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2017/07/16 15:06:25瀏覽547|回應2|推薦5 | |
Mr. Liu Xiaobo, a Chinese dissident and a laureate of Nobel peace award, died of liver cancer the other day at only 62. Anyone should feel sorry for him and his bereaved wife, for just as English poet John Donne wrote in his famous poem Meditation that " any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankind; and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee." Someone lined me several pieces of Liu's "quotations" as attached below. Same as the bracketed notes, I am not sure about those words had been out of Mr. Liu's mouth or pens. Though I doubt its veracity, I must say anyone who'd said those words must have been a frenzied quisling, being totally out of his or her mind. Everybody in China's territory(including Hong Kong and Taiwan) could have his or her own political point of view, but it should not impair the interest and happiness of the MAJORITY of Chinese people. You may dislike the incumbent government of China, but you just can't harm China herself and her people for your personal ideology, and that is the bottom line. (Don't tell me your notion is an universal truth.) To hell with that universal value: democracy of American style.
刘晓波:欢迎美国兵来解放中国。 刘晓波:圆明园大火烧得好。 刘晓波:说亚洲四小龙经济成功证明儒学有一定现代价值,这是胡说八道! 也是忘恩负义。如果没有美国,这些国家可能什么都没有! 这是东方人的丑恶,东方人面临着人的解放的问题。 刘晓波:中国要引进总理,中国人要改变人种,应该解散中国,要做三百年殖民地! 刘晓波:今夜,我们是美国人。 愿上帝保佑美国! 刘晓波:中国文化的危机不是民族性的问题,是人种关系 刘晓波:二战失败后,日本忍受着被美军占领的耻辱。。。。。。用了不到四十年的时间,就从战争的废墟上再次崛起世界第二的经济强国。(此时刘晓波对日本的民族主义军国主义似乎有视而不见了,对日本的遭遇充满同情和崇拜?) 如果这是真的 刘先生说的,难怪西方人那么追捧此人,难怪中国要把他关起来。香港 反骨仔 难怪要响应他。 |
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