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Practice what you preach---為人民服務
2016/11/11 07:25:29瀏覽227|回應0|推薦5

Donald Trump won the presidency of United States!

Some analysis said Trump's triumph had been due to the support from low-end skilled white workers who lost their jobs because of the globalization in recent decades, to them Trump vowed to get the jobs back to America, while Hillary Clinton lost the campaign because she couldn't ignite the passion from Democratic traditional constituiency among "colored" groups even the country had a black president during past eight years.  But weren't creating jobs for the jobless and improving the living condition for the underprivileged the sacrosanct task of any government?  Why couldn't those smart American elite on top grapple with the problems? 

Throughout history, it has been the ruling elite who rules all the time, especially in these democratic days.  But you must know the real ruling elite of America are those Wall Street sharks and those robber barons, and the president is only their chief executive in DC.  However, most of the rich are heartless(為富不仁) most of the time, and they only care about the interests of their own.  Presidents of U.S. must risk their lives to do anything againist the powerful and selfish vested interests of aristocrats.  Therefore, the widening gap between rich and poor has become an inexorable trend that would lead America to a slippery slope, and poor people have had only an useless ballot to vote every four years.   

So China and CCP must know that "為人民服務" is not just a slogan that some people even laugh at it; do practice what you preach.  Where to start with?  Keep on strenously clamping down individual corruption, and avoid the institutional ones from happening in our soil, never.       

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