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On 技術移民
2017/02/05 07:51:35瀏覽330|回應0|推薦7

Many years ago a critique said the backbones for Taiwan's early development were those unknown heros graduated from vocational (high) schools, and those from NTU were among the least for their contributions.  Why was that?  The author didn't give us an answer.  I believe one of the reasons had been a large portion of NTU graduates went on further studying in western countries and opted to stay there, not to take part in Taiwan's development.  A classmate of mine once said going to America or Canada is the ultimate aim of her lifetime pursuit.  A mother of the girl (also a NTU graduate) I adored told me to prepare myself for going to America; otherwise, don't bother her daughter again.  (Also look what those NTU graduates did for Taiwan: Jap Li, Corruption A-bian, Bumbler Ma, and Wonky Cai.) 

Well, that was the general mindset in Taiwan during 50's thru 70's.  After Reform and Open; unfortunately, I guess China's Mainland was also rife with such a sucial ambience, especially among higher class. Over thirty years later, let's take a retrospective look for those  "professional" emigrants at   "到西方国家不再能靠技术吃饭的移民,你们现在过的还好吗?" http://www.guancha.cn/DengSiJie/2017_02_03_392217_2.shtml

P.S. Someday I'll tell you the story of how did I "become" an emigrant myself. 

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