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Cooking Oil Made From Scraps
2014/09/10 09:46:58瀏覽103|回應2|推薦2

In these days, a food safety case that seriously affecting public health was debunked by some whistle-blower out of southern Taiwan.  A dingy underground "factory" churned out cooking oil material from nauseating scraps and sold its "products" to an ISO-verified company.  The company then let those low-cost material be adulterated with its own stuff to manufacture the cooking oil of its own brand and sold them to a number of famous food companies all over the island as the ingredients of making various food products.  What a disgusting event it is from that we consumers are liable to being the victims of unhealthy food. 

The more disgusting thing is our government's lax attitude towards public health and food safety regulations.  Besides, in Taiwan government always treated such crime as mere fraud, simply unable to prevent similiar cases from recurring, whereas in Mainland government would take any action deemed necessary against such a felonly, including death penalty quickly sentenced and executed.  Some reports said the serious violation of food safety has been basically extinct in Mainland since that poisonous milk powder case, though I am not sure about the veracity of those reports. 

The even more disgusting scene appeared yesterday.  Some products of a well-known bakery named Li Ji(犁記) were found contaminated with that greasy oil.  The bakery decided to accept purchase return from consumers, but report said a remarkable portion of customers took advantage of the policy by making duplicate refund with empty boxes (That is fraud, too).  A senior citizen of my age(if he is a citizen) severely scolded a counter girl and even forced her to eat the returned cake.  The innocent girl(I think she is innocent), feeling so wronged, wept over such a unfair treatment. 

That is what the island looks like!

P.S. I remember I did purchase the products of Li Ji once at COSCO.  Do the consumer dare to protest that big store?      


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pearlz (民進黨抹黑霸凌WHO )
2014/09/11 09:55

我還感覺到一種台灣的特殊現象 -


Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2014-09-12 01:11 回覆:
That's characteristic people of Taiwan: shallow, frothy and tunnel-visioned.
You know, almsot two years ago when I happened to be in New York where had just been heavily damaged by Hurricane Sandy. But I scarely heard any compliant against government or local authorities from radio, TV, newspapers, or people I know. That is a mature, mentally healthy, and self-resatrint socity. The islanders should learn a lot more.

pearlz (民進黨抹黑霸凌WHO )
2014/09/10 12:35


現在出現這個新聞,讓我想到幾個問題: -

1. 台灣人這麼耳根輕,東西好不好都是人云亦雲?

2. 那麼多美食專家品嘗這些食品,都不覺得味道有問題?

3. 台灣人凡事都指責政府機關,竟然自己都沒有一點判斷能力?

I am just wondering。

Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2014-09-11 07:23 回覆:
台灣人這麼耳根輕,東西好不好都是人云亦雲? People in Taiwan are always the fad seekers.
那麼多美食專家品嘗這些食品,都不覺得味道有問題?Well, if those "chemists" could somehow make such dirty oil look transparent, why couldn't they use deordorant to get rid of the bad smell from their "products" and make them yummy in both taste and texture?
台灣人凡事都指責政府機關,竟然自己都沒有一點判斷能力? Because in government we trust, and that is what government for.