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2014/06/26 04:18:43瀏覽169|回應1|推薦5 | |
My internet friend Mr. Reaizuguo advised me of a piece of good writing "美對中國文化冷戰九大絕招:毀滅道德標桿為第一" at http://blog.udn.com/ocean9/14478857. I've read it, and likewise I would like to recommend that you read it at your leisure. When I was a high school student, I liked listening to American pop music. I remember once my father dissuaded me from listening to those "decadent music" because in case one day Sino-American war broke out and if Americans broadcast their music on the front, then I would totally tune out and put my arms down without even fighting a fight.(四面楚歌?) And my father emphasized the kind of music was some form of invisible but intangible cultural invasion which will gradually erode our core value that had been traditionally ingrained in our heart, and thus will be replaced by the American one, like what US Information Bureau, which is located next door to my school, was doing in Taiwan. Although I listened to American pop partly for improving my reading comprehension, still I must admit that I had been unconsicously influenced by the so-called American culture and value.(Not any more now.) Then I went to college. A teacher told us the purpose of learning history is to build up national confidence. Needless to say, true history must be based on facts, and the historical facts are things of objective existence; but people can give them different intepretation from which we can have subjective view of our own. For example, I didn't do much textual research on Korean history, but I believe they might once reside at or even occupy Mt. Changbai throughout history. Those may have been facts and so they claim the mountains belong to them. But other facts reveal that Chinese people have had the land much longer than Koreans did, and more importantly, now China effectually control and own the land. The frustrated Koreans then invented new words as substitute for Chinese characters and even concocted some false history to claim a lot of things and people that don't have anything do with them. Ridiculous? Not to Koreans, for they are defending the cultural invasion from China, and that reflects they want to restore their national self-confidence. We must defend ourselves against foreign cultural invasion, or other forms of libel and rumor as well; it's an intangible war of words but is vital for China's restoration and rise. Remember, the world is made of words. |
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