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試譯 王維《輞川閒居贈裴秀才迪》
2023/09/18 11:28:19瀏覽183|回應0|推薦12

寒山轉蒼翠,The mountain turns dark green.

秋水日潺湲Water flows slowly in autumn.

倚杖柴門外, Leaning on the cane outside

臨風聽暮蟬。 listening to the cicadas chirping

渡頭餘落日, Sunlights dim beyond the ferry

墟里上孤煙。 Smoke wafts from villiage chimneys.

復值接輿醉, Here comes that drunken Pei.

狂歌五柳前。 singing freely like Tao again.

PS: A famous calligrapher gave me his writing on this poem with Chinese cursive writing decades ago, and I framed the writing and hung it in my parlor room ever since. I am sorry, but I do not know how to make it an image and post it here. 

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