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【書摘】在少女們身旁—另一個失眠的夜晚 (Another insomnious night) 4
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【書摘】在少女們身旁另一個失眠的夜晚 (Another insomnious night) 4
Tout à coup je m’éveillais, je m’apercevais qu’à la faveur d’un long sommeil, je n’avais pas entendu le concert symphonique. C’était déjà l’après-midi ; je m’en assurais à ma montre, après quelques efforts pour me redresser, efforts infructueux d’abord et interrompus par des chutes sur l’oreiller, mais de ces chutes courtes qui suivent le sommeil comme les autres ivresses, que ce soit le vin qui les procure, ou une convalescence ; du reste avant même d’avoir regardé l’heure j’étais certain que midi était passé. Hier soir, je n’étais plus qu’un être vidé, sans poids, et comme il faut avoir été couché pour être capable de s’asseoir et avoir dormi pour l’être de se taire, je ne pouvais cesser de remuer ni de parler, je n’avais plus de consistance, de centre de gravité, j’étais lancé, il me semblait que j’aurais pu continuer ma morne course jusque dans la lune.
(l’édition Gallimard, Paris, 1946-47)

我忽然醒來,發現多虧這一大覺,竟沒有聽到交響樂音樂會的喧鬧。時已下午。我用力起身想看看錶,想知道是否確實如此。一開始,怎麼使勁也沒用,頭又沉沉落在枕頭上,半途而廢。這是繼困倦以及其它的醉態而來的短暫的下沉,或由飲酒或由大病初癒而引起。何況,甚至就在看時間之前,我也肯定中午已過。昨天晚上,我不過是一個被掏空了心肝的、無重量的人 (就像非得先躺下才能坐起來,非得睡醒才能住口一樣),我不停地翻騰,說話,再也沒有重量,沒有重心,我被拋擲出去,似乎可以繼續這悶悶不樂的奔跑,一直跑到月亮上去。
追憶似水年華 II 在少女們身旁 聯經版 1992)

突然間,我醒過來了,這一覺可睡得真長,那場交響音樂會我都沒聽見。我想撐起身體,可起先怎麼也坐不起來,幾次頭剛仰起來,就又落在了枕頭上,醉酒或病後虛弱的人,在醒來時都會出現這種為時很短的極度困乏的狀況,我終於抬眼看了看表,已經是下午了;其實,在撐起身體看時間之前,我心裡就知道該是過了中午了。昨晚,我就不過是個掏空了的、沒有重量的東西,而且 (正如先得躺下才能坐起,先得睡著才能閉嘴) 沒法有一刻不動彈,沒法有一刻不說話,我既沒有穩定性,也沒有了重心,整個人被拋了起來,只覺得這沉悶的行程要永遠持續下去,一直跑到月亮上去。
追尋逝去的時光 II 在少女花影下 第二部 上海譯文版 周克希譯 2004)

Suddenly I awoke and discovered that, thanks to a long sleep, I had not heard a note of the concert. It was already afternoon; I verified this by my watch after several efforts to sit up in bed, efforts fruitless at first and interrupted by backward falls on to my pillow, but those short falls which are a sequel of sleep as of other forms of intoxication, whether due to wine or to convalescence; besides, before I had so much as looked at the time, I was certain that it was past midday. Last night I had been nothing more than an empty vessel, without weight, and (since I must first have gone to bed to be able to keep still, and have been asleep to be able to keep silent) had been unable to refrain from moving about and talking; I had no longer any stability, any centre of gravity, I was set in motion and it seemed that I might have continued on my dreary course until I reached the moon.
(Translated by C. K. Scott Moncrieff)

Suddenly awake, I would realize that a long sleep had prevented me from hearing the symphony concert. It was already the afternoon, as I would see from my watch, after attempts to sit up, unsuccessful at first and interrupted by collapses onto the pillow, brief collapses of the sort that follow sleep, the drunkenness caused by wine, or that other intoxication one experiences in convalescence; but in any case, before I had looked at the time, I knew for certain it was after midday. The night before, I had been a creature without substance, weightless, and unable to stop moving or talking (as, in order to sit up, it is necessary to have been lying down, and in order to stop talking, it is necessary to have been asleep); I had had neither consistency nor center of gravity, I was unstoppable, I felt my monotonous trajectory could have taken mc as far as the moon.
(Translated by James Grieve)
( 知識學習隨堂筆記 )
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