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2013/07/09 00:06:02瀏覽883|回應1|推薦12

Retiredbum notes:

Ms. Zhang Youyi (Zhang Jiabin) is truly an epitome of traditional Chinese woman and a successful professional woman combined.  From the article, readers can see she is a perfect observer who adheres to the conventional "Three-Obedience ethos of Women":  when being a young lady at home, she followed his parents order to marry Xu Zhimo.  After having married to Xu, she did whatever Xu told her, incluing that compulsory divorce.  Long after her ex-husband Xu died, she still sought her sons concurrence before re-marrying.  What more can we ask a woman to sacrifice all of her own life just to please her men?  In professional field, she was a successful fiance officer, a banker, a professor of German language and a avant-garde fashion designer.  Again, what more accomplishments for a woman with only three-year education at home can achieve?

People may ask why was Xu Zhimo so stupid not to love such a perfect woman.  I just cant give them an answer.  But human affection is  a wonderous thing, and when it comes to love you cant easily judge what is right or wrong with moral standard, especially when Xu is a poet who is always dreaming of the fascinating kind of romance.  So we can suppose that if Xu loves a woman with conventional mindset like her, he probably wont be a poet any more.  On the other hand, we can also suppose that if Ms. Zhang Youyi is not a jilted wife, and she lives with Xu till the end of their days, she probably wont acquire the stature of her own.   

Personally, I admire Ms. Zhang Youyi very much, and I also admire the actress Liu Ruoyin who vividly captures the role of Zhang in the TV drama "人間四月天".  (I didnt finish watching the entire episodes, but I did watch every footage when Liu Ruoyin is playing.) 

P.S.  Ms. Zhang Youyi was a high-born scion from a family of big name.  Her eldest brother Zhang Junmai(Zhang Jiasen) is the main drafter of the Constitution of China, which, basically, is still enforced in Taiwan; her another brother Zhang Gongquan(Zhang Jiaao) was the father of modern banking of China, used to be the chairman of Bank of China, the chairman of Central Bank of China, and once the minister of Communication.   



兒子的回信飛快來到, 令人動容:母孀居守節,逾十年,生我撫我,鞠我育我,劬勞之恩,昊天罔極。今幸粗有樹立,且能自瞻。諸孫長成,全出母訓……母職已盡,母心宜慰,誰慰母氏?誰伴母氏?母如得人,兒請父事。





此後張 幼儀還經歷了失去幼子之痛,但她還是在哥哥的鼓勵下完成了學業。1927 年張幼儀回國,先後在東南大學當德語教師、創辦雲裳服裝公司、擔任女子銀行董事、負責二哥創立的國家社會黨會計事務等等。此外還要侍奉徐志摩雙親,撫養長子成人。



但穿有破洞的褲子,於徐志摩似 乎成了一種宿命。1931117日,在他與陸小曼結婚五週年後的一天,他再勸陸小曼不要吸鴉片、不要和紈?子弟翁瑞午混在一起等等,被陸小曼怒擲煙槍打掉了眼鏡。徐傷感地離家動身去北京,在江浙朋友處盤桓兩日後,搭乘一架免費的郵政飛機赴北京,終於失事。







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Opera? I'm Not Sure
2013/07/09 08:33

Yes, indeed, it's a moving story.  However, I wonder why you think that "人間四月天" is a TV opera.  I would call it a TV drama or a TV mini series.

How do you think?  :) happy

Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2013-07-09 10:23 回覆:
It was a slip of pen of mine.  You're right, it should have been TV drama instead of TV opera, and I've made correction accordingly.  Many thanks!