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(p.201 追憶似水年華 I 在斯萬家那邊 聯經版 1992)  

And so I would often lie until morning, dreaming of the old days at Combray, of my melancholy and wakeful evenings there; of other days besides, the memory of which had been more lately restored to me by the taste—by what would have been called at Combray the ‘perfume’—-of a cup of tea; and, by an association of memories, of a story which, many years after I had left the little place, had been told me of a love affair in which Swann had been involved before I was born; with that accuracy of detail which it is easier, often, to obtain when we are studying the lives of people who have been dead for centuries than when we are trying to chronicle those of our own most intimate friends, an accuracy which it seems as impossible to attain as it seemed impossible to speak from one town to another, before we learned of the contrivance by which that impossibility has been overcome. All these memories, following one after another, were condensed into a single substance, but had not so far coalesced that I could not discern between the three strata, between my oldest, my instinctive memories, those others, inspired more recently by a taste or ‘perfume,’ and those which were actually the memories of another, from whom I had acquired them at second hand—no fissures, indeed, no geological faults, but at least those veins, those streaks of colour which in certain rocks, in certain marbles, point to differences of origin, age, and formation.

(Translated by C. K. Scott Moncrieff ) 

C’est ainsi que je restais souvent jusqu’au matin à songer au temps de Combray, à mes tristes soirées sans sommeil, à tant de jours aussi dont l’image m’avait été plus récemment rendue par la saveur – ce qu’on aurait appelé à Combray le « parfum » – d’une tasse de thé, et par association de souvenirs à ce que, bien des années après avoir quitté cette petite ville, j’avais appris, au sujet d’un amour que Swann avait eu avant ma naissance, avec cette précision dans les détails plus facile à obtenir quelquefois pour la vie de personnes mortes il y a des siècles que pour celle de nos meilleurs amis, et qui semble impossible comme semblait impossible de causer d’une ville à une autre – tant qu’on ignore le biais par lequel cette impossibilité a été tournée. Tous ces souvenirs ajoutés les uns aux autres ne formaient plus qu’une masse, mais non sans qu’on ne pût distinguer entre eux – entre les plus anciens, et ceux plus récents, nés d’un parfum, puis ceux qui n’étaient que les souvenirs d’une autre personne de qui je les avais appris – sinon des fissures, des failles véritables, du moins ces veinures, ces bigarrures de coloration, qui, dans certaines roches, dans certains marbres, révèlent des différences d’origine, d’âge, de « formation ».

(l’édition Gallimard, Paris, 1946-47 )

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