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試譯 李白清平調 verse one
2016/10/06 07:30:17瀏覽323|回應0|推薦9

Retiredbum notes: 

You may wonder what made me think of translating subject verse.  You know, the verse is selected into an abridged "Tang Poem 300" of kids version that I bought to my granddaughter, and sometimes I would read the poems to her.  Apparently, she had no idea of what I was reading, but she loved to hear the rhymes.  Besides I would also gently croon the adapted song of subject verse, so she loved to hear this one better than others. 

BTW, I remember Ive told you before that a HS music teacher seldom taught us anything related to music in classroom.  But how could he judge our performances in the final?  He asked us to sing a song to him, only to see if we could sing any songs we chose in rhythm, any songs but "紅豆詞" and "清平調" because he thought they are "decadent".   



Imagine her dress like watching the clouds drift by, her countenance the peonies in efflorescence;


or even rosier like glistening dews on railings when spring breeze brushes over. 


If not to be seen on the hill of jades such an ineffable belle,


then only can we meet her in the fairyland beneath the moonbeams.

P.S.  The poem had another two verses, but I think I am not willing and able to translate them, for they are not only like excessive purple proses but also full of flattery; well, kind of "decadent". 

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