by a person who called herself Mme. de Guermantes, even if I had not been in love with her, it would not have sufficed that those words were fine, beautiful and profound, they would have had to reflect that amaranthine colour of the closing syllable of her name, that colour which I had on my first sight of her been disappointed not to find in her person and had driven to take refuge in her mind.
(Translated by C. K. Scott Moncrieff)

If, in the salon of Mme de Villeparisis, as in the Combray church on the day of Mlle Percepied’s wedding, I had difficulty rediscovering in the lovely, all-too-human face of Mme de Guermantes the enigma of her name, I thought at least that, when she spoke, her conversation would be profound and mysterious, strange as a medieval tapestry or a Gothic window. For me to avoid being disappointed by the words I heard uttered by someone who called herself Mme de Guermantes, even if I had riot been in love with her, those words would have had to be more than subtle, beautiful, and profound, they would have had to reflect the amaranth coloring of the last syllable of her name, the color that, since I first set eyes upon her, I had been amazed not to find in her person and had then relegated to her mind.
(Translated by Mark Treharne)

( 知識學習隨堂筆記 )
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