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Only his wife can forgive that cheating Lin Dan
2016/11/20 08:12:53瀏覽277|回應0|推薦4

Some paparazzo caught that world badminton superstar Lin Dan(林丹) fooling around with a voluptuous model the other day, and the photos and the videos had caused sensation among media and netizens in Mainland; needless to say, they must also bring troubles and pains to his graceful and pretty wife, once a badminton queen in the world, Xie Xingfang(謝杏芳).

I still remember the scene in Beijing Olympic when Xie lost to her teammate Zhang Ning(張寧, my favorite star), the defending gold medalist, how Lin came and embraced her into his arms.  Xie lost the championship but she lost her heart to Lin.  Will she be able to find in her heart to forgive Lin this time, especially he cheated on her when she was expecting a baby? 

Well, "a guy is a guy". (Doris Day's popular song in 50's)  You know, once an erstwhile colleague of mine publicly said in a banquet that she wouldn't mind her husband fooling around outside as long as he was not to talk about love with other women and not to bring back home to her with VD.  Now report said Xie opted to forgive Lin; it may be a clever move if Lin treat that woman as merely a sex partner.   

A Chinese writer once wrote, "男人永恆而不專一" from spiritual angle, let alone from biological angle, so it's kind of hard to prevent men from going astray, mentally or physically.  Probably that is why Plato advocated long time ago his Platonian Love.     



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