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2015/07/09 13:01:59瀏覽188|回應0|推薦3

When Ms. Hong Xiuzhu announced that she will run the presidency of 2016 for KMT, some media, including some TV pundits, cited the subject famous poem to insinuate that there were no real man who would brave the campaign against the challenge from DPPs female candidate Cai Yinwen.  Well, I guess it was not a felicitous simile because those men, big shots of KMT, feared to fight for their own political calculation, not for the people in Taiwan.  More important, Ms. Hong is not a concubine of any kings; she is trying to save her party, not just lamenting like that Lady Pistil. 

Anyway, I try to give my rederings to the poem:


The king hoists the white flag on battlements,


How can I know it from my boudoir in deep palace,


One hundred and forty thousand soldiers lay down their arms in unison,


Woefully, none of them is a real man. 

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