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2017/01/26 11:42:42瀏覽287|回應1|推薦4

This time I will not spend my lunar year with my "families" in Taipei.  Well, since my late mother-in-law passed away, it became a little embarrassed for us to spend the lunar year's eve at my brother-in-law's without the presence of an elder.  Now at Bay Area, at least we can have a wonderful time being with my daughter's. 

You know, my son-in-law is a vegan, so on his dinning table there is no meat at all, not even eggs.  Thus,  my wife is going to make some "Ba Bao Rice", a dessert made of sweet rice, red bean paste, lotus seeds, water gourd candy, and other sundry items. (O, I have a terrible weakness to that stuff.)  I love that traditional "Shi Jin Vegetable", a mixture of various items of vegetable, but considering it's kind of an onerous task for an old lady like her to prepare the dish, I resisted my impulse as to offer such a suggestion. 

Happy Lunar New Year, everybody!! 

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pearlz (民進黨抹黑霸凌WHO )
2017/01/26 14:37
Happy New Year.
Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2017-01-27 09:20 回覆:
Happy New Year of Rooster and many a year to come, Pearlz.