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試譯 李白“黄鶴樓送孟浩然之廣陵”
2020/03/03 14:19:53瀏覽984|回應0|推薦15


An old friend said his leave-taking and bid me adieu from Yellow Crane Tower;

烟花三月下揚州 。

amid efflorescence and mist-like willows of March downstream to Yangzhou he went.


Remote shadows of the lone sail and the blue skies were gradually out of sight,


faraway in the horizon could I only see the ever-flowing Long River.

PS  Again I wish March and the springtime will soon get rid of virus from Wuhan, where Yellow Crane Tower is located, and any other places in the world!  FYI, I guess most of the Mainlanders can recite subject famous poem because it is selected in the language textbook of primary schools.  Can our kids do the same in Taiwan?


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