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English Names
2014/10/23 00:12:06瀏覽151|回應2|推薦4

I read a piece of news today that CCTV urged Mainlanders discreetly choose an English first name if they wanted to, for most English names have their special and traditional meaning, and some non-traditional ones even indistinctly contain some sex insinuation.  In fact, all you have to do is to consult the appendix of a good English-Chinese dictionary and in there you will almost always find what is most suitable to you. 

I've never named myself an English first name in my life before, nor will I ever.  Except in rare cases, I've never call my friends or my colleagues their English name; rather, I would like to call them by their Chinese first names directly if those names comprise two characters.  Of course I would address my bosses their titles directly or with salutations like "Sir or Madam", "Mr. or Ms." in writing.   

Unless extreme necessary, my suggestion is not to adopt an English first name.  Under Wade-Thomas system, some Chinese characters are hard to be correctly pronounced in English, but under Pingyin the disvantage has been greatly improved.  Nevertheless, a netizen who responded the news said that the character "蝶" is "DIE" under Pingyin, so the English name of that late movie star "胡蝶" will be "HU DIE", and it looks kind of weird.  So a lady with single Chinese first name "蝶" had better adopt an English first name if she studies or works in English-speaking countries.  Interesting. 

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pearlz (民進黨抹黑霸凌WHO )
2014/10/23 22:45
An interesting example.
Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2014-10-24 03:57 回覆:

English Names
2014/10/23 06:16

"I've never named myself an English first name in my life before, and neither will I ever. "

Me neither.

I wonder why CCTV brought up this topic.  More or less, they seem encouraging the Chinese people to pick English names.  Among east and south Asian, Chinese are the only one to use English names so frequently at work domestically.  自認有文化風格的大國反而不如周遭中小國。

很不幸,這方面大陸的大城市如上海、北京,受港台影響越來越深,大陸政府應該出來糾正。當然更不應任由 CCTV來變相鼓勵。

Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2014-10-23 12:06 回覆:
Maybe there are too many Mainlanders with their first names of only one character. So it's hard for others calling them by single-character first name, and it's impolite to call them by their whole name. Well, that's only my wild guess. Anyway, as you're saying that it's unnecessary to adopt an English first name and use it just within Chinese circle.