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【書摘】在少女們身旁—與希爾貝特的愛情-2 (Fall in love with Gilberte-2) 1
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【書摘】在少女們身旁與希爾貝特的愛情-2 (Fall in love with Gilberte-2) 1
J’aurais pourtant dû être tourmenté par ce qui, au contraire, me rassurait, par ce que je croyais du bonheur. C’est, dans l’amour, un état anormal, capable de donner tout de suite, à l’accident le plus simple en apparence et qui peut toujours survenir, une gravité que par lui-même cet accident ne comporterait pas. Ce qui rend si heureux, c’est la présence dans le coeur de quelque chose d’instable, qu’on s’arrange perpétuellement à maintenir et dont on ne s’aperçoit presque plus tant qu’il n’est pas déplacé. En réalité, dans l’amour il y a une souffrance permanente, que la joie neutralise, rend virtuelle, ajourne, mais qui peut à tout moment devenir ce qu’elle serait depuis longtemps si l’on n’avait pas obtenu ce qu’on souhaitait, atroce.
(Éditions Gallimard, 1987)

那些使我感到寬慰的事,那個我所認為的幸福,原本應該引起我的不安。我們在戀愛中往往處於一種反常狀態,具有的嚴重性。我們之所以感到幸福,是因為在我們心中有某種不穩定的東西,我們不斷努力去維持它,而且,只要它未轉移,我們幾乎不再覺察。確實,愛情包含持久的痛苦,只不過它被歡樂所沖淡,成為潛在的、被推遲的痛苦,但它隨時可能劇烈地爆發出來 (如果人們不是如願以償,那麼這痛苦早就爆發了)。
追憶似水年華 II 在少女們身旁 聯經版 1992)

追憶似水年華 II 在少女花影下 時報版 周克希譯 2011)

And yet I ought to have been tormented by what, on the contrary, reassured me, by what I mistook for happiness. We are, when we love, in an abnormal state, capable of giving at once to an accident, the most simple to all appearance and one that may at any moment occur, a serious-aspect which that accident by itself would not bear. What makes us so happy is the presence in our heart of an unstable element which we are perpetually arranging to keep in position, and of which we cease almost to be aware so long as it is not displaced. Actually, there is in love a permanent strain of suffering which happiness neutralises, makes conditional only, procrastinates, but which may at any moment become what it would long since have been had we not obtained what we were seeking, sheer agony.
(Translated by C. K. Scott Moncrieff)

I should really have been disturbed by what reassured me, by what I took for happiness. In love, happiness is an abnormal state, capable of instantly conferring on the pettiest-seeming incident, which can occur at any moment. a degree of gravity that in other circumstances it would never have. What makes one so happy is the presence of something unstable in the heart, something one contrives constantly to keep in a state of stability, and which one is hardly even aware of as long as it remains like that. In fact, though, love secretes a permanent pain, which joy neutralizes in us, makes virtual, and holds in abeyance; but at any moment, it can turn into torture, which is what would have happened long since if one had not obtained what one desired.
(Translated by James Grieve)

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