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【書摘】在少女們身旁—與希爾貝特的愛情-2 (Fall in love with Gilberte-2) 4-2
2014/12/04 07:53:14瀏覽186|回應2|推薦7
【書摘】在少女們身旁與希爾貝特的愛情-2 (Fall in love with Gilberte-2) 4-2
Quand on retire du plateau où est la fierté une petite quantité de volonté qu’on a eu la faiblesse de laisser s’user avec l’âge, qu’on ajoute dans le plateau où est le chagrin une souffrance physique acquise et à qui on a permis de s’aggraver, et au lieu de la solution courageuse qui l’aurait emporté à vingt ans, c’est l’autre, devenue trop lourde et sans assez de contre-poids, qui nous abaisse à cinquante. D’autant plus que les situations tout en se répétant changent, et qu’il y a chance pour qu’au milieu ou à la fin de la vie on ait eu pour soi-même la funeste complaisance de compliquer l’amour d’une part d’habitude que l’adolescence, retenue par d’autres devoirs, moins libre de soi-même, ne connaît pas.
(l’édition Gallimard, Paris, 1946-47)

(p.152 追憶似水年華 II 在少女們身旁 聯經版 1992)

(p.163 追憶似水年華 II 在少女花影下 時報版 周克希譯 2011)

When we withdraw from the pan in which our pride lies a small quantity of the will-power which we have weakly allowed to exhaust itself with increasing age, when we add to the pan that holds our suffering a physical pain which we have acquired and have let grow, then, instead of the courageous solution that would have carried the day at one-and-twenty, it is the other, grown too heavy and insufficiently balanced, that crushes us down at fifty. All the more because situations, while repeating them-.selves, tend to alter, and there is every likelihood that, in middle life or in old age, we shall have had the grim satisfaction of complicating our love by an intrusion of habit which adolescence, repressed by other demands upon it, less master of itself, has never known.
(Translated by C. K. Scott Moncrieff)

If we lighten the scale containing our pride, by removing from it a little of the willpower we have been remiss enough to wear away with age, and if we add to the scale containing our unhappiness an acquired physical pain that we have allowed to become worse, it is not the courageous side that outweighs the other, as would have happened at twenty; it is the craven side which, having become too ponderous and lacking a counterweight, unbalances us at fifty. Also, since situations can change as well as repeat themselves, there is the possibility that, by the middle of life or toward the end of it, one’s self-indulgence may have had the unfortunate effect of complicating love with an clement of habit, which adolescence, preoccupied by too many other obligations and lacking personal freedom, has not yet acquired.
(Translated by James Grieve)

( 知識學習隨堂筆記 )
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2014/12/06 03:38

"out of the dark" 並不覺得比後來的“Missing Person" 和 "Suspended Sentence"引人入勝,我不要讓你花冤枉錢而失望,在這裡先說一下。


le14nov(le14nov) 於 2014-12-06 07:37 回覆:

哈!昨晚早一步下訂單了,略看過網路上的書評,我想 Patrick Modiano 的這本小說 Out of the Dark的書寫主題對我來說算是蠻有吸引力的,不過至少要等 2~3 週才能收到書,至於讀完及消化理解的時間,我再努力囉!

找到 Patrick Modiano 的
2014/12/05 00:24




le14nov(le14nov) 於 2014-12-05 08:23 回覆:


底下連結談到是台灣目前有的中譯本,而最近也有一套大陸譯本進來了,近期我會設法先找到您上次提到的 Out of the Dark/Du Plus Loin De L’Oubli,再與您分享
